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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. BCM


    yeah i have really enjoyed the last few eps and pleased that the story is now moving forward more decisively with some kind of direction. it's taken a long time to get where we are now - too long for my taste, but sure others have enjoyed the meanderings.
  2. i'm drinking that budvar budweiser that isn't the shit one.
  3. lol not seen it in ages...got to post whole thing:
  4. rubin continues to fucking rubin up every thread he participates in. nice job jerk.
  5. they're not fucking sugared donuts ok?? or are they?
  6. Mac Daddy Burger: 6oz Beef Patty Macaroni Cheese Fritter Smoked Bacon Mature Cheddar Red Onion Burger Sauce Cajun Spiced Onion Rings
  7. BCM


    i must say, eps 13 and 14 are very good indeed and it feels like we're getting somewhere now...
  8. BCM


    i really liked all the 90s daytime soap opera stuff lol...i realise i'm probably in the minority on that.
  9. ah i see you've eaten at heston blumenthal's
  10. BCM


    you sound very patronising...like you're saying i "don't understand" it or something. i absolutely do, i absolutely enjoy many abstract things - art, music etc. just not really feeling this series that much. not enjoying it like i enjoyed series 1 and 2. that's pretty much it mate.
  11. BCM


    the "comfiness", for want of a better word, of the original series was what was so great about it - the weird juxtaposition etc. this one definitely lacks some feels for me...sorry, just like, my opinion man. i'm still watching it and enjoying for the most part.
  12. BCM


    ^ must admit i kinda agree... big fan of seasons 1 & 2 but not so much with this one. i'll watch to the end but only because i need to finish what i started. all jefferoo's points rankle with me though too. twin peaks used to (maybe weirdly) feel warm and comforting to me. this season feels cold and sterile and i don't really care about any of it.
  13. I just got back from doing my shift at work, I think my comment which was intended to be watmm-banter has been taken to be me being seriously malicious, I'm sorry man. I really didn't mean it to come across as such. I was simply pointing out that the way your hand was on your head, it looked like thing from Addams Family, and if you shaved your head it'd be spot on. I'm a dickhead, sorry man I owe you many beverages if I'm down london way :( lol not at all dude, no offence taken i just deleted the pic coz i thought i looked like a stupid cunt...alcohol regrets. you should've seen the video...jesus. i'm not actually in london anymore btw, moved about 18 months ago and now the proud owner of a house in south leicestershire...no fucking way was ever going to get on the ladder if i stayed in london...managed 10 years there though, pretty good stint :)
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