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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. As a continuation of Arpa's theme. ...and cwm's too I guess.
  2. I observed myself thinking a moment ago, and now too also though.
  3. Ugh, yeah. Same thing on the dating apps. "I feel most empowered when I'm helping a client." "Passionate about going to the gym."
  4. An extended period of time where everyone you meet is overtly friendly towards you and things seem to fall into place, inexplicably. I'm going to call this phenomena... providessence.
  5. I rent out a cabin in the back of a friend's property, so I still see them (a couple) daily, although I've mostly been keeping to myself writing/recording some synth-pop album type thing. Halfway into the third song today.
  6. Noooo! Not the testicle festival! There goes my highlight of the year. Make music non-stop.
  7. Are you using the pointless observations thread as a substitute for the Most IDM 2020 thread now that it's closed? Because I'm pretty sure this would have won. What a comp that would have been.
  8. Cancel that success. Sound not saved. FU Matrix 6. Your logic stinks.
  9. The save function for the Matrix 6 was exactly what I thought it would be. Love it when technology is in sync with my intuition (so far everything on this synth is. Yay for well designed, logical things).
  10. ... my mom said she went for a drive along the waterfront, and saw tons off people hanging out in groups on the beach, no social boundaries whatsoever. I replied "well I guess ignorance is bliss until you're drowning in your own mucus." She laughed at that and I was proud of her. Could've easily landed poorly. Mom +1.
  11. I finally did a grocery run + the liquor store happened to be open beside it. Both areas obvious hotbeds for the 'vid. Had two pairs of latex gloves with me, one for each store, disinfecting my hands before putting on either. Even had on my mostly useless ninja mask, which the liquor store clerk made me remove to check ID. You'd think they'd let that slide in an attempt to reduce the likelihood of themselves catching my otherwise concealed (potential) face aids. Only saw a couple other people wearing gloves, though I did see a lot of face masks. Left some groceries for my ma outside her back door, then chatted with her for a bit - me on the sundeck, her in the kitchen. She's a refrigerator meat bandit luckily, so she'll be good for food for a long time (I brought her bread, ginger ale and tonic water, as per request). Saw quite a few ambulances flashing about.... possibly I'm adding more significance to that because of the situation. I do see them a fair bit anyway. One of my clients witnessed a guy jump off the 40 ft hill behind his house, after urging him not to do it. Guy seemed to still be alive when paramedics came... Also, a family friend collapsed and died a couple days ago, not Corona related. Jesus fucking christ, 2020.
  12. Wait, so if you defeated Rubin Farr you had to fight Dolly Parton? Nintendo always was ahead of the curve.
  13. Blast from the past.... Fear Factory - Resurrection. I wish they didn't make such stupid edits to the song for this, but it's otherwise a great video representation of the sound: The album still holds up for me.
  14. Damn, curious about that Barq's vanilla now. Although I kind of swore of pop since my last (and very recent) filling. The fact it's clear is a little suspect though. I never trust a clear soda.
  15. Worst April fools prank ever.
  16. Contactless delivery (leaving on doorstep) now mandatory + no cash orders for Skip deliveries. These are unfortunate circumstances, but forgetting that for a moment, this is becoming more and more my dream job.
  17. Weird - I tried this before and it just opened the file, but this time it worked. Thanks! That's what stopped functioning (along with the control/click option). But but... why did this start happening and how can I change things back to the way they used to be?
  18. I started growing my face pubes out again to up my post-apocalypse cred.
  19. Had some pad thai tonight. Made me think of pizza, because that's also delicious.
  20. Keeping your distance only does so much, considering the virus could potentially remain in the air for a few hours via a cough or whatever. The chances that you have it are of course very unlikely (1/25,000, give or take for UK at present). But if you had it and you were walking around in public, it would likely spread to other people regardless of whether you kept your distance or not.
  21. The "rename file" option on my macbook seems to have disappeared. Normally I just click the file, click again, rename - simple. But this does not work either. wtf. Anyone have any ideas? My google searches have been useless.
  22. I will only accept that racist pinata if it is filled with chow mein.
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