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the wire appreciation

Guest Idrn

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Bubbles' plotline was just fantastic. Poor Sherrod...


honestly S4 was my favorite...yeah S3 had the biggest twists/ends...but S4's look at the kids just seemed so personal....having grown up in bmore for a bit it hit me really close to home...I mean, I wasn't in the ghetto but I certainly had friends that did..round Cherry Hill and those parts. seeing the kids just make me think nostalgia/sadness/happiness...all fond memories.

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Sorry for bumping this old thread.


But I've been re-watching the first half of season one today. And it's Amazing how this show still manages to be as thrilling, as the first time I watched it.

Needed to post that somewhere.

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hell yeah man...id pin this thread to the top of the forum if I could.


still taking my no.1 of all time TV position. I wish I could afford that expensive ass boxset.


Me and a dean at my uni were throwing out possible ideas for teaching a class entirely based around The Wire...pretty cool if it worked out!

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Guest zaphod

i think season 5 is my favorite. despite the lameness of the newspaper plotline, which a journalist friend of mine tells me is complete unrealistic nonsense, i really love mcnulty's story and the way things wrap up with omar. and then the final scene with marlo. always loved that moment. one of the few shows that ended in a dignified fashion.

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Guest zaphod

i dunno, he literally said "it's complete nonsense." then told me about how exaggerated that aspect of the show was, how preachy it was when the other parts were more nuanced. this is a guy who worked for the washington post for years. i guess it either hit a nerve or it is actually bullshit. i'm not really saying i didn't enjoy the writing of the young pulitzer hungry character, who is a believably despicable liar, or that people like that don't exist in journalism, but that plot was extremely one sided in its view. felt to me like they were saying "this is the big moral issue within journalism" but not "this is how it is to be a journalist". but maybe the whole show is this way, i don't know any cops or politicians or drug dealers, so it's hard to say.

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Guest Ron Manager

definitely still the best show ever. i received the box set for xmas, so am looking forward to getting stuck in at some point again. i've watched the whole series twice on a torrent i downloaded ages ago, so it'll be nice to finally watch on dvd.


4 is surely the best, but i can't decide between 3 and 4 which one i like more. i remember 2 being quite weak at first, and the first time i watched it, i almost gave up a few episodes into 2. glad i persevered.

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Guest Ron Manager

i like it now too. i think when i initially watched it, i was disappointed that it hadn't picked up immediately back on the trail of the Barksdales. the dockland setting didn't immediately grab me, but again, in hindsight i can see that it was still really fucking good.

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Frank Sobotka was such an amazing character.





and of course, one of the best moments of the season, if not the entire series.



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another amazing scene for so many reasons:





i could just do this all day, but this one was the biggest bomb dropped for me in the entire series, complete "OH FUUUUU-" moments




holy shit what a fucking amazing show.

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Guest zaphod


i dunno, he literally said "it's complete nonsense." then told me about how exaggerated that aspect of the show was, how preachy it was when the other parts were more nuanced. this is a guy who worked for the washington post for years. i guess it either hit a nerve or it is actually bullshit. i'm not really saying i didn't enjoy the writing of the young pulitzer hungry character, who is a believably despicable liar, or that people like that don't exist in journalism, but that plot was extremely one sided in its view. felt to me like they were saying "this is the big moral issue within journalism" but not "this is how it is to be a journalist". but maybe the whole show is this way, i don't know any cops or politicians or drug dealers, so it's hard to say.


well, I don't have any experience working in journalism, but to me it was a more balanced portrayal than I'd ever seen on TV before (I don't watch a lot of TV). yeah, maybe the "star journalist is a lying sensationalist" thing could be a bit cheap in that it's the kind of story you always expect to hear about the media, but truthfulness/bias is pretty much the biggest/most common issue, no? I think they were right to speak to that.


imo the overall depiction of the paper was fairly well-rounded in that it was shown to be just another institution made up of people with different principles and goals. I think of Gus, mainly. Gus' character is someone who I could not have envisioned prior to watching s5. someone who doesn't apologise for the inner workings of the media, but at the same time has principles about how that work should be done just because he's a professional. I think his problem with Scott was less of a moral one and more of a professional one.


>4 is surely the best


yeah, I love s4. Bodie's final scene really grabbed me. damn.



i felt like gus was just david simon's surrogate. what bothered me is the writing in that storyline is so transparent and preachy. there's no gray area, which is odd, because the wire is all about the gray area. it's just "young white journalist is a two faced ambitious liar" while "two minority journalists are ambitious but ethical and write honest stories". something felt false about the whole thing, even though i enjoyed it as entertainment and especially enjoyed the scene where mcnulty catches on to the journalist's lies. there was something polemical about that storyline, it felt like the wire's worst qualities focused into one plot. but, that season is too good to dismiss.

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*watched it for first time a couple months back*

I really like S2. Almost tempted to call it my favourite but that doesn't feel quite right given the distinct stylistic different compared to the other seasons. All the shipyard imagery is hella striking & Frank Sobotka was one of my favourite characters. The plot feels...almost like a tragedy in some ways, like classical in a way I'd expect more to see on the Sopranos than on the Wire


S5 was fun & I liked the newsguys but they did all feel a little underdeveloped compared to everyone who'd came before

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yeah 3 is probably the best, honestly. bunny is definitely the best character on the show.


oh man statements like this are why i love the show. could debate this for hours. You could literally exchange Bunny for most of the other characters and it would still somehow hold true.

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Guest Mirezzi

It's all about the BU







Kidding about Burrell.


I fucking love Lester, too. He's the closest to overtaking Bunny, Bubbles, and Bunk.

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Carcetti's arc was awesome. That's why I don't understand people who slag Season 5. Yeah, the newsroom stuff was kinda lame, but watching Carcetti get gradually consumed by the political machine was pretty stunning. Best depiction I've seen on film I think, because it doesn't overdo it (in the same way Boss does).


I also loved Season 2, and agree it is almost a classical tragedy. I thought Stringer Bell's arc was awesome.


I guess it's just damned hard to find bad things to say about the show.


Although my wife doesn't like it because the slang makes translation into Chinese almost impossible...

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Season 2 is probably my favorite as well. I didn't love Season 4 or 5 when i first saw them. I've grown to love both though. Especially 5, because of the reasons mentioned by Lump above. I also wasn't bothered by whatever racial symbolism Zaphod inferred from it, i don't really agree with the premise. Maybe a little bit more rushed and over the top than previous seasons but still filled with great moments. Season 4 was a rough one for me, it's by far the most depressing and dark of any season in the Wire. I tried to get my Mom into the show and she couldn't get past the 3rd or 4th episode of 4.

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yeah 3 is probably the best, honestly. bunny is definitely the best character on the show.

I love that scene where he meets McNulty again and calls him bushy top with that big grin on his face.

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