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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. Dow Bridge RATAE’D (RAED?) now, just finished roast dinner, stuffed. Gonna watch Con Air
  2. onto the rumpy pumpy, very nice, fruity and smooth:
  3. first up is the bullseye stout: it’s deece, quite sweet with a bitter finish, feels quite light for a stout.
  4. it’s sunday, cooking roast beef, it’s snowy and cold, and i’ve got a nice log fire on the go. so needed some accompanying local ales to assist with my cooking...
  5. glad you’re ok iwc, sorry to hear you had a shitty 2017. if lil peep’s music helped then that’s excellent imo and he doesn’t deserve all the hate for sure. mostly in jest tho i’d imagine... not listened to a huge amount of his music, but i can dig what i have heard.
  6. i thought some lil peep came on my spotify last night but it turned out to be someone else
  7. "Uh. Am I the only one who sees a half-naked girl tied to a pool table at 1:50? Or am I watching Youtube in an alternate dimension again?" lol, i saw it...at least i think i did
  8. BCM


    did this laptop only track using just logic and logic au synths and that. sorry about the shit acid. https://soundcloud.com/envmod/12-ova
  9. The Punisher - brutal as fuck, really liked it. Riverdale - don't give a fuck, I like it. The Expanse - kinda meh but got nothing else to watch and it's enjoyable in places.
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