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Guest boo

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i think the re-gaining thing shows too that the only thing that will work is a structural lifestyle change, which is obviously why it's so fuckn hard, becasue the form of your life is a deeply entrenched part of your identity. part of encey would die if i decided to cut out watmm.

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Lol! It was from a party. The pin I'm wearing says 'Pasta Nation'; I made home-made pasta for nine, yo! I'm doing my nervous tic of playing with my hair like a ditz there. Don't know why.



For me, I had gained lots of weight during a stoner phase, and the only reason I have lost it is because my gf and I have just made it part of our daily lifestyle habit or whatever of going to the gym together and since we cook together we can pick stuff that's good. That ended up being one of the major things our time together revolves around, but it improved my health a ton. I'm relieved because we also both have the potential to be enablers and eat the shit out of some pizza & burgers and ice cream, but we save it for treat moments. I think the hardest part is changing the daily structure of your life to accommodate a weight- or health-oriented goal.


new edition edit: I am still in grad school for philosophy. If I was any good at it, I'd be done at the end of next year, but I think it's going to be awhile ... fuck


*searches for that Fresh Prince jpeg with 'fuck' inexplicably on it*



I nervous tic play with my hair too y0.

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Guest tv_party
gastric bypass doesn't guarantee anything, my sister did it and she got fat again.


Isn't the worst part? You could spend up to $15,000, lose about a month of your life recovering in the worst pain imaginable, suffer from vitamin and iron deficiencies, then get right back to where you started. I feel very badly for your sister; that's no place to be. I'm totally being facetious here but sometimes I've thought that if it looks like I'll never get control, I'll just pull a "Blaze of Glory" maneuver and eat steak, drink bourbon, and basically "Chris Farley" it up until I just implode. But, that's just a joke--it's not my style.


Yeah thanks, she seems to be doing ok but she did go through a lot for pretty much what seems like nothing.

I was rail thin all my life but started to get a little heavy when I was in a long term relationship. It's hard to get motivated to lose weight when you're married or have a steady girl as trim is usually the only sufficiently strong catalyst.

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i'm 6 foot 8", around 203/4 cm for the euros


Nice! Me too!


*high five*


Edit: I will also add that my weight fluxuates a lot as well (has ranged from 198lbs to about 307lbs) so I feel your pain on that. A healthy weight for me would be 225 I think (I am currently around 295).

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