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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. Clown Shoes chocolate stout. Deece.
  2. That does indeed sound lush as fuck
  3. BCM


    Please do not insult The Bro.
  4. I might have also got a Big Mac. Fat Friday innit.
  5. I fucking love Alan Partridge. Probably my favourite comedy thing ever. Can't wait.
  6. Micky D's... One of their "signature" burgers. Actually pretty fucking nice.
  7. Insects is fucking quality.
  8. Lol beerwolf. Pissed up in [iNSERT POSTCODE]
  9. Do I look like The Lorax?
  10. Dolcelatte is the best blue cheese. .
  11. Oh God not again
  12. BCM

    Brexit :(

    Lol beerwolf ain't no mod. If anything he's a rocker.
  13. Get a Devialet Phantom Gold mate. 2 of them if you can facilitate it. Job done. Serious.
  14. FUCKING TUNE https://youtu.be/qfmaOH0iq3A
  15. BCM

    Brexit :(

    I never said I wanted Labour in power... I'm actually a Lib Dem voter as a general rule. Was just saying that if they did get in, the weed thing would be a bonus.
  16. BCM

    Brexit :(

    I'm not a Corbyn fan tbh but they can hardly fuck things up more than the current administration. Plus he's also said he's open to decriminalising or legalising weed, which would be nice. Diane Abbott can fuck off though.
  17. BCM

    Brexit :(

    Fuck's sake, there will not be a vote tomorrow now as Mrs May is delaying it - she knows she would lose spectacularly and we would then inevitably have to go to a second vote. She seems obsessed with getting her (bad) deal through and won't countenance any other options. She needs to go and we need a more pragmatic leader open to the possibility of simply remaining as we are.
  18. BCM

    Brexit :(

    Yep, this will certainly influence tomorrow's vote imo. We have a clear way out and I can see most MPs taking it.
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