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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Limiters are often little bitches. My frequent mix dilemma despite so many years experience is that despite always trying to start with tons of headroom, I always end up going into the red by the end of it, and then when I need to remedy that I've already got volume automation on everything (and for some reason no program ever has an option to just bring automated tracks down an even 2db or whatever). Bringing the master down does nothing to bring back the headroom (just sounds squashed). So I always have to meticulously adjust all automation accordingly. I feel like an amateur every time it happens... which is literally every time.
  2. Reused the old grinds already in my moka pot. Hilariously bad cup of anything. Still drinking it.
  3. Maybe this is what finally fixes the socialism-is-bad hysteria?
  4. The number of people infected in Canada tripled in the last 3 days. Exponential growth eh.
  5. I did that briefly, but then realized if a deer was just hanging out in the road I wouldn't see it time, so quickly put them back on.
  6. Was the sole driver on the highway last night, just about. It was eerie, and kind of beautiful. I got a chance to just look around at the scenery instead of keeping my eyes straight ahead, as is the usual highway protocol. Gotta say, I'm a big fan of the whole no traffic thing. if it could just be like this always, but without all the sickness/suffering/dying... that would be p cool.
  7. There are 4 business establishments out of many hundreds in my city that have been identified as having at least one Covid infected person coming from them, 1 of which just so happens to be the waxing spa my friend worked at, the friend I've been in isolation with the last week and a half. What are the chances? Anyway, she was scheduled to work the day the person went there, but luckily she had just quit so didn't come in for her shift. However, she did go there the next day to tie up some loose ends, and came in contact with people who were working there the day before. So far she has no symptoms, but she's not outside the 2 week window yet. It's a good thing my capacity for anxiety is severely stunted, otherwise I'd be freaking out right now.
  8. The clipping resonant synths at the towards the end of g 1 e 1. ? So much tasty resonance on that whole piece. Reminds me of really old electronic compositions from days of yore (long before me or ae existed)
  9. I rescind my cancellation - discovered a switch on the back that prevents or allows saves (this was within 5 min of that post, but I was too distracted to fulfill my watmm obligations).
  10. Stepped on my pants in the night, which triggered the "panic" button on my car keys, which trigger my car alarm system, which probably woke some neighbours up. lel.
  11. Josh Freese is one other drummer that comes to mind... largely in the rock camp, but like 20 different acts, from Ween to Sting.
  12. I haven't noticed it a lot with drummers. It's actually weird to me how many musicians stick to one thing, or if they have another project it doesn't fall too far from their first one. There's so much to music explore in only one lifetime.
  13. New cases between yesterday and today in Canada spiked by by over 300%. They dropped 50% between Sun and Mon, so I was hopeful we might be on a decline. But no, that was just the calm before the storm apparently. I wonder why there would be such a wild shift in the pattern like that - biggest drop off followed up immediately with the biggest jump. My first thought was people going back to work on Mon, but that wouldn't be it unless symptoms were visible overnight... which I'm pretty sure is not how these things work. So... weird, and alarming.
  14. Wow, those are 3 extremely different projects to play drums in.
  15. Fish tacos are served everywhere now, and from my experience they're generally disgusting.
  16. It's the cardboard box you have to worry about. The virus can live there for quite a long time. With any takeout stuff you should microwave it into hotness before consuming. Which, as it so turns out, makes McDonald's double cheeseburgers quite satisfying I'm ashamed to say. Everything just melts into itself.
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