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lost season 5


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Guest David R James

Wow that episode was a complete epic fail up untill 35 mins in, i nearly killed myself but the last few minutes gave alittle hope.

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Guest catsonearth

another 'meh' episode. better than last week, kinda, but much worse in the sense that they've just created a pretty noticeable plot hole in the series by having jin interact with rousseau in the past. why wouldn't she recognize jin when she encountered him in the future? i understand that it's been over 10 years since that happened for her, but still...there are some things in life you don't forget and i'd bet that seeing the same mysterious asian dude disappear right in front of your eyes not once, but twice would definitely be one of them.

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another 'meh' episode. better than last week, kinda, but much worse in the sense that they've just created a pretty noticeable plot hole in the series by having jin interact with rousseau in the past. why wouldn't she recognize jin when she encountered him in the future? i understand that it's been over 10 years since that happened for her, but still...there are some things in life you don't forget and i'd bet that seeing the same mysterious asian dude disappear right in front of your eyes not once, but twice would definitely be one of them.


I was talking to my friend about this the other day, and we came to the conclusion that everytime they enterfere with the past they create an alternative reality or a parallel universe or so which is why they don't remember them... but just as I was writing they I remembered they Daniel talked to past-Desmond and he remembered... wtf?


EDIT: Did Rousseau ever actually meet Jin in present time?

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that was great. a lot of connections connected


the temple had the uh-oh heiroglyphics on it! the rousseau/smokey/boyfriend stuff is very interesting...

charlotte confirmed as being a dharma-ey. and popping her clogs. that was a bit meh.

the frozen donkey wheel/locke/christian stuff... mental. cheesy sfx but answers a lot of shit about why the island is fucked. 'off its axis' is very vonnegut

mrs hawking and des. look on his face was priceless. every scene this woman is in seems very informed by umberto eco, which is cool. literary references had a lot to do with why i started watching this show.


lost is actually starting to make sense lately...


another 'meh' episode. better than last week, kinda, but much worse in the sense that they've just created a pretty noticeable plot hole in the series by having jin interact with rousseau in the past. why wouldn't she recognize jin when she encountered him in the future? i understand that it's been over 10 years since that happened for her, but still...there are some things in life you don't forget and i'd bet that seeing the same mysterious asian dude disappear right in front of your eyes not once, but twice would definitely be one of them.


i think this is so blindingly obvious to even an average person from the neilsen rating demographic that it will be addressed.

either that or the 'erase/rewind' theory expounded above.

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Guest catsonearth

well, they've already stated that there is only one timeline - it's like a record player, or so they say - so if they went back and contradicted that by saying it created an alternate timeline it would reveal that they really don't have any idea what they're doing and they're just flying by the seat of their pants. i don't think they'll go that route. if changing the past creates a divergent timeline then it makes everything on the show fall apart. the whole point (or so i gather) is that dharma was trying to figure out how to change the future and it just wasn't possible no matter what they did - that's where that ferenzetti(?) equation comes in. if they go back on that then there is no show anymore. also, if divergent timelines existed in the 'lost' universe then each time period they traveled to would be vastly different since tiny changes would result in things playing out completely differently and you'd have a butterfly effect type thing going on.


jin going back in time and meeting rousseau didn't change the past, according to faraday's explanation of time travel (the only one offered on the show), that always happened. we're to infer that's how they were able to know where the radio tower was in the first place, so we know that he wasn't changing anything by being there. when faraday talked to desmond in the past it was a little different because we're to assume that that hadn't always happened...or maybe it did and desmond honestly forgot it, but it seemed more to me like they were trying to say that by changing the past faraday created that memory in desmond's mind at that very moment where it hadn't existed before. my guess is that you can change things about the past, but you can't effect the future in any meaningful way or it will be corrected somehow (mysterious ghosts showing up and telling you what to do, etc.) so that the future will play out the way it is supposed to.


faraday didn't remember desmond


that's because that event hadn't happened yet for faraday. it didn't happen in his past, but in desmond's. it was future faraday that spoke to past desmond, so there's nothing for faraday to remember. desmond, on the other hand, would have remembered if it had it actually happened to him in the past and it wasn't spontaneously created by faraday's interaction with the past. if faraday did actually change the past, it's possible that this was only possible because of desmond's strange timeline-spanning qualities and had it not been desmond, that interaction between them wouldn't have been able to happen. i guess we'll just have to wait and see. or were you talking about when desmond went to see faraday at the university when he was time skipping after the hatch blew up? because honestly, i have no clue when that event happened on the timeline. i do remember faraday having some weird reaction when he first met desmond on the island though, but i may be imagining that.



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another 'meh' episode. better than last week, kinda, but much worse in the sense that they've just created a pretty noticeable plot hole in the series by having jin interact with rousseau in the past. why wouldn't she recognize jin when she encountered him in the future? i understand that it's been over 10 years since that happened for her, but still...there are some things in life you don't forget and i'd bet that seeing the same mysterious asian dude disappear right in front of your eyes not once, but twice would definitely be one of them.


danielle never met jin face to face. the only time danielle would have seen jin, he would have been in a crowd.

as you say, 10+ years would have passed - but remember, that's 10+ years on crazy island.





finally! montand's arm explained! been waiting for that since season one.



and as for most annoying char. on show, sun takes that spot for now.

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faraday didn't remember desmond


that's because that event hadn't happened yet for faraday. it didn't happen in his past, but in desmond's. it was future faraday that spoke to past desmond, so there's nothing for faraday to remember. desmond, on the other hand, would have remembered if it had it actually happened to him in the past and it wasn't spontaneously created by faraday's interaction with the past. if faraday did actually change the past, it's possible that this was only possible because of desmond's strange timeline-spanning qualities and had it not been desmond, that interaction between them wouldn't have been able to happen. i guess we'll just have to wait and see. or were you talking about when desmond went to see faraday at the university when he was time skipping after the hatch blew up? because honestly, i have no clue when that event happened on the timeline. i do remember faraday having some weird reaction when he first met desmond on the island though, but i may be imagining that.


yes i meant when desmond went and asked faraday for help. also did rousseau ever actually saw jin directly?



anyway i don't remember any reference to montand's arm, anyone care to refresh my memory?

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Guest assegai
i kinda remember danielle back in s1 saying that she had never seen the monster before. am i wrong?



I can't remember shit from past episodes, I get all amped up watching the show while it's on and the next day I try to talk about it at work and I'm like ohh yeah and oh i forgot about that. I don't know how people recall details from previous seasons, there's so much going on. (ie the arm thing)




This is the only that I never forget.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

oh jeez. that was less than entertaining. john as jesus was overdone. sacrifice, reincarnation, the church etc. charlottes story was underdone like they had this idea but then they couldnt be bothered so she instead of revealing it like they usually would (over an episode or so) she just blurts it all out as she died. maybe she got anther job and only had 10 minutes left on set. really poor. i think this highlights the problem of lost - too many ideas and none fully realised. jin understands lots of english when its good for the story doesn't he. everything off island is awful.


ok good parts... danielle shooting boyfriend/smokey. the arm and the whole smoke monster cathedral part. is that the first time we saw that place?

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Guest David R James

Yeah kate is fit but she is a really really shit character. I love how she learnt years of tracking expierence in like a month, and could battle like a soldier just like that.

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dad taught her tracking... you know.. the soldier...


i kinda remember danielle back in s1 saying that she had never seen the monster before. am i wrong?


nvm now i remember her talking about a black smoke thing

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