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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. Whaffor? If booze you are a very silly man.
  2. BCM


    https://youtu.be/gsuRnHSi5v4 https://youtu.be/ks7tVMvILlk
  3. BCM


    Motherfuckers. I want my cut goddammit.
  4. BCM


    I think I've got some music on Tidal, how do I go about setting up millions of false plays and cashing in? Anyone got Jay-Z's email address?
  5. Dunno mate, not really bothered about all that, just how it turned out and that. are you using the computer to sequence midi ? Yes. Yes I am. Actually I'm not. Well am using computer for MIDI clock. But using other sequencers for midi notes and that. Looking good man. I'd fucking dig it in here.
  6. I know the carpet is minging and it looks like my studio is in an old garage. That's coz it is.
  7. Yeah it was pretty fucking good at the time...
  8. I did actually have one on Saturday, but I was too fucked to take picture. Sorry. Did a BBQ but didn't eat much until about 11pm when I raided the fridge for the leftover meats and made a late night cold burger.
  9. Tapatalk is the easiest way to share images but most of you think it's an extension of the military industrial complex so won't use it.
  10. The 6 stages of grief: 1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance 6. Suing Alex Jones This is a nice meme, stealing it KAEN
  11. Cheap lager from Aldi. Thug life.
  12. Lol I see what I can do... If the weather holds out I shall likely be BBQing this weekend.
  13. I watched The Last Jedi today for the first time. Thought it was fucking shit.
  14. Nice pint of Goose Island Honkers Ale yesterday
  15. BCM


    (joe rogan voice) holy shit look at that thing man. i mean that'll fuck you up, you don't think a leopard would fuck you up? jamie slow that down for us. see, look at the way that animal rounds that corner, look at that raw power in its leg muscles. it doesn't give a fuck, all it's thinking about is "i'm going to eat this slow son of a bitch for dinner". y'know this really goes to show that life here in america is sooo different, we have it easy man. i mean i've chased javelinas off my porch when i lived in colorado but that's nothing compared to running for you life from a massive jungle predator. yknow when i was hunting elk with a crossbow in the wild...... lol think it's a cheetah but still...
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