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Everything posted by Cryptowen

  1. *carl's sad pudding music* *andrew lincoln's randy marsh impression* I feel like this show has brief flashes where it reaches a special level of unintentional ridiculousness, but for the most part it's not there yet
  2. Generally I chop the shoots off, use those, wait for new ones to grow in But in the past when I've had surplus I'd let some of them develop. One clove eventually yields an entire new bulb, so it's like endless free garlic Expect more adventures in apartment growing, and maybe some actual legit crops if I end up going back to New Brunswick this summer & turning the three acres of turf I bought for 5k a few years back into proper farmland. http://goo.gl/maps/mSYE9 LOOKIT THIS SHIT, WATMM I DOING IN THE CITY WHEN I OWN SOME OF THIS (actually my land is a few miles away from there, on a dirt road that street view can't access, but you get the vibe of the peninsula no?)
  3. i accidentally bought sweetened greek yogurt instead of plain. how do people eat this stuff it tastes i just gave a valentine's day gift to one of the keebler elves s'goin down the sink it is (plus side tho, now I have another container to plant garlic in)
  4. searching youtube for reptilian/pleiadian/annunaki/other new age buzzwords provides oodles of source material. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kt2M02YpE1Y 19 views in 3.5 years, this that OG vaporwave something about the tonality of the tts program that runs at 0:22 scares the bejesus out of me this one sounds like something out of an orb track edit: also phling i like your idea - i dunno if sampling sample-heavy work leads to diminishing returns in terms of actual raw sound material (don't think so tho as there'd always be something gained in the effects & the audio compression and the etc.). Conceptually it's fair game
  5. one time in high school my mom told me i should convince the government i'm mentally incompetent so i could get free disability money and i said something like "mom that's illegal" and she said "what, you don't honestly believe you're normal, do you?" it was one of the more deflating conversations of my youth
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wX0QvHbJ4KI don't smoke drugs kids you'll end up attending a dolphin workshop with bashar
  7. i dunno, most of the abstract art i encounter appeals to me on a design level even if I have no idea what the ulterior motive is. There's definitely some naked-chinese-man-rolling-in-chefboyardee-screamingcore to be found, but at the same time I think there's this "UGH STUPID ENGLISH MAJORS, THE CURTAIN WAS BLUE, END OF STORY" mindset where folks don't want to look past the surface, or they act like there's no other angles to play at besides representational realism. aesthetically enjoyable art & things that get my brain firing ideas about the universe tend to go hand in hand, but that might just be me constantly applying my own experience to everything
  8. ah yeh In part due to his massive oeuvre, I tend to think of Muslimgauze less as an electronic musician, and more as a political outsider type who happened to use our kit. His sound is more professional than that of the wesley willis/jandek crowd, but that's merely a bi-product of his chosen tools imo With industrial music you had a very clear reason for the depersonalization, & some genres still earnestly explore that angle to this day. But other stuff...i dunno, the "jokey disinterested geek who makes killer tunes" persona was fun in 1994, but c'mahhhnnnn Maybe that's part of the reason I like OPN so much? Like, some people round these parts roll their eyes at his interviews full of big words & philosopher shout-outs, but I enjoy the fact that he has very clear ideas about what he's doing with music, & doesn't feel the need to front like he's another bearded synth-wizard making sound for sound's sake.
  9. yeah i can agree with that. i dig a lot of it aesthetically, but like much of whatchu might call hipster culture there's this distinct sense of awareness without action, a kind of "ehh well what can ya do eh wot wot" that lacks an explicit emotional core or aggressiveness. Basically that's my issue with electronic music in general - it can be unique & beautiful & otherworldy, but all too often there's this aloof disdain for the human experience, like it's afraid to connect with life in a direct way
  10. vaporwave today is to the 90s what boc in 1998 was to the late 70s - not nostalgic art, but art about nostalgia. The distorting effect of memory, the feeling of getting older, the reevaluation of childhood perception. VWave often uses 80s corporate culture or 90s everyone's a winner! ideology as jumping off points, but to me it's just as much a commentary on modern web2.0 consumer culture as it is about any of that old stuff. It's another example of electronic music's unappreciated ability to act as selfless, vaguely anarchistic social satire. also it's kinduva rejection of the 00s analogue revival, with its punk sense of "screw hardware, screw theory, screw recognition, everybody grab something & start making noise"
  11. burzum looking to create new subgenre: whitepowerwave
  12. well tbh i think i have a lot of repressed anger dating back to early childhood experiences, so there are plenty of situations where people will go "oh owen, he's chill, what a nice guy", and deep down I'm thinking "oh my god everything is so stupid i hate it". I think my efforts to not hurt people's feelings is ultimately dishonest & more hurtful in the long run. It's hard to describe in words, though, because inner me isn't some sorta snarky jaded fuck, I just wanna be able to shake people & go "C'MON MAN YOU'RE BETTER THAN THIS, STOP QUOTING INTERNET MEMES AND TELL ME HOW YOU FEEL" well actually my brother & i have been talking about going on a month-long peyote journey across the west coast this spring, so we could like, actually do that
  13. thanks a/d, you're a bro i'm probably just in a bad mood because I haven't made any music or pictures in a longass time regards meeting people: i've been using the language barrier as an excuse for a long time, and at this point it's just that, because my written french comprehension is getting pretty well along, & I'm only going to get better conversationally by having actual conversations tbh this is my mindset, i'd much rather be a weirdo isolationist who makes killer shit than some guy with a big superficial circle of peers. Problem at the moment is I don't feel I'm pulling either - not producing 4trax a day like some sorta rainman, not going to parties like a cool kid. Mostly just disconnecting entirely, giving away all my shit, eating raw meat once every three days, going to bed at 8pm, etc. it's this constant cycle of planning to plan out a game plan for how i'm going to start doing things i front like i care about anyway tho i'm kind of rambling, i probably won't kill myself but i did call the suicide hotline
  14. haven't had quality ganj time since the summer dunno where to get any because i have no friends think i might be turning into an agoraphobe too people keep talking about how easy it is to find weed in montreal tho keep having these dreams where my teeth fall out that's supposed to mean something but they say that about everything these days i keep saying that i hate the internet & i wanna get off but i don't because when i'm irl i'm just a boringass fake motherfucker giving away all my stuff feel no desire to spend the money i make threw out all my food keep thinking about suicide for some reason like still in a jokey "haha you wouldn't, you're too much of a pussy" way "you wouldn't even make oblique reference to it as a cry for attention" because i get weird when people act concerned "but if you did tho what would you use" and i dunno it creeps me out a bit
  15. okay guys, i may be crazy, but the first 40 seconds of this sound an awful lot like this anyone else hearing it?
  16. echoing the sentiments about that exolab track, holy crap vapourwave is something that i've been into more for the aesthetic than most of the music itself, but this right here really nails the audio/visual aspect, while managing to feel entirely "new"
  17. Cryptowen

