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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. Chicken burger with a big hash brown in it
  2. I posted a pizza. I also like BBQ sauce.
  3. I'm drinking Budweiser again. Fmk.
  4. I was drinking fucking Budweiser for some reason. Actually went down quite nicely :/
  5. I ate half before I remembered to take a picture. Pepperoni, mushroom and olives.
  6. BCM


    Well I do like to think of myself as the Chris Rea of acid. Smooth grooves...mostly.
  7. BCM


    Haha fuck yeah. I actually am The Bro.
  8. This so should have been Most IDM 2018. We could then have finished/started the tracks for him.
  9. Analogue Solutions Megacity sequencer. It's fucking wicked.
  10. It's really nice, needs a bit of a gentle touch though, can get real gnarly real quickly (unintentionally), need to coax the lush sounds out of it carefully. But oh boy it can sound so lush...
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