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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Well, you didn't miss out on much, and your teeth will thank you for it.
  2. How old are you? More importantly, how did you avoid every birthday party throughout elementary school?
  3. I think the chances of it being a different shitty cold are still much greater than it being the corona (which is still pretty rare, if stats are to be believed). My friend's brother had a fever and some other cold symptoms last week, phoned her up convinced that he had it, and this week he's fine. But yeah, natural to fear the worst with all the public hysteria. And you're right to call the hotline, of course. But the odds are still well in your favour. Rest up!
  4. I prefer Wu Tang virus, which works because of that twitter post they made a few days back.
  5. The tiniest abrasion just under my nose is bleeding like I took a cheese grater to my face. Completely unreasonable amount of blood for the size of this thing.
  6. Dreamt I was pushing my nephew on something with wheels in the yard, but went too fast, causing him to fall out and hit his face on rocks. Shit. My brother was right there too. Pretty terrible dream tbqh.
  7. I want to start a project called "L' Vagines" that does alternate arrangements of Vangelis compositions. Everyone has to wear prosthetic vaginas on stage. That's it. That's my thought.
  8. FWP solved courtesy of Coronavirus. Album saved.
  9. For anyone temporarily out of work, now is a really good time to apply for one of the many delivery apps that's in pretty much every city by this point. People are ordering takeout like there's no tomorrow (end-of-world pun intended).
  10. The question we should be asking is not "what's wrong with Florida," but rather "what's right with everywhere that isn't Florida?"
  11. The single most useful feature in Ableton Live is the ability to copy/paste tracks/effects from one project to another. Should probably post this somewhere in EKT, but I like familiarity.
  12. To be fair, if my chances of winning the lottery were 1 in 400 I'd be blowing all my savings on lotto tickets. j/k I don't have any savings.
  13. I was worried they left off the G, but turns out it's only cut off in the url image. Thank fuck. Damn near ruined my evening.
  14. I didn't realize yesterday was green idiot day, so was quite shocked to discover a sea of drunks standing between the McD's entrance and the order I was meant to deliver. Needless to say, I told Skip that delivery wasn't happening. This doesn't negate the fact that I was in there for a good 5 minutes inhaling all their exhales. Now I have low level anxiety that I may have been contaminated. Very low level... but it's kind of there.
  15. I'm getting paid $8 to eat someone else's pizza (they didn't answer their door when I arrived with it). Bad news is it's Hawaiian. Good news is I'm kind of okay with that.
  16. Just found out he didn't actually get tested... so it's far more likely he got sick with something else and got caught up in the hysteria. My friend still believes it. Ah well. He's young and healthy, so I'm sure he'll pull through either way.
  17. There's always the IDM option of eating your own skin. (shameless Most IDM nominee plug)
  18. Very comprehensive and updated stats on all things Corona, for anyone interested: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ (Possibly already mentioned, but this thread is impossible to keep up on.)
  19. Damn. Very glad I managed to catch Throbbing Gristle when they came to Vancouver... 3 years ago? It was one of the most uplifting concert experiences I've had, surprisingly. Genesis was on a real "love everyone" kick that night. Lots of gratitude, which was palpable.
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