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animal collective

Guest bontempi

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Wow, this song sounds like shit live (and they look like idiots on stage). I've never liked them until this new album, but "Cuckoo" is actually my favorite track from it. Listen to the studio version though please.

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Guest dylangt7
Animal Collective were garnering attention to their music long before they decided to experiment with making money.



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  • 1 year later...
Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

the idiots in this thread will never admit they were wrong. even when they own all the albums and a geologist doll


why did you bump it kaini? the album thread would have been better


love their music but their videos usually suck

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i used the search function, and this was the first thread i found called 'animal collective'

i love the video to summer clothes! it is somewhat like i would imagine the inside of atop's brain to be like.

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Guest Adjective

Merriweather Post Pavilion is awesome and Panda Bear's "Person Pitch" is awesome

lots of wrong people in here

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the over hype for Animal Collective seems to collect in the same drainage traps as the Black moth super rainbow and Tobacco obsession these days

spoon fed 'ground breaking' rock music


it's actually much better than the bulk of the force fed (but making one feel as if they have discovered something on their own ) hipster musical scene i have to admit though

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Merriweather Post Pavilion is awesome and Panda Bear's "Person Pitch" is awesome

lots of wrong people in here


the track on person pitch with the scott walker sample combines two of my musical loves and makes my brain come stupid hard


in fact imma listen to it now

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Guest olson

animal collective has put out a lot of shit but they've also got some good stuff. i've seen em live twice (festivals, no way i'd pay to see just them) and was very unimpressed both times. fuck em though i'm sick of all that indie hipster bullshit

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

live they are usually playing the next album that they've not recorded yet. so even for fans its mostly new material unless you've been downloading the liveset new songs. although they also play new versions of old tracks too. they're similar to my beloved fall in that sometimes they suck and sometimes they're brilliant. seen them twice, caught one of each.

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Guest Adjective

are you guys that are so angry(? lol) at animal collective mad at the praise they are receiving? if so, why direct the hate at them. they're probably all really nice guys. write a letter to joe critic on hipsterblogs.computer or whatever

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

yeah i don't think ac are hipsters.


grizzly bear fans are hipsters too. also dubstep shows are full of hipsters. they're everywhere. even on here.

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Guest zaphod

i don't mind them but they're certainly overrated. the band i really don't get is grizzly bear. it's all just meandering folk rock. really fucking boring fad music.

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lol at my violent knee-jerk reaction upon first hearing this band: "I'd never heard of them until now. They're pretty irritating judging from this song. I want to punch their vocalist." It's rare that I make such blunt semi-aggressive sounding comments about something like that, but I can understand why I did. I'm sure they're decent guys. Anyway, that's a pretty neat vid. I listened to Merriweather Post Pavilion a couple months ago and actually liked a lot of it. It's a very well put together album. If I ever see it somewhere for cheap I may just pick it up. They've certainly developed their own style (I realize it's an amalgamation of some obvious influences, but it mish-mashes together in a way that at least gives an impression of sounding original). Up until now it's just been a sound that's hard for me to stomach, though I have tried... like if it were a naturally occurring sound in nature I'd avoid it when possible. But I can enjoy some of their recent output. I wonder if they'll ever stop with the 16th note triplet synths over top of 4/4 thumping thing. It's a cool aspect of their sound, but there sure is a lot of it.

Ugh, I hate being hungover, sorry for the rambliness...

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Guest acridavid

I saw them live twice and really loved them, but this video isn't so interesting I have to admit. When I saw them they were 3 guys, 2 on electronica and drums and the singer just singing and maybe some electronica. That was really amazing, I loved their evolving rythms and the just to put-you-off-and-get-you-back-into-the-groove-later timings and multi rythmical stuff. Really a lot going on at the same time but still interesting with noticeable parts. Unlike this video though, drummer seems to be randomly smashing his stuff. It's almost like a noise act there and I know better noise acts :/ I'm seeing them on Dour, hope they'll amaze me again like a few years ago. I still think they are cool :P

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