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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by logakght

  1. Yo if anyone wants to explore Rephlex Records I just had the idea of checking out their Discogs page—you can find true gems in there: https://www.discogs.com/label/107-Rephlex?sort=year&sort_order=asc
  2. What does this symbol means?
  3. Donate it to WATMM to fund a true IDM Social Network.
  4. https://wilsonic.co/ Recommended by Aphex Twin for exploring microtunings.
  5. Been listening to this beauties:
  6. The easiest way to understand its implications that I've read is that, if true, it would be like the invention of the transistor, which made modern computers possible.
  7. They are talking about us
  8. Probably the track was made in 2010 or something tho.
  9. DJ https://forum.watmm.com/topic/103976-listen-to-some-music-ive-made-logakght-geosmina/#comment-2953736
  10. Dj Privacy Policy (DjPP) DJ Wet Fart.
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