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recession kills jobs

Guest Franklin

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well of course you think its shit, every day you drink down glasses full of chemicals, drugs, and hard metals put in most public water supplies. you also shower in it. you also eat toxic waste and harmful food additives. youve been absolutely bombarded with propaganda your entire life. youve been taught to mock and ignore messages like these. youve been programmed like a computer.


of course im telling the truth jackass, now get out there and do some research, and find out how to protect yourself


Can you send me a .pdf of how I should fold up my tinfoil hat?

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Guest Franklin

i can see that my cavalcade of truth has made you uncomfortable. on one level, it surprises me to see someone of your profession, deal with cognitive dissonance in such a childish way. i offered you a different, more realistic, and uncomfortable reality, and you know damn well that everything im saying is true, but the dissonance is too great, isnt it? instead of ignoring me, or even just saying you disagree, haha, you resort to calling me a retard. im such a loon! and in all actuality, youre the one drinking poisoned water that lowers your IQ and brain damages you, so technically, youre more of a retard than me. fucking lol dude


Dearest ET,

I wish I had the time and patience to properly deal with your "arguments(s)" Let's just talk about a few points though. Money runs the world. I agree with you. People with a great deal of money or power over money (political power) make decisions that control the money, such that they keep what they have and collect and create more for themselves. Just about everybody does this to some extent. This is obvious and few are going to disagree. I do not, however, agree that the "system" was set up on purpose for this end. I look at arguments of this kind as very similar to intelligent design arguments: the world being so complicated and ordered that it must have been created by something intelligent (god). Belief that there were or are a group of people ("globalists") that sat or sit down at a table discussing how they were or are going to enslave the world is very far-fetched. I can't say you're wrong, just like how I can't prove that god doesn't exist, but I can say that my explanation is far more simple and thus likely (Occam's razor): the various "systems" (monetary systems, political systems etc.) around the world developed over time and are now used by those in power to generate more money and power for themselves. There's no conspiracy, there's no closed-door discussions of how "they" have technology to "revolutionize the world" but that "they"'re not going to reveal it. Let's suppose that there is a "they"--let's be less insane though and just say that within each country or political party or military organization there is a "they." Why the fuck wouldn't they release the tech? They would find a way to make money out of it wouldn't they? Your argument that they are hording their "life extension technology" is unbelievably juvenile. As is your talk of "flying discs technology." What do you even mean by these things? How would you know of these things even if they existed? Perhaps god told you or maybe you're on street drugs.. or maybe the viagra and alprazolam in the water have some weird affect on your brain.

The rest of your arguments rely on the existence of the "they" or others belief in a "they" so are fallacious. I am not engaged in cognitive dissonance because I don't believe in the cracked out version of the world that you do.

I'm not even going to start on "what kind of a world we are supposed to be living in." You're bordering on serious weirdness here dude. Are you telling us you know the answer to why life exists and how it should be ordered? Is this a religious argument? Do you understand the definition of "supposed"? Do you understand the definition of "psychopath"?

The slant of my argument is ad hominem ET, except not against you in particular. My attack here is against these kinds of ideas coming from young, inexperienced, uneducated people. If you were a generally brilliant guy who studied economics or politics for a lifetime and came to some of these conclusions after dedicated research then maybe people would take some of it seriously. That's obviously not the case though so you just get the loony toons tinfoil hat response. sorry dude.


unless you're taking the piss and then fuck dude, you've been hitting it, and I just wasted some serious time I could've otherwise spent slaving away at my job helping people.

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This is a clear sign that the monetary system must crash and fall - It is completely flawed and if it wasn't so flawed and poorly constructed, why do these redundancies occur? Things need to get worse in order for the public to wake up and consider their current social system. Do we seek other solutions/alternatives that are socially RELEVANT - meaning basing our ideas on living via the means of technology and resources, freeing us from mundane, boring, repetitive jobs, or do we stay with the current shit that we are all familiar with..?


I am confident to say that almost all repetitive jobs could become automated with today's technology. You don't need "money" or "employment". Banks, employers and job centres are all false institutions.


your on the right track but still not completely there. the monetary system is poorly constructed, but its not due to poor planning or a lack of a better idea. the system was set up to control the people, so the rich get rich and the poor stay poor. the collapse that we are currently in is completely deliberate, caused by a very tiny amount of incredibly powerful/wealthy people, with nothing in mind but the enslaving of you and your family


as for the technological aspect...your right. most of our jobs can be done by robots and computers, better than we can. the technology revolution though has not effected the workplace. this is because the system uses your job as a means to control you, and so if they robotized everything, you would be free, and the globalists would have less means to control you.

do you have any idea what kind of world we are supposed to be living in? they are hiding the most incredible, mind blowing technology that could absolutely revolutionize the world, and save lives. instead they make us slaves do all the work, and horde their life extension technology. i wont even begin explaining how the world would change if they publicly revealed thei flying discs technology. that alone would solve most of the worlds problems. and their disease destroying medicine/technology would raise life expectancy to over 100. maybe much more.


the only real problem this world has are these evil, murderous psychopaths, ruining it for everyone else


despite all the nay-sayers, there is a lot of truth to this.



