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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. i like pepperoni, anchovies, black olives and jalapeños on my pizza when i'm feeling greedy. sometimes though, just a margherita can be the best pizza ever.
  2. dunno about ranch bases, but i quite like dipping pizza in ranch sauce
  3. yeah i guess we also grow things called sugarbeets that are refined to make sugar.
  4. my wife likes it, i'll occasionally have a slice and usually think it's quite good.
  5. holiday burger, it was from this place: http://www.maobiplage.com
  6. on the côte d'azur on holiday...not that you can really see anything of the côte d'azur. i'm actually in skegness.
  7. nice, always wanted an AX73 :)
  8. also Hannah Diamond would be a wicked UK Eurovision entry - Fade Away would win easy.
  9. i've been driving around in the sun today listening to PC Music. it's deece as fuck.
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