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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. What if you just brought down the volume on the brickwalled stuff so that dynamic stuff can maintain its clarity? My head aches slightly due to last night's drinking. Also, wearing a dress feels a little too comfortable.
  2. Haha, nah... this music would best remain anonymous. *terrible page break!
  3. Nice! I came here with a minor facebook victory of my own - Zephyr Nova page finally has 200 likes. So paltry, yet so... much better than 100! PS: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Zephyr-Nova/113719935371074
  4. did they ask for "dubstep" ? lol, yes, in a roundabout way. They wanted something "modern" sounding, and used examples featuring cheesy brostep synth wankery. Today I added the brostep synth wank, and that's what lead to it becoming the worst thing I ever did --it replaced the vibraphone-ish meldy I had in there prior, which was admittedly prob not the best choice either. Anyway, I added a filter on that obnoxious brostep part, added some delay to it's rhythmic synth counterpart, and now it sounds weirdly cohesive.
  5. Ugh... I relistened to it after having an internet break, and it's even worse than I thought! I might be out of my element with this one.
  6. I'm doing music for an ad for an app company, and it may well be the most tasteless electronic music I've ever made. Gonna lol hard if they're thrilled with it... and I have a feeling they will be, based on what they've requested. So many clashing elements... ad music is weird.
  7. i was wondering if i can find something in the hip-hop world that i could ad to my playlist. my fav composers are beethoven and autechre. usually other things that i listen to these days are vhs head, afx, plaid, murcof, snd, bach, rhythm&sound, ligeti, parmegiani, mika vainio, pole, tetsu inoue, raster noton shit, so to know what i'm after the easiest would be for you to find the common denominator between them. also, i'm have very low threshold for stupidity and that's only i could found in hip-hop. i just dont care about the things they're occupied with and they just can't get over them selfs. ass nigga! Well... I've had similar problems getting into a lot of rap music, though I'm sometimes amused by the misogyny, posturing and general ridiculousness... but yeah it is hard to find hip hop where I care about both the lyrics and the musical arrangements. Clipping pleases me pretty deeply on an aesthetic level, and they've got a lot of interesting things going on in their arrangements. The lyrics are often satirical, written in third person (so you get a break from the "me me me" bullshit), and make good use of imagery... it's not exactly highbrow stuff, but it puts an interesting twist on things. I think you might like it, as it's more on the experimental side, and the composition of the tracks themselves are actually pretty engaging and quite original. Check it: midcity by clipping. Funkstorung's tracks that feature rappers are always a fun listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnvfzXBbxME&list=PLN-3ij4w3F4wG1nHGkgzmhQa6WFyCF4mn&index=5
  8. omfg ableton keeps undoing all my cross fades, this is the most irritating program bug ever, fuuuuuck aaaaaaahhhh stoooooooop, hate you ableton!!!
  9. The other thing that's important is to allow the "shit" to happen. If you're not well immersed in the practice of doing something, it'll prob be a little rough until you're a little further into the habit of it. So even if you think something you're doing sucks, it's usually still good to see it through to the end so that you've got that experience under your belt. Then once you've accrued a lot of experience doing whatever it is you're doing, you can start being a little more ruthless with your art and say "this idea is bad and not worth pursuing any further." But I think when you're starting out with something, it's a good practice to even see the bad ideas through to the end. Sometimes you can learn the most from those.
  10. I've actually given the opposite advice to peopple a number of times. Sometimes i think it's necessary to kickstart your creativity. When i've felt uninspired I've forced myself to work on creative projects and usually find once an idea forms it ends up inspiring other ideas, which gets me out of the rut. It might not even be a great idea, but once the creative juices get flowing again it can become something better. If I didn't do this sort of thing I'd probably wait around forever for lightning to strike and never get anything done.
  11. Yum! How is it? It makes my taste buds tingle.
  12. My girlfriend baked a motherfucking blackberry pie! Summer is officially on!
  13. I "paper cut" myself on the cardboard packaging of my microwavable lunch and now my cuticle keeps filling up with blood.
