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Everything posted by KovalainenFanBoy

  1. stuck in a rut due to unfilfilling but ultimately easy and comfortable situation plus analysis paralysis
  2. the only kombucha i know is whatever they're talking about on that one system of a down song
  3. funnily enough my intro to asmr was that sean booth album with vainio and matsunaga
  4. after avoiding ASMR for months I've fallen victim to it again. It's like the video from Infinite Jest, leaves me incapacitated for hours on end
  5. new Daughters is quite something, one of the best albums of the year
  6. Some of his best tracks are compilation tracks and remixes. I compiled a sort of Feast/Beast Disc 3 with all the missing tracks in case anyone's interested wink wink
  7. on first listen Lexapro sounds like the kinda track he already made a hundred thousand of during Rifts era
  8. nobody has gifted me red dead redemption 2 out of the blue so im gonna have to buy it with my own hard earned money... such is Life on this bitch of an earth
  9. I have a cognitive dissonance thing going on with Deafheaven's latest in that I can see some bits are cheesy as fuck and pretty awful but at the same time I can't help but love it
  10. is the Eccojams throwback to obvious to even mention or did nobody notice
  11. You're gonna love that era of his when he kept a consistent sound for 4 years
  12. Doing software? I've read horror stories about defense subcontractors (of subcontractors of subcontractors...), like managers urging people to slow down progress because they would lose funding if the project was finished. You might end up in a cool project though, if you don't mind working for the world's worst money sink
  13. lol that second paragraph reads like i was trying to write the Poignant Last Paragraph for a feature on The Atlantic
  14. I currently work for a defense contractor. I'm doing software for a spanish ship, but a different team is working on the ship(s) we're supposed to be selling to the saudis. I live in an area with crazy high unemployment, with loads of people in the naval industry, which depends largely on the deal with the saudis. Now, left leaning and even right leaning parties agree we should just stop selling weapons to the saudis, but at the same time you can't just leave a fuckton of people without a job. The moment the president started making moves to stop the weapons deal, and during my first week in the job, the whole factory went on strike and started burning tires on the roads and shit, which, you know, it's kinda fucked that the biggest protests here are *against* trying to mitigate the biggest human rights crisis in recent memory. Today during the coffee break we were talking about the journalist that was butchered by the saudis, and how it's gonna affect our work, etc. and one guy went "guess it's time to go burn some tires again" to which other guy replied "it sure draws more attention than burning a yemeni kid", and then everyone just went to work again
  15. i was pretty sure i must've posted it before... for once, I didn't member
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