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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by encey

  1. With this thread, tht! tne gained immortality.
  2. Citizen KAEN (Get it? 'Kane'? Burlap? ah fuck
  3. Uli on degreasing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKilm79bNAU&feature=youtube_gdata
  4. Holy fuck, I'll go on Fandango and buy my ticket right now! I totally want a 'Welcome to Ulillillia City' t-shirt! Rainbow-on-black. (If you know what I mean.)
  5. Epic five-part description of how Uli processes his music. Here's part one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJJPenX4PNA&feature=youtube_gdata
  6. http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/the-legend-of-the-10-elemental-masters/14916370
  7. Uli's really upping the game on his artistry: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvWU1kqPQ-Y
  8. Shit Legacy Shit: Insurrection Shit: Shit
  9. Rear Window fuck, it's impossible to know if my posts have already been done -- I can't say I've read every single page of this nonsense! Also, The Last Unicorn
  10. encey


    I posted some spam this morning.
  11. I just came, cried and dandruffed, and then mixed it into Jell-O Puddin' Pops.
  12. i have already said why i am so "sure that it is" I still don't understand. What kind of 'setup' would make it obvious that there's only samples being used? Whether performed live or sequenced on a computer, any of his sound sources could be made from synths just as well as from samples. I just can't grasp your reasoning here.
  13. I'm going to continue not to believe you. I've got no good reason to believe you.
  14. every sound. yes. What about songs that have overarching synth melodies and chords like "Sunset Everett"? It seems more likely those are not samples.
  15. I agree, that would be a whole lot of sampling and chopping! Anyone have a link to the interview? Would definitely be an interesting read I think... links or it didn't happen!
  16. Cool, I'd like to see the interview where he says that. For me, it would make the album even more impressive.
  17. I wonder if anyone will systematically track down the sample sources? I can't find anything by Googlin.
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