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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. lol, he really has a hate on for hippies, but I think he's a closet case. You could be on to something.
  2. Almost everyone who comes to record has cell/smartphones, many of which no doubt are using bluetooth, so that's probably not it. As for gadgets/jewelery, I'm not sure, but there was nothing that I noticed. I was wondering if maybe he's carrying around an excessive amount of static electricity.
  3. So, this is pretty weird... I just had a vocal session where every time the client stepped up to the mic to record, the signal would cut out either right away or after a few seconds. I did a factory reset of the board, then did some troubleshooting using my own voice and everything seemed to be back to normal. So I get him to record the part again, and again it cuts out right after he starts singing. Here's where it gets weird. After a few more tries of this, I go up to the mic and sing some randomness. No matter how long I sing for, I cannot replicate the problem. Then he'll step up to the mic and immediately it will happen again. There are no significant volume differences between our voices. We're both standing as close to still as humanly possible. All the variables are the same. Yet any time I record it works perfectly and every time he tries the signal cuts out --we repeated this process maybe 20 times over, and every time the results were the same. Can people cause electrical disturbances? That sounds like some pseudoscience bullshit, but I can't think of any logical reason why this would keep happening only for him and not me. In fact, the last time I had this problem was about two months ago, during a session where the same guy was singing. I've recorded vocals for an entire album and then some since then with not a single instance of the signal cutting out like this. Serious WTF. The really bad news is that after we shut things down, I smelled electrical burning. There's a good chance my board is fucked now. Hopefully I can find a comparable rental board until I get this sorted out.
  4. This post was actually in response to someone confused as to why the soundcloud had gone from 152 to 150 tracks... I'm not just randomly blurting things out in here. I'm guessing girl/boy dark is the other one that got removed.
  5. I know red calx disappeared at some point. (The slow version is still on there.)
  6. Shit man, I need to get caught up on your releases --will send money soon!
  7. One thing i took from all this was that his stylistic phases have been very well represented in his official releases. I haven't noticed anything in these tracks that is drastically different from what's covered in his albums/EPs/remixes, and his signature sound is all over all of it. Whoever runs that rare afx site needs to get their ears checked. (I haven't heard the last 20 yet... might be some uncharted territory in there.)
  8. You should smash a bottle in his face. Problem solved. FWP: I can't escape this dream where RDJ keps uploading unreleased tracks to soundcloud. I mean, it's a cool dream, but what if I never wake up?
  9. I was thinking about doing that, but mostly for homemade comps of favorite tracks -that sort of thing. Not sure I'll actually follow through with that. Most of these tracks match up remarkably well sonically with one another.
  10. I'm sure someone's already mentioned they're available to download from the SC at 320kbps, but I didn't see that on the last couple pages... so just in case, I'm mentioning it now.
  11. The piano progression I was just working on resolves the same way the theme from Midnight Cowboy does... but I really love how that sounds. It's going to pain me to change it to something else, but I know that I must.
  12. Haha, well our experience was sort of the reverse of that. Kinky sex was presumed (with slim chance of someone actually being tortured) until we concluded the yelps were of dog origin. I love (some, but not all types of) dogs, but oh my god little toy yappy dogs drive me absolutely insane. I know exactly the scream you're talking about. haha That torturous scream makes me wonder what the dog is actually experiencing.. some kind of horrific existence maybe. Yeah, it really sounds like it's going through sheer hell for hours on end, like a torment I couldn't even begin to imagine.
  13. New tenants moved in below us. They have a yappy dog. Presumably they go to work around 7am, because that's when the terror screams begin (courtesy of yappy dog). The first morning it happened was bone chilling. My gf woke me to say it sounded like a woman was being tortured in the apartment below us. I was genuinely freaked out, because that pretty well summed up the sounds I was hearing. Eventually the lack of consonant sounds led me to the conclusion it was not human, but for a while there I thought we were being privvy to either some really extreme S&M shit or I don't even wanna know. But yeah... antichrist dog it must be. Yesterday the screeches lasted until late in the afternoon. Today they subsided a lot quicker, possibly thanks to an angry neighbor who retaliated by banging loudly on the walls... might've scared the dog into silence. The banging is what woke me up today, twice. I think I was finally getting used to tuning the dog out, but angry neighbors who make the walls tremble are harder to ignore. Also, my cat's a total wreck during these periods. He either cowers in a corner or hides in a cupboard until the terror screams stop. He won't even come out for food! It pains me to see him so pathetic.
  14. Haha, thanks for the second world input guys. Good advice for sure, much appreciated! But instead of exercizing I've been working on new song demos for my band -finished two today! I also finally got around to submitting our music for this band of the month radio thing that we've put off for ages. So today's been a success, and getting all that shit done felt pretty good. I shall try to keep this momentum going, as advised!
  15. So is second world actually a thing then? I've only ever heard anyone mention first and third worlds up until now. I've always wondered about this mysterious second world no one speaks of. depression maybe? I get super tired when depressed. Yeah, i think this is it... though it's in no way comparable to the dark depressions some people I know get. I'd feel like an imposter if I were to get in on the depression thread at this point. It's more of a first world problem depression than a depression depression.
  16. I'm constantly tired these past few weeks. All i want to do is sleep. No flu symptoms or anything like that... I don't get it.
  17. I am hilariously awkward when meeting a client for the first time. My small talk skills are laughably bad. As soon as we get down to business it's all good and comfortable, but those first 15 minutes of getting settled in with a new person is just a comedy of errors for me. Luckily most people find my awkwardness sort of endearing... I hope. i could sure do without it.
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