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Knob Twiddlers
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Status Updates posted by logakght

  1. My mission: I'll learn stuff each 2 months (programming, music, cool stuff in general). I must get gud.

  2. I really recommend you Mixcloud as a daily music player.

    1. hoggy


      Why's that?


    2. logakght


      ah just to discover new stuff (for free)

    3. Uniret





  3. I bought the wrong arduino

    1. logakght


      Nothing in particular; I just wanted to learn electronics (the easy fun way :P ) Though I bought the Due, because, uhm, well I had the money and thought it would be cool to have the most powerful one. But it seems it's quite one of the shitiest, since it only works at 3.3v and I need to use another IDE. I wish I could get instead the Mega, or the Uno :(

  4. You Can (not) Do It All

  5. anxiety clownjerkers

  6. cL4Ss1kAL GLITCH

  7. Sakamoto's Dawn

  8. depressive motherfucker!

  9. 1hz sine wave + your 1hz sine wave=180° phase modulation

    1. Verdant Hickies

      Verdant Hickies

      I recently made an ambient track with a 20hz sine wave, makes me dizzy every time, at least with my speakers

    2. NorthernFusion
  10. Clark is a genius.

  11. gothic funk.

    1. Uniret


      as long as it has that uk swing, otherwise, i wont hear of it.

    2. Uniret


      rock needs to come back though. we're gonna bring back rock.

  12. honk if you agree

  13. after fellatio ost

  14. Animated Anxiety

  15. rubbing the wrong way

  16. shit... I don't know what I'm doing wrong but my mixing/mastering still sucks, or that's how I think right now... :(

    1. ambermonk


      I know from experience that beating yourself up accomplishes nothing. Mistakes are opportunities for learning, rather than self-punishment.

    2. hoggy


      post some stuff in ylc loga, maybe someone can help

    3. may be rude

      may be rude

      let it marinate and check it out later with fresh ears

  17. into the pure data of art dreams.

  18. death note fan fiction

  19. vanishing_memories.dll

  20. Imagine the last day of your life.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. PhylumZunami


      it'd be just as depressing as the rest of my fucking pointless life. may as well make today my last day, just kidding

    3. NorthernFusion


      If I'm eating out someone, smashing. If not, then I guess I can fap all day.

    4. Audioblysk


      lol these replies

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