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Knob Twiddlers
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geosmina last won the day on May 28

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About geosmina

  • Birthday 06/24/1994

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Community Answers

  1. At the end people should think what they can do with the tool, instead of what the tool can do for them. Jeskola Buzz would shit on both Max and PD in the right hands, for example, yo.
  2. I actually moved from PD fo Max since Max let's me start having fun faster than PD, but both are essentially the absolute same, Max being just easier to use.
  3. yo can I have it? wanna study it.
  4. kewl, tho I mostly use media players now either for radio streaming or sample exploring... is this a replacement for foobar2000?
  5. This is like Capitalism vs Capitalism—finally it is starting to collapse within itself.
  6. Beautiful sounds and production, but not really feeling it. Pool might be my favorite from him atm.
  7. no. took it from here: really beautiful
  8. sup. a beautiful soul shared a repo with many tools and software to create etheric ambient glitch: https://dsparchive.neocities.org/
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