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Ignite, ReQuench, Go!

Guest yanG

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Guest yanG

i actually made it a track of my own :) can't stick to the original unless it's an original of mine :)


not sure i'll leave the last part, comes weirdly - actually many things come weirdly in this track, i need to let it settle and listen again with fresh ears.


production hints welcome, criticism always appreciated. it probably needs some equing in the percussive sounds. i'd like to know as well what you think of the evolution, does it skip too quickly from one mood to another? couldn't resist as usual!




edit: oops the spelling mistake ASYMM lol sorry :)

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Guest tht! tne

this was just right for the mood i was in

i did think it changed moods rapidly

but i was willing to take it on its own terms

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Guest yanG

1 for 40 reads is by far my worst replies/reads rate! what's with this track, i thought it was pretty good!


thanks tht! tne (damn had to look twice at your username to avoid speling mistakes) for teh efofrt!

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i like the change almost halfway in that only lasts for a few bars. i think the first time i listened to this i didnt listen all the way through, i like how it ends

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this track is pretty cool. loads of variations, some i like, some not so much... some of it sounds too 80's MIDI to me... i also would like more snap to your drums. overall, the drum track is great though... keeps rolling along with great transitions and some good sounding broken beat patterns.


i almost think this track suffers from too much variation though... because after i was done listening, i remembered the beats and the bells and the rest kind of left me.


great work though. keep it up!

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awesome! i'll let you guys know now that yan g's remix is a lot more melodical than my original. my version, i've been told that it sounds like a hip hop version of photek's nitenichiryu (how ever you spell it)... there are a few that kinda thought it was a second part to dyslexic worm from the encrypted beats ep from p168 part 3 a few years ago... it isn't, but i see how people may think that.


i like the 1:45ish transition that makes your remix it abit happy for a moment! it does have a lot of transitions... but that doesn't bother me!

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Guest tyranthraxus

so much happens in this, i feel like it could be twice as long without adding anything different from whats already there, just more repetition. but maybe thats just my mood....

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It's pretty sweet... it feels a little all over the place... like a bunch of ideas just strung together but I think it ends nicely which makes it feel, in the end, a little less haphazard (a good ending can do wonders for a song I reckon...). Drum programming is pretty slick.

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Guest silencide

VERY NICE :yeah:


except the bass coming around 1:30... the bass sound is a little bit too SCHTOING filtered, I.M.O. of course.

and the last 40sec are useless for a fade out... Cut here or add one more minute to develop this theme.

But, be sure I really like it my friend :wink2:

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Guest Toy Sun

It's a bit busy for my taste. I like that, but maybe break it down, or start from something simpler. It just "gets there" and despite all the changes it stays at one density.


Cool sounds, tho, and very original.


Bummer about the 40 views and one post, that is the way it is around here sometimes.

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