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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. Feldman reckons that MJ was one of the few people in the indistry that didn’t molest him.
  2. you’re very angry these days lopez. i don’t like it.
  3. yeah 2 is like normal...3 at a push. 4? madness.
  4. yeah but fucking 4 soft boiled eggs tho
  5. i’m slow cooking a chicken dopiaza. taking fucking ages :(
  6. I’ve bought loads of stuff from Bleep that ain’t on my accoint to download, it sucks.
  7. BCM


    sadly i’m missing the original wav files for a lot of the older stuff, really bad at keeping it all organised
  8. BCM


    i’m getting there...put a couple on today, more to follow (including ghudus end)
  9. BCM


    lol i’ll get it all on bandcamp asap
  10. BCM


    there’s now loads of my stuff on spotify and shit btw...links in my sig
  11. yeah sold it before that...think about July 2016 maybe. was a cool little box though! made a few tracks using it alone.
  12. nice looking space you got there :) i used to have an XS-1...sold it on ebay a while ago...you didn’t buy it did you?
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