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Everything posted by usagi

  1. Hades 2 is in early access. very tempted but will probably wait.
  2. Wowww I was thinking about this film earlier this week and couldn't remember what it was called. Saw it when it came out and it was dreadful. "a screenplay by Bird and Damon Lindelof" k bye
  3. lol. the politics nerd equivalent of The Secret. of course it could never be verified, being an act of blind faith. if Trump wins, I will argue that it was because you annoyed people on this board instead of doing anything real. and it'll be true purely cos I believe it.
  4. so, not ideal for motorcyclists. I was thinking about doing a trip at some point but rain is my mortal enemy.
  5. True Detective s4: Night Country. more like Shite Country. I tried watching this when it first came out and only made it 30 minutes in. now I've grit my teeth and started getting through it but it's really punishing me, I just quit halfway through the fourth episode and idk if I can go back. it's like eating a meal that is becoming increasingly rancid as you eat it. so much wrong with it. the new showrunner is a fucking hack, removing everything that made the show unique and interesting and replacing it with shitty Guillermo del Toro horror flick tropes. nothing is engaging, there are no hooks for the show to put in you, the music choices fucking suck (fuck Billie Eilish, the most vapid no-soul manufactured pop sensation out atm), there are weird random tonal shifts aping K-horror (which I can't stand most of the time), and the lame hamfisting of 'feminist' overtones (nothing to do with real feminism, literally just "men bad" slop for groveling critics and dumb Marvelbrain viewers to eat up) has absolutely no point. for example, if the point of Jodie Foster/Danvers being annoying and generally dislikeable was to act as a counterpoint or parallel to men throwing their chauvinist weight around in similar positions of power or law enforcement, then said point is completely lost because nothing worthwhile is done with it. she is dislikeable just for the sake of being dislikeable. there is no grander meaning or message relating to her character or women in general or any sort of social or philosophical concept. in s1, Woody Harrelson/Marty was a walking sham and a philanderer, and while this was portrayed sort of glamorously initially with all those sex scenes etc, he ultimately paid a terrible price for it, as seen when he's finally sitting around in an empty house eating a shitty tv dinner by himself. that scene resonated, it drove something home, the idea that there is something deep-rooted in the man with authority, gnawing at him and driving him to ruin. I doubt there is any sort of skilful weaving together of ideas like that in the two and half episodes of this shit that I have yet to see. I like Kali Reis/Navarro. she's done really well for someone with no acting background. that is literally it. so much could have been done here. the setting itself provided an excellent opportunity for powerful storytelling. what a waste. and they've handed Issa Lopez the reins for a fifth season. TD is over. Nic Pizzolatto dissing this season himself is a lol. should've just broken away as a new show rather than assuming the TD mantle.
  6. I saw a clip of Fallout - the one where Walton Goggins is explaining to the little girl how to judge the severity of a nuclear attack by using your fingers, right before the bombs drop lol - and that did not look encouraging to me. pretty dumb scene, as if they didn't know looking directly at a nuclear blast at that range would likely blind you immediately. so you guys are saying it's worth a go?
  7. I wonder which would cause more of a moral panic, ST ministers or imams.
  8. @dr lopez edit: I do appreciate the thoughtful post and am tempted to give something a go, maybe Hypernormalisation even
  9. that looks like a lot of time and effort that could instead be spent on... literally anything else.
  10. this sounds like current-era Amon Tobin.
  11. bruh. that was a reference to 1990 cyberpunk/horror b-movie Hardware. adding it in as a little homage was one of the best moves they pulled. the ending itself is fine, pretty much the same as the original. it's just the final fight that sucks.
  12. now that I cannot agree with at all. that's still my favourite of his and his most definitive imo.
  13. I mean, he's already done the Hateful 8. I kinda liked it but that seemed to be his least well-received film ever.
  14. I can't understand the mentality behind someone just looking at that blocky piece of shit and being like "yep, I want that". let alone whatever issues it might have with exploding or falling apart or whatever.
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