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Everything posted by Cryptowen

  1. that concert was one of the most banginest things nin's put out in a while
  2. yo paranoid i'm from quispamsis nothing to add, i just feel compelled to chime in every time i find a newbrunswicker with internet access
  3. I've been in a pretty vaporwave state of mind, lately - giving away all my physical media, downloading v0 rips of albums like a muthafucka, whittling them down to my most favouritest tracks. Getting all 1999 kazaa up in hurr anyway, got me thinking - has the vaporwave concept been applied to entire pre-existing albums? I don't mean taking each original track & making a vwave track out of it. I mean taking the album as a whole, breaking it down into hundreds of little pieces, casting those pieces into a sea of reverbs & time-stretches to create an entirely new listening experience. Cuz I was listening to Songs From The Big Chair and I could totally picture it
  4. Cryptowen

    Now Reading

    Herbert has a knack for creating immersive environments with few words. At times I found myself ignoring the primary action, so absorbed was I in the world itself - even in 90% dialogue chapters, with only a scattering of references to how a place smelled, or how the light passed through a window.
  5. Cryptowen


    now come on man without gold you wouldn't be able to make Goldschläger - what else are post apocalyptic middle class college kids gonna get drunk on at their post apocalyptic college kid parties?
  6. new sandman pros: i'm tickled pink that no attempt is being made to tie this in to the rest of the DC universe (thus far). No teaming up with Superman or "The Endless vs Justice League" or dumb cashgrab stuff like that. Just trippy surreal sequences set in Gaiman's rich fantasy world. And the art is mad tasty. cons: as much as I'm enjoying being back in this world, there is a certain sense of retreading old ground. It's not overwhelming or anything, just maybe a little too much "hey, here's merv pumpkinhead! Here's the corinthian! Remember these guys?". Butttt Gaiman seems like he's trying a new angle with the whole "let's do the last season of the 90s spiderman cartoon but with morpheus" thing
  7. Yeah the show & especially the comic lack humour to the point where it often feels like nothing more than constant mirthless torturing of its entire cast. I get that serious dramas about the end of the world are by nature going be be bleak, but Breaking Bad found plenty of good lols in "dead serious depiction of a man slowly destroying everything he loves in an attempt to give his life meaning", so anything's possible.
  8. now that i think about it, i agree. Technical feedback may be useful for noobs, but most of us are on the same level - I might be better at x, you at y, but we're all just internet randos doing our thing. I've never gotten a truly shocking response from internet critique, because I already know what I like & dislike about my music. Your art is a piece of your inner world (more or less, depends), & to have another person acknowledge it - that's like love, right? A real mild version at least...but it has to be a genuine reaction on their part, or else you'll be all like "motherfuck i got my jimmy out for lovin & you're just playin!"
  9. Cryptowen


    alright that tears it, i still got 30 large on my paypal. Where's the best spot to buy some coin?
  10. lil bit. Definitely I'd expect to see some newbs shotgunning "hey man nice trak, plz chk my soundcloud" everywhere. Speakin which, my ekt suggestion to anyone who may be reading is only post if you had a genuine reaction, or if the person's specifically looking for technical feedback. No replies at all is much preferable to false praise.
  11. rule of thumb - if you post songs frequently enough that you'd end up with multiple threads per page, keep it to one topic. Everyone else can do whatever they want. wait no what am i saying, everyone everywhere should always do whatever they want. DON'T LET THE INTERNET SKELETON MAN TELL YOU HOW TO LIVE YOUR LIFE! but srsly tho don't be spammin
  12. surreal experiments lane was gonna say "damn mang slow down the slideshow", but then I realized it perfectly captured that feel, of an autistic 12 year old who makes a big "stock images for homework" folder on the family computer to hide his porn in (porn he founding googling "big boobs" on bing safemode), but then he gets really invested in collecting stock images & forgets the original purpose. Eventually he decides to make a youtube video to show off all his favourites but the song he downloaded off Kazaa is only 104 seconds long so he just gangbangs 'em all in there btw, i forget if you mentioned it, but are you a music making type previous to this? Because this track (tonally very ndc) actually has a nice little progression to it
  13. been years since i listened to it but i actually remember being a lil disappointed by Gaia. I lived & breathed Eccophony Rinne & the Akira OST in high school, & was all pumped when I found out there was a third album in the "GY does synth music" series. And then I got it & it was all "wtf is this, it's just samples of their old stuff + drum machines" maybe now with a fresh pair of ears i'd feel it more
  14. that's what gets me about it, though. The chopping is more extreme than most vapes, but the vibe, to me, captures a certain sort of 90s game nostalgia - not the game music itself, but the way it would filter into your subconscious, bits & pieces as you're running through different environments, triggering sound effects at random intervals, glitching, etc
  15. everyone who's a regular in the vwave thread is my favourite person question, is aaronmaxwell vaporwave?
  16. Cryptowen