    Now Reading

    All the Strange Hours by Loren Eiseley. I dunno if it's just my emotional state right now, but this book has made me tear up at work five times already & I'm only 30 pages in.
  18. huellwave will be composed entirely of timestretched samples of lavell crawford
  19. doitdoitdoit and i'll get around to listening to it sometime in the current epoch, when i start parsing the ten zillion albums in this thread @prdctvsm that logo is so good it makes me want to actually make a spambient track
  20. alright guys i just came up with the vaporwave of tomorrow. spambient music music composed entirely of samples taken from spam emails exported to text files & converted to audio. Nigerians Scams, forwards from grandma, etc. Tracks would be raw, no effects, no other elements. Just sample manipulation, with genre influences ranging from noise to minimalism to hip hop. Artists would have names like DJ BIGDIKK--PILZ and FW:OBAMA IS A MUSLIMGAUZE Remixing would be very popular in this genre, with artists constantly creating nigh-unrecognizable reworkings of their peers' (and their own) work. A strict naming convention would be adhered to - ex. "Re:Re:Is your Pants Monster Large Enough?" would be a remix of a remix of the original radio hit. Although purists refuse to acknowledge it, SpamFilter would be an even more popular spin off genre incorporating more synthesizers & traditional pop elements. Pitchfork gives AOTY2K24 to HD Movs With No Credit Card, the deeply personal third LP by hip hop artist IRL CAM TRANNIES, a 23yo Brooklyn native known for sourcing all his lyrics from emails with the word "pharma" in the header.
  21. I watched fight club for the first time last night, couldn't help but get the feeling it was making fun of the kind of guys who're always going on about how cool fight club is
  22. Is there a genre name yet for music that's been retroactively declared vaporwave? uh l'see protocore oldwave historophonics artifactwave prefunk
  23. I feel unease every time I take a sick day. Not for financial reasons, because I get by fine on $130cdn/week. Not out of guilt, because my job isn't saving the whales or making people happy or anything cool like that. It's because I often spend too much of the sick day goofing off, & not enough working on music or other stuff I say I'm passionate about. I am the obstacle standing in my way, & no amount of self-defeatism or motivational thinking will change that. Only action will. *insert waking life quote about fear & laziness being the strongest human emotions*
  24. i used to enjoy getting fakemad about commercials & deconstructing the imagery, but I stopped after realizing that complaining about a product's advertising is still doing exactly what they want
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