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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. BCM

    Brexit :(

    I think the UK would actually benefit quite a lot by ditching the pound and going full Euro, our economy is more than capable of making the transition successfully. Will never happen in a million years though. Maybe the EU should adopt the pound. Maybe everyone should just say fuck it and adopt Sterling. It would certainly make things easier for everyone in the UK.
  2. BCM

    Brexit :(

    It wouldn't be a disaster (2nd ref) if a larger majority than voted leave last time voted remain. Say at least 60% vote remain this time round. That would give a clear democratic message that we've seen the options and changed our minds - which is a reasonable thing to do. Or even the other way round wouldn't be so bad (e.g. 60% leave this time) - again, clear large majority and we can just get on with it, probably under May's proposed deal or something very like it. If it was a repeat of last time though with a margin of less than 5% either way then yeah, would probably cause more problems. I like to think that we'd get a nice chunky remain majority though and can then call it off and go and sit at the back for a few years being well behaved.
  3. BCM

    Brexit :(

    Hmmm, maybe May will get her deal through if she can get a veto for parliament on the backstop. It's a shit deal though. Not sure anybody wants it but they might be convinced to back it rather than a second referendum, which would be annoying.
  4. BCM

    Brexit :(

    Corbyn's into like, World Music or some shit. Bet he hates electronic music. SNP are probably the most IDM party.
  5. BCM

    Brexit :(

    That would imply Brexit is still going to happen though innit.
  6. BCM

    Brexit :(

    Will there fuck...most people will be extremely relieved and the few perpetually angry 50 year old men who aren't will probably die of a mass heart attack anyway. I think an awful lot of Leave voters have changed their minds. The staunch leavers are mostly made up of right wing idiots, who are less in number than the papers would have everyone believe.
  7. BCM

    Brexit :(

    Apparently we could probably get an extension on the March 29th leave date until July or whatever, which would give us time for another referendum. Pretty certain Remain would win this time, by a bigger margin than Leave did previously.
  8. BCM

    Brexit :(

    It is, we're allowed to unilaterally withdraw Article 50. Lots of people were saying we'd need all 27 member states to agree to let us cancel, but it now appears that's (probably) not the case. Was going to post a link but it's too much hassle on my phone - Google "Brexit can be stopped" if you're interested.
  9. BCM

    Brexit :(

    Terribly sorry for all the bother Europe.
  10. BCM


    Stupid acid https://soundcloud.com/envmod/cvffd1brk11m-turbo-rave-up-mix
  11. Also worth a mention in London: Boom Burger in Notting Hill Burger Craft @ The Green Man, Edgware Road
  12. Yeah Patty & Bun is deece. Also Meat Liquor is definitely worth a visit.
  13. If you think that looks bad you haven't spent much time around musicians. Apologies for the apparent rudeness, was a bit squiffy when I posted and mistakenly thought I was being amusing. Your studio is very nice :)
  14. Looks like a health and safety nightmare.
  15. Remove the Stock Aitken Waterman brass stabs, leave the screaming in place and you've got a winner.
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