    I keep stopping myself from buying in - "nah, surely this is it, this is the fad's plateau", & then it spikes up again. I'll be kicking myself if bitcoin is the dominant Earth currency in 20 years & a bunch of redditors are trillionaires because of it Now that I'm working I'm tempted to just throw a 50 at it & see what happens. The hard part would be not cashing in as soon as that 50 turns into a 60.
  17. This is that, is it not? Three seconds loop of 80s informercial music slowed down with reverb is nice, but vapourwave is much more interesting when it's used as a label for all current/post-hipster deconstructions of nostalgia. I've been considering the audio/visual relationship, & how the internet allows that to propagate in all sorts of bold new directions. VWave is a prime example, with tracks often defined as much by video/image as by the music itself. bbbbut, the vast majority of it is channelled through Youtube, a site that feels increasingly corporate, over-designed, & garish - and not in a vaporwave way. To evolve as an artistic medium onto itself, the internet will transcend the current WEB_2.0/social media paradigm. I don't necessarily mean going back to everyone having a dotcom, but some change. Cuz right now it's like watching chefs cook soufflé in the back of a McDonald's
  18. hey thanks man. i was in a bit of a mood when i wrote that, because i was listening to neil young & hadn't made any techno music that day & that combination of things always puts me in moods
  19. This is like a boards of canada track if boards of canada were stoners with the munchies my fwp is i think i've cried no more than 10 times in the last 10 years, have experienced true blind rage two or three time, been out of control with joy probably a few times. But inside there's this near-constant emotional tension, like I'm always getting jazzed up about trees & shit & sometimes I just really want to scream & fall down & sob like a baby but even when I have the opportunity to I just don't I'll pull up close to the edge but it's like severe constipation, like I've gotta constant maintain this aloof jokey facade that often feels incredibly hollow, & any expression of self ends up encased in an abstract depersonalized ramble about vapourwave or metaphysics or some shit, so I can maintain distance from myself. And it's like, why? Why's the man gotta do that? I'm not amused by half the shit I say. I complain about things I don't actually care about, & say "oh wow that's awesome" to things I don't actually care about. And everyone around me, this circle of people who i could barely call aquaintences but they're all i got, laughing at jokes that aren't funny, & I see that same skeleton look in their eyes, like we're all wearing this generic mask for no reason, no reason at all Basically feels like there's this huge rift between the external & the internal, & sometimes I'll even get this voice going "no there isn't! You really are that vague grey tone. It's for the best really, we're the irony generation don't you know". But I keep having these dreams where I'm completely losing my shit, & it feels amazing. i just want to feel something i just want to feel something i just want to feel something
  20. if a bear wandered into your living room which track would you play to scare it off
  21. If you guys had been born, like, 20 years later & first formed Autechre around 2009/10ish, how might the internet/free software/etc have effected how things played out?
  22. Serial Experiments Lain the opening theme is soooooo good. It's one of those tunes where every single element has its own catchy little melody, & there's little peripheral grooves going on in the background - there's this one little high-register guitar line drifting around in the background midway through. I didn't even notice it the first few times but it's exactly the kinda thing that makes me go "ah shiiittttt" when I find one
  23. my neck's kinda sore from working at my job as a professional video game player
  24. I dunno. I can easily support myself working 15h a week at minimum wage. At that rate you don't have much lying around for partying or fancy food or whatever, but if you're balls deep in making tracks it doesn't matter so much. Or, looking at the flipside, a person can work 40 hours a week & then spend another 40 hours making tracks & sleep 6h a night & live off canned beans, if they're mad dedicated But honestly, I think it has nothing to do with time spent. I see guys out there, beatmakers usually, who brag about how they're in the studio most of the time, & their stuff's just kinda boring to me...I don't mean "meh, not my taste" boring, but "jeez there just isn't much to this" boring What it really comes down to is putting as much of yourself into the music as possible. Full-assing it, so to speak. Like, I don't know much about playing piano but the only time I feel like I'm doing it right is when I convince myself, "okay, you're about to die, & this is the only tool you've got to express all that stuff you think about but never say". That's the mindset, I think. But you've gotta work it a lot, like a muscle, so it goes from 'youngin with stars in his eyes' to 'damn dis man be spittin fire'
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