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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. angry response there from kidrodi
  2. you can get a really nice cassette deck from ebay for £50 - £100...
  3. yeah, love cassettes, got loads of good ones
  4. BCM

    Fyre Festival

    or 12,000 timberwolves
  5. BCM

    Fyre Festival

    now that's a festival
  6. BCM

    Fyre Festival

    they should've turned it into some kind of battle royale death contest
  7. BCM

    Fyre Festival

    "literally a refugee aid tent" how do you feel about that chen?
  8. BCM

    Fyre Festival

    *likens it to a refugee camp*
  9. BCM


  10. BCM

    Fyre Festival

    where's the like, music? can't see any stages or music tents anywhere...
  11. also, what's be best email to use please? i've purchased all the series up front, but am likely moving house soon so will probably need to give you a new delivery address for future cassettes...
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