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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Solution idea: after eating all the popped kernals, reseal the bag (staples?) with the unpopped kernals and give them a second chance in the microwave. Be sure to report back if you try this.
  2. For the last 3 days straight, I've been digitizing my musical output from when I was a kid up until shortly after highschool... stacks of cassettes, unlabelled CDRs... some embarrassing, some pretty interesting... over 6 hours of material so far. My brain feels twitchy, and I'm struggling to make sense of my life. In a sense it's a FWS, but it's also unearthing some existential "what has it all meant?" bullshit. I listen back to some of it and feel proud of younger me, but also feel sorry/sad for that lonely little guy. Also, why the fuck didn't I ever label anything?
  3. I remember the exact route I was walking first time I listened to Syro. I should try to recreate my first Syro listening experience sometime soon. The weather's just about right for it.
  4. People re-encoding low quality mp3s into 320kbps mp3s and posting them online are my biggest FWP right now. Why is this so common? Makes absolutely no sense. What is anybody gaining from this? Almost makes me want to stop pirating music altogether... but I don't think I could afford my old CD-buying ways right now. Oh yeah, and the gaps!!! I've received legit digital downloads directly from labels where there's gaps between all tracks including the ones that are supposed to flow together. Why the gaps???
  5. Would this extend to remixes that were made specifically for remix contests hosted on soundcloud? Or would that be considered "official"?
  6. There was a couple synthesized vocals, sounds and key arpeggios in the track I posted that reminded me, but again there are far more differences than similarities. I'm not familiar with NDAD's work at all.
  7. Okay, yeah I'm definitely hearing some of the same elements in the NDAD track Sable Leathery Wings, although it's far more dance oriented. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SIcZcc7kLQ Love that receipt print-out sample that stabs you in the eye.
  8. I don't know, a lot of the time I'll recognize something as being clever/hilarious but don't necessarily laugh. In those cases it's good to have a phrase like "toplel" to show my appreciation for the thing. *although I've never used that particular phrase.
  9. I can't believe I only just noticed this thread. I have all sorts of terrible film ideas but never had the courage to start a thread for them, So far I've only read this page, and it is quite good. I shall return.
  10. do you know any other releases with a similar sound? I'm just utterly speechless at how much I love this, love every bit of it, not a single track that I dislike after first listen, unlike Syro, TH other releases by 0pn... this is amazing There's not much that sounds like it as a whole. There are various albums that contain sounds and ideas that remind me of OPN's work here, but all contain far more differences than similarities. This album's pretty original.
  11. I like the NWA/Autechre hybrid interpretation. If every time I read "nwae" I imagined what that might sound like, I'd be happy.
  12. Listening to a song demo from a potential recording client... it's extraordinarily bad. But I need money, so I must find something good about it and give him some positive encouragement. Usually I am able to do this without much of a struggle, but I'm really grappling here.
  13. After two listens, I'm pretty well enamored with this album. The combination of the cheesy instrument-emulating synths and the aggressive sample sequencing sort of reminds me of the newer Skinny Puppy and ohGr stuff (newer as in this side of the century). I haven't heard that aesthetic used much elsewhere.
  14. I've been getting this dull ache in my lower right abdominal region lately. it's very subtle, and not uncomfortable, but it's definitely there. In the back of my mind I'm worried it might be something horrible that will kill me... but in the front of my mind I'm more like "meh, whatever, if I ignore it maybe it'll go away". Which is crazy! My instinct for self preservation sucks balls. Anyway, after 2 weeks of wondering if this thing might be something to be concerned about I finally called my doctor's office to set up an appointment today, but they were closed (at 3pm???). Hopefully tomorrow I'll still have the sense to try to do something about this.
  15. This is the first OPN album that's really grabbed me on my first listen. It makes me want to listen to Howard Shore's old Cronberg soundtracks and Soisong... and rewatch Child of Rage. Also, love the jarring 80's guitar shredding on that one track. Good stuff.
  16. But it takes even less effort to do neither of those.
  17. I have 3,666 unread emails in my inbox that have mounted up over the years. Pretty sure I looked at all the important ones though.
  18. is it a good quality rip? I've had a lot of first listens ruined by 128kbps or lower encodings posing as 320kbps mp3s. OPNs's commissions were one such casualty.
  19. but your music isn't, so i refuse to believe that you couldn't dream wonderment .. big up yoeslef. Thanks. I shall try to dream better music next time around. But it may just be that my subconscious has bad taste.
  20. I dreamt a melody and remembered it once, quickly jotted it down with piano in reason. It was exceptionally mediocre.
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