I would recommend looking into Marceuse's "One Dimensional Man".

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Guest Franklin

linking what ET has said with One Dimensional Man is basically a slap in the face to intelligent critical discussions of topics everywhere.

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Guest Helper ET

i can see that my cavalcade of truth has made you uncomfortable. on one level, it surprises me to see someone of your profession, deal with cognitive dissonance in such a childish way. i offered you a different, more realistic, and uncomfortable reality, and you know damn well that everything im saying is true, but the dissonance is too great, isnt it? instead of ignoring me, or even just saying you disagree, haha, you resort to calling me a retard. im such a loon! and in all actuality, youre the one drinking poisoned water that lowers your IQ and brain damages you, so technically, youre more of a retard than me. fucking lol dude


Dearest ET,

I wish I had the time and patience to properly deal with your "arguments(s)" Let's just talk about a few points though. Money runs the world. I agree with you. People with a great deal of money or power over money (political power) make decisions that control the money, such that they keep what they have and collect and create more for themselves. Just about everybody does this to some extent. This is obvious and few are going to disagree. I do not, however, agree that the "system" was set up on purpose for this end. I look at arguments of this kind as very similar to intelligent design arguments: the world being so complicated and ordered that it must have been created by something intelligent (god). Belief that there were or are a group of people ("globalists") that sat or sit down at a table discussing how they were or are going to enslave the world is very far-fetched. I can't say you're wrong, just like how I can't prove that god doesn't exist, but I can say that my explanation is far more simple and thus likely (Occam's razor): the various "systems" (monetary systems, political systems etc.) around the world developed over time and are now used by those in power to generate more money and power for themselves. There's no conspiracy, there's no closed-door discussions of how "they" have technology to "revolutionize the world" but that "they"'re not going to reveal it. Let's suppose that there is a "they"--let's be less insane though and just say that within each country or political party or military organization there is a "they." Why the fuck wouldn't they release the tech? They would find a way to make money out of it wouldn't they? Your argument that they are hording their "life extension technology" is unbelievably juvenile. As is your talk of "flying discs technology." What do you even mean by these things? How would you know of these things even if they existed? Perhaps god told you or maybe you're on street drugs.. or maybe the viagra and alprazolam in the water have some weird affect on your brain.

The rest of your arguments rely on the existence of the "they" or others belief in a "they" so are fallacious. I am not engaged in cognitive dissonance because I don't believe in the cracked out version of the world that you do.

I'm not even going to start on "what kind of a world we are supposed to be living in." You're bordering on serious weirdness here dude. Are you telling us you know the answer to why life exists and how it should be ordered? Is this a religious argument? Do you understand the definition of "supposed"? Do you understand the definition of "psychopath"?

The slant of my argument is ad hominem ET, except not against you in particular. My attack here is against these kinds of ideas coming from young, inexperienced, uneducated people. If you were a generally brilliant guy who studied economics or politics for a lifetime and came to some of these conclusions after dedicated research then maybe people would take some of it seriously. That's obviously not the case though so you just get the loony toons tinfoil hat response. sorry dude.


unless you're taking the piss and then fuck dude, you've been hitting it, and I just wasted some serious time I could've otherwise spent slaving away at my job helping people.


oh frankey, where to begin. your so far off man, so far. first off, everyone knows money is important to most people. we dont need to go over that part anymore. next, you talked about how you dont believe that powerful people sit around at discussion tables. holy cow dude, high level discussion tables are common practice, its incredibly naive to think otherwise. it happens on so many levels, cia, pentagon, bilderberg, etc. i dont go too deep into any of these groups because honestly, i, along with most other people, hardly know anything about them. you probably get all of your news from mainstream, media sources, which is why you know nothing about bilderburg meetings. thats ok dude, you dont need to know everything about the world, but when someone comes around and offers better explanation than yours, unless youve done a fair amount of research into it yourself, you oughta keep your mouth shut. no disrespect


