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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. I grabbed a 'korean burger' from Leon last week. It was chicken thigh meat and spicy pickled vegetables. Quite good. The Trip/The Pitch/The Ticket/The Wallet/The Watch yeah i've had one of those chicken thigh burgers from leon - really good!
  2. i realise i come across badly here https://youtu.be/1uTV1XvNVRs
  3. d'you know what lads? i could fucking go for sahaving my head roght now. proper. innot.
  4. i have had an update from dave, won't go into details but sounds like he's having a bit of a shit one and life is being a bitch in various ways. timeframe for next release is prob next few months at some point. hope it all works out dave, watmm loves you. love & light.
  5. i've been looking at these for a while but just bought a korg sq-1 instead as way cheaper...very impressed with it so far, i'd recommend one to anyone and for £99 you can't go fucking wrong really.
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