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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. BCM

    Brexit :(

    Anyone going to this people's vote march thing in London on Saturday? I'm not btw, doing DIY instead. Thug life.
  2. BCM

    Brexit :(

    EU are going to say no to extension until 30th June. They are saying it needs to either be a super short extension to 23rd May (so we're out before MEP elections) or a much longer (2-5 years) extension. The super short option does not give us enough time to achieve anything and is not really practical. Super long option essentially means remain (we would have a General Election in that time, new government etc). So looks like it's a long delay or we crash out with no deal. Or May might revoke Article 50 I suppose. Stupid.
  3. BCM


    The Government’s Secret UFO Program Funded Research on Wormholes and Extra Dimensions https://f7td5.app.goo.gl/hEHYY
  4. BCM

    Brexit :(

    Opinion is that the EU will refuse this extension leaving May nowhere...so hold onto your hats but expect this to go to March 28th with no resolution, then May to revoke Article 50 and immediately resign.
  5. BCM

    Brexit :(

    This short extension thing is bollocks. What's it for? What is going to change in 3 months? Fuck all that's what. Sorry, it's morning and I'm angrier in the mornings. But I wouldn't be surprised if the EU flatly refuses to grant a meaningless extension that will accomplish nothing. So where are we now? Who fucking knows? No deal is more likely than yesterday. Fuck. Fuck this government man. Fucking idiots ruining this country. I'll be back once I've had more coffee and have a more balanced perspective.
  6. BCM


    There's a recent(ish) Bob Lazar documentary out (Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers). It's pretty compelling tbh, think I believe him.
  7. BCM

    Brexit :(

    All this "EU is the enemy" narrative needs to stop. We're all part of a union, and its purpose is to obviously improve and benefit the member states, both financially and politically. The EU, and everything that comes with it is nothing to be scared of, and it is not The Enemy (of "The People" or the member states). It is not perfect, and I do believe some reform is needed - let's all work together to improve things. Throwing our toys out of the pram and storming out isn't the way. Terms like "throat hold" etc are disingenuous and not helpful. The EU is, and will continue to be a force for good and positive change in the world. I say again - it is not perfect and could do with some obvious reform (e.g. the whole decamping to Strasbourg thing), but overall is a very positive and lucrative organisation for the members.
  8. BCM

    Brexit :(

    yeah it really wouldn't be half as annoying as the country facing massive financial decline, huge job losses, the poorest becoming even poorer and russia having even less reason to stop breaking international law and using weapons of mass destruction in another sovereign territory. there would be no reform from brexit other than a loosening of regulations, worse employment laws and less money for 99% of the population. to believe anything else at this point is wilful ignorance. also, don't read brexiteer media perhaps?
  9. BCM

    Brexit :(

    an extension is likely to be granted from what i've heard, pressure would be brought to bear on any dissenting member states, as it's much better for the EU (and of course the UK) if we remain. however if for whatever reason an extension is not granted, we then rescind article 50 and stay in. nobody with any sense wants no deal, on either side.
  10. BCM

    Brexit :(

    John Bercow potentially saves the day by not allowing May to bring the same deal back to parliament to be voted on for the 3rd time, after being defeated twice already. She has to show a material change in what she is bringing to any meaningful vote, which she can't do easily. So as things stand: May's deal has been rejected and that's pretty much the end of that idea. We 100% can't leave with any sort of deal on March 29th. We must, and are asking for an extension. Extension now needs to be a long one, at least 20 months. Probably more. Brexit is dead for all intents and purposes and the most likely outcome is remaining. Things that could yet happen: May defies the Speaker of the House and brings her deal to be voted on anyway. This would be unconstitutional and very likely fail again in any case. May brings a different meaningful vote to the house - most likely a vote on a second referendum or to withdraw Article 50 entirely. Everyone goes mad and opts for No Deal and we crash out on March 29th in a big ball of flames. EU refuses to grant any extension meaning we either choose No Deal (big ball of flames) or cancel Brexit at the last minute. Again, in my opinion, taking all of the above into account, most likely outcome now is no Brexit at all. Woo-hoo!
  11. BCM

    Brexit :(

    what good is a long extension if they are unwilling to negotiate further?Well it would be to either: Give time to May to gather support for her deal. Give the UK time to go back to the people and vote again. Give time to the government to come up with an alternative plan (e.g. softer Brexit). Give UK time to hold a General Election and put a government in place that will either stop Brexit entirely, or come up with a plan that would gather enough support in parliament to pass. We're going to need an extension now anyway no matter what happens. Even if May's deal was voted through we'd need one.
  12. BCM

    Brexit :(

    Looks like the EU are theoretically fine with a "long extension" of Article 50: https://f7td5.app.goo.gl/Zfvoy
  13. BCM

    Brexit :(

    Why bother with a second ref? It's a waste of time. It's Remain. Unless the other EU countries get to do a referendum on whether they want to have the UK back. Perhaps the EU could enforce a hard brexit. Welcome to democracy ;pI do believe a protracted debate followed by eventually remaining is now very likely, but no government is going to "force" remain on "the people" of entirely its own volition. Funny they seemed more happy to force leave on everybody, but luckily it seems common sense does still somewhat exist in parliament, and leaving with no deal has of course now been ruled out. I have heard that there is now a feeling in the Tory party though that they should have got behind May's deal and may well vote for it en masse at the next meaningful vote next week. I don't think it will be enough though, the Tories don't hold a majority so if most of Labour, the DUP, SNP etc vote against it, it will fail again and I think that really then will be it. We'll need to request an extension, but to get the EU to agree to that, any extension must have a purpose - to either hold a second ref, or maybe come back to the table with an alternative plan (softer Brexit, Norway model probably). They're not going to agree to an extension without a clear path to something tangible. If they won't grant us an extension, most likely we'll have to rescind Article 50 and call the whole thing off at the last minute. Lol?
  14. BCM

    Brexit :(

    There's no appetite in parliament for no deal and I think it's extremely unlikely. We're looking at an extension then 2nd ref.
  15. BCM

    Brexit :(

    Who would you pick to be PM?Well none of them obviously, but some MPs that I kind of respect are the likes of Vince Cable, Hilary Benn, Chuka Umunna, Yvette Cooper, hell even Anna Soubry's not too bad.
  16. BCM

    Brexit :(

    It's narrowing down now, May's deal is very likely to be rejected again. So we're probably looking at an Article 50 extension (and reasonable chance of a 2nd ref after that) or no deal.
  17. Massive https://youtu.be/40u_iE_jE-M
  18. Yeah nobody from outside the UK who is younger than about 37 will know who the hell she is. I bet Normski's shitting it though.
  19. Magenta Devine :( the 90s sure are taking a beating. *looks around nervously* BBC News - Magenta Devine, TV presenter, dies aged 61 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-47473388
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