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Your Favorite Online Music Production Tools (such as the infinite drum machine)


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I've been finding awesome music production tools online recently. I really hadn't looked since like 2015 and it was lackluster then. But now with Ai suddenly a lot of awesome online tools are cropping up like the infinite drum machine: https://experiments.withgoogle.com/ai/drum-machine/view/

Which is not THAT new anymore, but still. I am wanting to find more. What is interesting about online tools are ones that can only be used online. For example ai based ones that wouldn't be able to run on your computer, but remotely you gain access to it.

Question: I may be remembering this wrong, but I remember reading that there were websites starting to pop up where you could upload your midi or whatever, and it would play that midi thru analog equipment like a prophet, record it, then send the result back to you. 

If not, that would be awesome! Imagine if someone with a ton of this kind of equipment ( Like Aphex) started a service that did this?... actually makes me wonder if this was the surprise Joyrex was talking about from Richard, like... over 5 years ago now.

Edited by Brisbot
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Regarding websites where you upload MIDI and get a sound back from a Real Analog Synth.. I feel like on all the cheap Uli clones and efforts to simulate-reproduce the legendary gear (c.f. Roland Cloud for instance) are just reducing the appeal of those services to practically 0. In the end you can't put two people's MIDI through the gear at the same time, so it will only ever be able to serve one person at a time.


However to get back on topic, I don't know if it counts as a online tool strictly, but the ORCA sequencer is kind of cool


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19 hours ago, perunamuusi said:

They've really expanded hobnox audiotool since the last time i played with it years ago.

Yeah I knew it existed but forgot the name because it's kind of generic. Thanks for reminding!

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Thanks for the answers so far!

The reason I am interested in these kinds of things is because a lot of the processing of these vsts is actually on 'their end' and not really your computer, as it can be done much faster on their end. So that opens up a lot of things you may not be able to do in your DAW. Especially when Ai is concerned.

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