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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. Nice, purchased. There are still 2 cassettes left on BC...
  2. Jesus Christ steer clear of the Blue Swift lads Fucking hanging
  3. BCM top tip: fucking Blue Swift from Martell. It's brandy, but bourbon. Mind fucking blown. Get into it.
  4. This dude is the best Klingon. They should all look and act like General Chang. Sort of a thespian space pirate.
  5. Both pretty good, need development though. More variation, some FX, tighten up the EQing etc. Keep at them!
  6. Don't think he ever got out of it. I'm guessing you really mean, will he make tracks like he used to on RDJ album etc (i.e. primarily/solely using a computer instead of the whole analogue synths/hardware sequencers thing). Answer is that he probably still is, but computer hardware and capabilities have vastly improved so it's hard to tell the difference between hard and software produced tracks. Will we ever get anything that has the same aesthetic and sound palette as RDJ album et al? I don't think so.
  7. Dude, you've got to stop with the self bumping. It's embarrassing, plus against the rules to boot.
  8. On the Duvel... Always goes down well.
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