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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. I didn't understand any of that, but Geoff Barrow is pretty cool, and those videos would probably serve better in that thread you started about favorite songs.
  2. Thanks for posting this two years ago! Awkward nerd character study docs are the best, but this one went some unexpected dark places. I wonder if his life has changed much since making it.
  3. Excellent. By the way, I downloaded AMV - I Hope You Have... album earlier this year, and it's top notch. Is there more on the way? Downloading Twenty-Eight now, which I somehow missed before. Guys, modey makes good metal.
  4. An angry young metalhead looked me in the eye as he passed me on the street and yelled "you're all SOULless FUCKing LOSers! What the HELL?!?!" And then proceeded to kick over a sandwich board. I felt like I was in Norway.
  5. Thanks for the tips. It's not so much that i don't remember dreams, it's just that they're usually pretty mundane and not that complex. But funny enough my subconscious did do the third person camera thing last night, and the dream actually got kind of interesting/ridiculous. Describing it right now seems like a daunting task though, since conveying it adequately to other people would require a fair bit of ingenuity in the telling of it. But I'll keep thinking about it and maybe attempt describing it later.
  6. Damn, I wish my dreams were one tenth that elaborate/fantastic. My subconscious never does that third person camera thing.
  7. Goiter Sanchez just played three bingos in a row against me in Scrabble.
  8. Someone successfully stole one of my city's ferries for a few hours. Wasn't me, but I still feel like I've achieved something.
  9. Whoa, crazy! I dreamt that I was collecting cans from a neighbor's recycle box so that I could put them in the big blue recycle bin outside my apartment. Wasn't even going to collect deposit, just transfer them from one recycle box to a another. /dream
  10. I listened once and it made me feel physically sick. Maybe something to do with it embodying everything I hate about western culture in musical form. I guess that's what makes it good though... he certainly gets the retarded culture he represents, maybe better than anyone else.
  11. This is the first I've heard of whatever the hell this is (if it's something other than boxing day).
  12. Wow, this is the first new SF episode I've seen in years! And just so happens to be on my birthday too, which is perfect.
  13. Shiiiit, just stumbled upon this thread now three years after its inception. Appropriate that I should notice it right after finishing what is potentially the final piece for my own ambient album. I wonder how much influence this thread would have had on the final outcome had I noticed it earlier!
  14. But even if they did top Lateralus, they still wouldn't top Aenima.
  15. I didn't know you lived in Victoria. I pass through there once a year. I'm pretty rapey looking myself. I shall keep my eyes peeled for my fellow rapey looking brethren (and if they don't like the IDMs I shall murder them, just like the guy in my ID would).
  16. I look like the rapiest serial killer in all of Canada on my new photo ID.
  17. Me too but I cannot go because strangely I will be in Canada at the time. Maybe I could sit in on yours. I'm cool with that. It's not until early Jan though... hopefully I won't have forgotten about it by that point.
  18. Rob almost answered one of my questions twice, but didn't quite follow through with it both times. The question's invalid now because it was regarding what I should listen to on the way to the studio today. *wang deactivated*
  19. Are you avid coffee/caffeine drinkers? I tend to drink a lot of coffee when I'm working on creative projects as it tends to make the ideas flow faster, helps bring out the madness. Also, I'm still curious if you guys ever deconstruct bits from old tracks and reintegrate into new tracks. I'll often hear something in a new ae track that reminds me of a sound/part of an older one, and I'm never sure if it's a coincidence due to similar methods being used, or if it's deliberately self-referential (which I think is cool, in case this is coming off as a criticism --it's not intended that way. I just find this sort of thing interesting). Sorry if you answered and I missed it.
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