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WATMM Monthly Remix Competition


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Guest blicero

yeah, monthly could be fine. gives people enough chance to get it done, and vote.


let's see how the first one goes (monthly) and adjust as needed, or not.

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Guest greenbank

shock the monkey is available in all its component pieces, or was, i have it on a hardrive somewhere. it was recently upped for a remix comp that some folk from here entered i think, dunno if it's a good or bad choice because of this. and yeah one every month, 6 weeks or 2 months i think would all be acceptable periods for holding this.

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I think this is a wonderful idea, and i'm totally game. Just a few things.


- Monthly: Tracks in by third week, voting in the 4th for 7 days or so, winner announced at end of month/begning of new month. Adjusted accordingly to days in that month.


- JR should pick the 1st song - or it should be Miles Davis & John Coltrane - "So What". Track has lots of space of single instruments w/ basic drum/bass groove under it ripe for sampling.


- It could be cool to do like a twice a year remix of something that we wouldn't run into copyright issues with where everyone contributed a entry fee, and the winner got some cash.


- It's pretty easy to contact artists management to get remix material as long as it is done ahead of time, maybe could be an idea for the twice a year thing once everything was cleared. I myself could help in getting this done as I know some people and have done this before.


- The worst thing I think would ever happen if there WERE legal issues, would be that the management of said artist would contact JR and say please remove the track and that would be that.


- We should def do whatever genre, and not just electronic.


- Though I said lets not stick to electronic, I bet some warp artists would give us permission and separate tracks if asked in advance. That would be cool. I have squarepusher and plaid's management contact info (got it when I met them). Also have Smashing Pumpkins Mike Pattons and many others though this stuff isn't difficult to find either way. BUt I have mike patton's managers direct email and phone and I am def all for a remix of some mike patton thing eventually (of course).


- Every couple of months we should remix a WATMMer's track whether a winner's track, selected by a winner, or by vote. But not all the time.


- Anonymous 100% For artist name and voting results until voting is over.


I am not for bi weekly, everyone has work schedules, things come up, get lost in posting on watmm, playing games, schoolwork, etc. I think a month is sufficient. If people get ancy maybe more people will post in EKT, which would be cool :).


I don't know if registrations are still closed but i think a number of people from some mailing lists i'm on and other message boards I go on (harmony central, kvr, vintage synth, electro music) would be interested in joining in bringing some new people to ekt, and not necessarily an influx of new ppl's to GB.

A lot of people know of this place but don't visit often due to lack of traffic in ekt, and also fear of gen banter people (I've had quite a few convos with some cool people on mailing lists, etc on this subject).


Just some thoughts :) I'm excited.

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Food for thought on legal issues:




NINE INCH NAILS Remix Site Halted Due To Legal Issues - Nov. 20, 2007


...Universal, is currently involved in a lawsuit with other media titans Google (YouTube) and News Corp (MySpace). Universal is contending that these sites do not have what is referred to as 'safe harbor' under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, and therefore are in copyright violation because users have uploaded music and video content that is owned by Universal. Universal feels that if they host our remix site, they will be opening themselves up to the accusation that they are sponsoring the same technical violation of copyright they are suing these companies for. Their premise is that if any fan decides to remix one of my masters with material Universal doesn't own — a 'mash-up,' a sample, whatever — and upload it to the site, there is no safe harbor under the DMCA (according to Universal) and they will be doing exactly what MySpace and YouTube are doing. This behavior may get hauled out in court and impact their lawsuit...


See, even though that sucks, all that happened was the site was asked to be taken down. In this case it wasn't the artist, but Universal. I don't think WATMM has anything to worry about.


I've been reading around on universals site this morning and we should stay away from any song from a movie soundtrack as that adds complexities to things. Universal alone won't license them so i'm sure there would be a slew of people to go thru.






Again this is stuff that Watmm, shouldn't have to worry about. If nothing else make 30 second clips available to the public (which is legal under broadcasting guidelines) and upload a torrent of actual remix track if one should become weary.

Also if you consider yourself a musician and want to have some form of career eventually or even want to just put out your music on a cd and hand it out around town/on the internet, I highly recommend signing up for ASCAP. It's only $25 and saves for a lot of headaches in the future. IF you ever do anything commercial you have no choice anyway, so might as well get it out of the way.

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how about every competition's source track is the winning track from the last competition?


start with ace of base or phil collins or ABBA... who cares? just to have sonic material to start with.


then after 10 iterations of the contest, we'll have 10 tracks all based on one initial track. each month's winning track therefore could be based on how different it is from the last remix, while still maintaining some of the original feel in some respect... or not... just have it keep morphing and inbreeding with itself until it's unrecognisable until you look at the lineage. kind of a genetic self-remixing entity.


oooooo philosophical remixing.




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Just to let you all know, I'm delaying launching the site till December 3rd (Monday) so I can finish up the design. Totally my fault, as Blicero has gotten everything coding-wise finished. I've been stuck in a creative rut and feel horribly burnt out, but I'm committed to finishing this and getting the site launched so we can begin the contest.

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I really don't fucking care - I don't know if you are a creative sort or not, but it's very frustrating for me not to be able to create works that I am pleased with and enjoy doing - I don't know if you can understand that or even care, but it WILL launch December 3rd, whether I'm done or not (but I am going to manage my best effort under the circumstances to do so).

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