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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. I'm enjoying Hanatarashi's self-titled album right this moment (Yamantaka Eye's old noise project: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanatarash). Cock Combat's one of the most satisfying noise percussion freak outs ever. I love that they have an album titled William Bennett Has No Dick.
  2. Well the album art's rad. I can't view the videos because the internet hates Canada. I'm a little bothered by the fact that I kind of want to hear the album even though I thought the last two were horribly cheesy and mediocre. I've clearly been damaged by music journalists and public opinion or I would have absolutely no interest in this. Either that I just want to listen to something that has that cover. I wish that were my album art.
  3. Facebook Scrabble app has been removed???? Fuuuuuuuuuu
  4. Sweet, gotta hear that. I agree with the general consensus that most of his releases this last decade pale in comparison to the stuff he was doing in the late 80's and 90's, but I love the direction his album art has taken. Government Alpha's been kicking my ass this week. He's one of my new favorites. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o97jr-1_FKI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlndnwjf-2M
  5. I paid for an awesome Japanese meal only to throw it all up 5 hours later (along with a bunch of vanilla vodka). On the upside, when I got out of bed today I turned to my gf and said "I okonomiyakked last night" which got a lol.
  6. DOD Corrosion. Fuck yeah DOD for lyfe! watmm needs a distortion pedal sub forum.
  7. The DOD Thrash Master.... which I found! It was at a friend's house for some weird reason (I've never had cause to use it there, but maybe it got transferred along with some cables). Also found was my Marshal channel switching pedal, which I thought had been lost at a show a few months ago. Funny enough, since putting the thrash master back into the pedal array I've decided it doesn't actually improve things. So I subbed in my boss compressor pedal and that gave it the extra kick it needed. This should really be in the First World Success thread, but I'm here now.
  8. I don't remember much about my dream, except there was some new product on the market I was trying out. The product: a cat that had its voice box removed and a remote control with options like "snarl" and "torment". My girlfriend was urging me to use it, so I pushed a button and the cat tried to hiss or something, but there was no sound. gf was like "try one of the others, sometimes it makes the craziest sounds", so I pushed another and the cat made this horrible distressed wheeze. Then i thought "wait, why is this even a product? This is horrible." /dream.
  9. I can't find my favorite distortion pedal and have a noise show in a week. It was also the first pedal I ever got (i think I was 10). So this is shitty for both practical and personal reasons.
  10. God damn that's a lot of Reznor cliches for one song. Rhyming couplets, that verse vocal melody, that chord combo for the chorus AGAIN (equivalent of Cmaj, Amin, Emaj for two bars/repeat transposed wherever), and that descending guitar lead with that particular effect that he's been raping since Fragile. I wonder if he just doesn't realize he's already written and produced this a dozen times before, or if he just doesn't care. It's weird that a guy who wrote two of the most unique albums of the 90's could fall back onto the same generic musical patterns over and over again without being self conscious about it (I can only assume he isn't or it wouldn't happen so much). Surely he has a few honest colleagues who have pointed it out to him. Ah well, guess he doesn't really need to prove anything at this point, but if it were someone else's formula he was aping he'd be sued for plagiarism by this point.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxUVCkY8km0
  12. Well, she's mentioned the physical sensation itself is enjoyable. Mentally she fantasizes that's with a woman getting fucked with a strap-on or something. i don't know, I can't explain why she's convinced she's gay and not bi. It's as nonsensical to me as it would be to anyone else reading this.
  13. That half hour of not needing to spring into action makes a world of difference for me.
  14. I know a guy who's been in a 7 year relationship with a lesbian, complete with kid. Of course that's only if you buy into her insistence that she is a lesbian, despite taking the dick for 7 years. I believe that she believes she's a lesbian, and that's what counts. I had one other male friend who also was in a relationship with a girl who had classified herself as a lesbian up until their relationship started. So maybe there's hope.
  15. Glad you're still in one piece usagi. I had a meeting on my calendar scheduled for 1pm and was annoyed that I was going to have to rush my lazy wake up hours to be on time, but apparently he thought it was for 1:30. Laze I shall.
  16. yeah, there's no colbert or daily show to d/l this week, that's what i usually watch whilst munching away. Because of the new extra line after posts, I thought your response was actually a quote of one of my earlier posts and I was blown away that you remembered something I said years back, using the past me to answer the present me... then I was like "what the hell -I never said "whilst!"... then I got it. I used to watch Colbert and Daily Show all the time when I had cable, but I've never thought to download it. I bet it's all streamable somewhere too. FWP: need to do dishes, miss having a dish washer, terrible day old coffee aftertaste, kind of wish the clock on the wall was silent, ditto for the fridge.
  17. A friend did that recently with regards to donating to a charity she supports. I didn't respond. FWP: no idea what I should watch while I eat pizza.
  18. Can't get the CNN supervirus vid to stream, can't get facebook scrabble to load, so filled with cyber fury right now...
  19. Nice. I only had that happen once, but my melody was kind of lame. I quickly jotted it down in Reason though anyway, then cursed my subconscious for being so lackluster.
  20. FWP: the people I'm relying on for getting paid don't have money (now and in general). FWP2: my computer keeps running out of batteries even though it's plugged into the wall.
  21. Ask her out, modey. And suggest this to her: But whatever you do don't watch the rest of that movie.
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