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Guest Helper ET

less sandwich more vodka. am i right bcm?




did you get all girlfriend on my ass?


and squee im surprised you still have a bowel

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less sandwich more vodka. am i right bcm?




did you get all girlfriend on my ass?


and squee im surprised you still have a bowel


yeah, I'm well girlfriend these days....trying to moderate my drinking and all sorts (mainly to try and rid myself of a rapidly expanding beer belly). plus it's only lunch time and I'm at work, so vodka is not really on the agenda at the moment I'm afraid....

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Guest Helper ET

good luck with that. i live in a continual state of balancing girlfriend with alcohol and the simple truth is that it cant work. i fought it and fought it. then i fought it some more. then i kept fighting it. guess what i did then. i kept fighting it. then i realized that i should stop fighting it and accept, but in the end i decided to fight it, and what do you think happened? thats right, i kept fighting it. now days im still fighting it and not very happy with the results, so i keep fighting it, then i keep fighting it some more, eventually i get tired and take a rest from fighting, so i fight it, then decide that i must keep fighting it


die fighting

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good luck with that. i live in a continual state of balancing girlfriend with alcohol and the simple truth is that it cant work. i fought it and fought it. then i fought it some more. then i kept fighting it. guess what i did then. i kept fighting it. then i realized that i should stop fighting it and accept, but in the end i decided to fight it, and what do you think happened? thats right, i kept fighting it. now days im still fighting it and not very happy with the results, so i keep fighting it, then i keep fighting it some more, eventually i get tired and take a rest from fighting, so i fight it, then decide that i must keep fighting it


die fighting




trouble is, my girlfriend likes a drink as much as I do and we tend to be a bad influence on each other....will drink like 3 - 4 bottles of wine between us on a week night and that ain't good! it's expensive and fattening, so we've decided to try and cut down a bit and go to the gym more often....

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Guest Helper ET

always red


which is i hear is bad for hangovers, so ive recently began experimenting with white, and i have to say, i didnt have any panic attacks today

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you keep answering questions intended for other people. you're really useful lately.


red wine is nicer in moderation imo. i find i get bloated and get a headache after too much. then i'm drunk and get the stuff allover my lips and have to wash them.


yea it gives me bad hangovers.

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Guest Helper ET

you get the lip shit too? i thought it was because i had a thick saliva and it mixed with the wine to create a sick gooeyness all over my mouth


because of this, before i open any bottle of wine, i go to the bathroom and clean my lips thoroughly. it sucks, but someones gotta do it




oh yeah, and im drinking white wine right now


it doesnt give you the same body fuzzy warpy feeling after each swig like red does. therefor white wine is of lesser value to me

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i'm not sure white wine would be much better. i reckon acidic alcohol is generally bad to get drunk with.


white wine is useless yea.


red wine seems to be good for creativity, for some people.


i've seen people with red wine allover their lips many times. dunno if it happens to everyone tho. never drink it in public, other than with dinner whilst making use of the napkin. as i said it happens when im drunk, and probably taking bigger sips.

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yea you've gotta brush your teeth before going to bed (of course you always should but). another reason to not get too drunk on red wine.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Wine in general is horrible for headaches and hangovers, and a general misconception with the health stigma attached to wine, it'll destroy your bodily functions quicker than any Vodka or cider if you drink too much.

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Guest Helper ET
Wine in general is horrible for headaches and hangovers, and a general misconception with the health stigma attached to wine, it'll destroy your bodily functions quicker than any Vodka or cider if you drink too much.



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Guest abusivegeorge
Wine in general is horrible for headaches and hangovers, and a general misconception with the health stigma attached to wine, it'll destroy your bodily functions quicker than any Vodka or cider if you drink too much.




There's not a lot to explain, which I'm really grateful for because explaining stuff to aliens is real hard, it's purely just the content of a glass of wine, the acidity etc, one glass of wine a day doesn't hurt, but we all damn well know it leads to more, and excessive amounts of wine consumption are the worst. I was put into hospital for a couple of days and I was admitted to the alcoholics ward (Because I am one, but I don't drink at the moment), the worst cases there were wine/vodka drinkers, extremely bloated, like they were about to burst, cracked dry skin, bleeding in places, it was horrible.

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