  14. Is it designed to pause the music when the headphone is unplugged? Also. Not as irritated as you would have been had you continued listening to ceephax acid crew. It's not the jack --if I pull the jack out it just keeps playing, and the jack connection is very secure. Is it possible for static electricity to interfere with mp3 players? That's been my theory since this thing started, but it's never been brought up in other discussions of this problem online... but neither has the tick sound which always accompanies it. Also, your taste in music may be questionable.
  15. I set a trap for the fruitflies that have been populating my kitchen of late. As of an hour ago there were 8 of them in there, and I was pleased with how well the trap was working. So I got to making my pasta dinner, turned back to the trap and low and behold 5 of them had escaped! I think perhaps the saran wrap got too loose after I moved it to get it out of my cat's reach. God damn. My other problem is that while prepping dinner I was listening to Ceephax Acid Crew on my iPod, which kept stopping randomly with a static "tick sound" --this must have happened 10 times. WTF!! I'm so irritated right now.... anyone know what might cause an iPod to stop randomly like that? It works fine most of the time, but once it starts stopping randomly like this it keeps doing it until I take a break from listening (of a few hours+). I have the worst luck with portable music devices. I had to stop using my discman because it stopped functioning altogether. I had to stop using my smart phone for mp3s because it constantly interrupted my listening with a female voice going "say a command". So I finally caved and got an iPod, now this bullshit. Why doesn't anything work?
  16. Nah, they were trying to sell them and he went to their house with a gun and was like "give me your puppies if you don't wanna die!" I made up that quote, but the rest of it is essentially how it went down. They were presumably some rare breed of dog going for a lot of money. The same week he shot some middle aged lady in the hip. Dude's hardcore.
  17. Alright, so this is kind of weird --my friend's coworker (front desk, hotel) went to jail many years ago, for a couple reasons, one of which was stealing three puppies at gunpoint from someone who was selling them on craigslist. So yesterday I knew she was going to be working with him and joked that she should bring in some puppies, announce she was selling them, and see what happens. She obviously didn't. But turns out she didn't have to, because one of the hotel guests walked in with 3 puppies while they were working, and announced she was selling them! Needless to say my friend was a bit unnerved by how much he was fawning over them. After the guest leaves, he simply states "I love puppies." Heheh, yeah, so we read... I'm kind of uneasy about my friend working with this guy, as it's just the two of them, during the night shift, and he has a history of violence and suffers from PTSD. I am however looking forward to some good work stories. This guy's past is fucking insane.
  18. I can't watch the Weird Al FWP video because it is streaming at a quality higher than my computer can handle.
  19. Damn, crazy to think the gap between 10,000 Days and now has been two years longer than the one between Lateralus and 10,000 Days (mostly because it demonstrates how much faster time moves as you get older... feels like 10,000 Days was about 5 years ago).
  20. Yeah it was pretty easy to transition to Acid from there, which has been my main DAW for electronic music up until last month. I'm giving Ableton a shot now, since my fungus comp submission. I'm liking that I can drag audio from one track to another very easily once again, somethinng Acid fights against. But man do I ever miss the quick pitch shift shift short key (+ = up 1 semitone, - = down 1 --composing melodies went so much faster in Acid). Sorry for the minor thread derailment...
  21. Yeaaah Vegas represent! Using video editing software to sequence audio is the way to go. I started making the iddums on Vegas because it's what I already had, but it's crazy that an established artist would be using that program so late in the game. I just used it because it happened to be the program my friend pirated to make recordings with my first band. It still has the coolest time stretch/condense feature of any progam I've used --shift/drag.
  22. Oh man, just saw this video... soooo good. Ceephax is the best. I put him right up there with Aphex, Ae, and that wacky brother of his.
  23. I would kill for some spaghetti right now.
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