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Everything posted by KovalainenFanBoy

  1. i think i'm hearing the remnants of what used to be voices in the audio, maybe the actual audio from the original videos, but i'm probably just imagining things
  2. this thread is the biggest call for a reform of the educational system the world has ever seen
  3. so these look like scans of a vid - like when you scan a paper but move it around so it's all wrong, or when someone moves while you're taking one of those moving panoramic shots on your phone... so there's no way to recover the actual video from these, I think. People are already recognizing some symbols on the pics, but that's about it. And what about the audio? There could be something to it
  4. cant wait to get home and see if i can get some pics out of this thing anyone have a folder with all the videos? prob would be easier to just scrape the playlist myself but still
  5. what's your take on flat earthers diatoms
  6. can you rate it on a scale of 'AE shoving Mike in the mud' to 'Varg Vikernes'
  7. you guys keep flinging that as an insult as if I'm not blasting Slipknot at this very moment and loving every second of it
  8. they were a grind/math band with screechin vocals til their 2010 album when the singer went full jesus lizard
  9. Nice try Nice try what? A few of the artists that made the "original tracks" only have one track, and it's on Feast/Beast. Leads one to believe they were just Clark originals disguised as a remix. Nice attempt to discover the truth I thought that was understood for awhile now, no? I mean, he even has remixes of himself on there yeah I was just curious why he felt the need to come up with fake artists, see if he had something to say about that
  10. that seems like rolling lol bait which isn't what i intended so i am explicitly stopping it right here and now (even though manmower already did) rolling lols are one of the last genuine aspects of this here forum and their integrity must be preserved.... at all costs
  11. i asked Clark about the fake artists on Feast/Beast on his reddit AMA but he didn't reply
  12. i'll be sending them out once I member body parts into existence
  13. i remember a 10 inch dick yet here we are
  14. dont wanna derail the thread further but: he conceded he considered the album a 10/10 more as a culmination of kanye's career than as a perfect album by itself... which is bs imo but understandable
  15. too bad he did that right after his 10/10s nosedived in value after giving the Kanye/cudi album a 10. Cant trust that man anymore
  16. despite joyrex's and the mod team's efforts to make this forum advertiser friendly / work safe / whatever, there's a high chance that someone these last few days visited watmm for the first time just to find a thread on the front page simply titled "racism", and opened it just to find a dozen posts in a row saying "lol"
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