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it obviously isnt theo, im pretty sure that isnt xxx too


lol. It's me man. I've thought about doing the ol' switcharoo and pillaging someone's Flickr account to put up faek photos. Part of me has always been against these threads because people are mean spirited behind the internet tubes but this time, I decided to join because I felt like another fellow who was large and in charge was being slagged. It's funny though because you either believe me or you don't. Short of driving from Texas to Missouri, you wouldn't know for sure; there is no verification.


P.S. Ask Essines, we discussed Type I vs. Type II diabetes one time. That is proof of bulk.

P.P.S., Essines, it's okay to hate on me for being a fatty fatty 2 by 4 can't get through the bathroom door and having the 'beetus. Even though it's mild and completely controlled with metformin, as Thom Yorke once said: "YOU DO IT TO YOURSELF...YOU...YOU AND NO ONE ELSE...YEAH YOU DO IT TO YOURSELF!" You had no choice in the matter.


in xxx 1020 k file. that red head? is that your wife? hot man....


no--a very sweet friend of my sister-in-law. She works at Hooter's and let me tell you, she meets the qualifications! True DD's on a lean frame--it's a fucking sight to behold. The good thing is, my wife thinks she's hot too so it's a win-win!

lol come on dude, i don't hate like that. it was a drunken rant and i really hope you don't hold it against me. sure some assholes deserve to get diabetes, but the cards lie as they do. some people can be as fat as they want and not get shit for it, in comparison to how some do. i think my rant came from the fact that diabetes is highly popularised in the type two sense. lots of folks assume that if you have it then you did it to yourself, and i get fairly annoyed with that attitude. but this doesn't nullify the fact that you're diabetic, type what-fucking-ever.


i love your posts btw, it seems you attempt to make an effort. and yeah your wife is hot, good job. one question though, and i don't intend to be rude... looking at the pics of you at a lighter weight, do you ever wish or intend or want to get back to that shape?


also, as an after thought preface, i have had a few drinks already.


edit: also, i don't need an excuse, but fuck me if it isn't fucking god damned hard to lose weight when you are diabetic. fuck insulin. fuck my life.

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i was 224lb last christmas, now i'm 196lb....


that's just from playing alot of SOCCCEEER and doing some running and abit of pressups and abit of sittups and abit of eating like a healthy motherfucker for a change


now i'm skinny

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Lol! It was from a party. The pin I'm wearing says 'Pasta Nation'; I made home-made pasta for nine, yo! I'm doing my nervous tic of playing with my hair like a ditz there. Don't know why.



For me, I had gained lots of weight during a stoner phase, and the only reason I have lost it is because my gf and I have just made it part of our daily lifestyle habit or whatever of going to the gym together and since we cook together we can pick stuff that's good. That ended up being one of the major things our time together revolves around, but it improved my health a ton. I'm relieved because we also both have the potential to be enablers and eat the shit out of some pizza & burgers and ice cream, but we save it for treat moments. I think the hardest part is changing the daily structure of your life to accommodate a weight- or health-oriented goal.


new edition edit: I am still in grad school for philosophy. If I was any good at it, I'd be done at the end of next year, but I think it's going to be awhile ... fuck


*searches for that Fresh Prince jpeg with 'fuck' inexplicably on it*

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Hey xxx good luck man. You've always been a bro on here, so I apologize if I've ever been a body fascist.


My brother who was really big recently lost over 100 pounds from intense exercise and radically changing his diet, but I worry about it coming back on him too if he eases up on his regimen. He was always big as a kid too, beginning around his teens. I think it's harder when that happens, right? I mean if a child grows up obese, their whole body accepts obesity as its natural state. That would include the bone structure, which explains what you were talking about about your bones sticking out at what would seemingly be a normal weight.


My brother by the way was adopted, which may show that there may be some kind of genetic predisposition to it, since we grew up eating the same meals, and I never struggled much with my weight.

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