next, you say "theres no conspiracy". for fucks sake dude grow up. even people who arent even into this stuff beleive that there is some conspiracy going on at some levels. seriously dude! you just said theres no conspiracy...i dont beleive it. even if you dont beleive the food and water is poisoned, to admit that theres no conspiracy...my lord. as i said earlier, i dont even know where to begin with people like you. so many declassified documents released over the last few decades, reveal countless acts of conspiracy by the US and other governments. they dont even hide it, all you have to do is go looking for it, i can give you oodles and oodles of links to them, but if you didnt see it on CNN, it didnt happen. this isnt my opinion or perspective dude, this is just how it is. governments become corrupt, and they conspire against their own citizens and other nations in ways you dont seem ready to handle. next, you mention how there is no they. first of all, lets assume, because you probably are, using the word "they", as if it some super secret invincible unidentifiable force, that tinfoil hatters talk about. when i said they, i am talking usually about high level elite globalists. thats right, top bankers, royalists, politicians, social engineers, and government officials, all meet in secret (example: bilderburg), to discuss short and long term globalization related matters. discussing wars, elections, the economy, etc, and they all act in synchronicity with each other, around the planet. this isnt a theory dude, this is out in the fucking open and happening. you can chase them down once a year and find out where they are meeting and videotape some powerful people, get out of secret service protected limousines, and enter high security hotels that they rent out. fucking watch the videos dude. then go research all the people you see, and tell me theres no globalization. you think the media is just playing around when they announced, a "new world order" in literally, thousands and thousands of articles around the world. its not just a phrase found on conspiracy websites any more. theyre moving along with their plans, and have reached the point where it is nolonger need to hide the plan, and now theyre going to roll it out, and theyre letting us all know. yup, october 09 is when it began if im not mistaken...literally dude, all the major countries leaders came together at a meeting called G20 last year, and they announced "a new world order". this wasnt long after obama was announced all over the media as "president of the world". keep in mind these freaks arent politicians, they are bunch of fat, greedy sociopath killers hell bent on controlling every aspect of your life, down to the very food you eat. again dude, weve got all the proof, its not a god damned theory stop pretending like it doesnt exist, its out in the open and happening


then, you talked about how you dont think they are hiding any technology. omg this is painful for me. i have to do it though, just because its the right thing to do. what do you think is going on inside all the super high security military bases? picnics and hello kitty? im not pretending to know everything thats going on in those places...so let me tell you what i do know. countless thousands, perhaps millions of people over the last 50 years, have reported "saucer", or "disc" shaped craft, flying all around the world, seen by all types of people, regardless of nationality, religion, age, or any of that. in addition to this, we have countless video accounts of these ominous crafts. man... you need to see some damn ufo footage, and not a video of a little spec of light, im talking videos in broad daylight of craft hovering over major cities. or maybe you want to try to explain to me the multiple video captures and thousands of eye witness, seeing an entire fleet of ufos hovering over major cities in mexico and other locations. after all the available resources, if you still think ufology is a fringe topic and untruthful, you are so wrong, and actually living in the minority. most people believe that the government is hiding advanced technologies. you then went on to say that, if they had the technology, they would sell it to make money. they dont need money man! the US military has a sickening amount of money handed to them for all sorts of black budget operations. their funding is actually greater than the 50 states' funding combined. they own the federal reserve dude. they are beyond money. money is just something they use to empower themselves.

and these claims of how juvenile i am to think they are hording life extension technology. oh please. check out the methuselah foundation. now take that, add an endless black budget, and black science that modern day physicists are just beginning to figure out, youve got, voila, longer life. man they already stretched out life for us slaves with blood thinners, synthetic amino acids, receptors and shit. think of what they know, but you dont think theyre hiding anything, so i guess that doesnt matter to you


im not saying that i know everything about the world, or anything like that. all i know, is that there is some crazy shit out there that has been revealed to the public one way or another, and as unorthadox as it seems to do, you can go find this shit, and blow your own mind. you havent done it yet, obviously. and sadly, people who argue against this stuff as hard as you, usually never really do wake up. even sadder, if you just listened to me, and spent less than few thousand dollars, i could tell you how to be a lot healthier than any doctor will, and add longevity to your life, by at least a decade or two, but you too worried disagreeing with these ideas, so unfortunately, your gonna get killed, when i could have saved you. im like superman in a way


my final statement is in my defense. i guess im "young, inexperienced, and uneducated". young? maybe. inexperienced...somewhat perhaps, uneducated? get the fuck out. i assume, that you assume that anyone who talks like me is mentally ill, and hasnt done any real research. well i say fuck you, because ive spent a good part of the last 7 years learning about this shit, and now you, wanna come 'round and tell me to go read a book. this is exactly what im talking about here people! you can have an entire database of information proving these claims, and people like franklin, who has done probably zero research on the topic, comes along and tells me i dont know what im talking about. and that shit about if i had spent the last 20 years studying politics and economics, i might have an idea...what the fuck do you think politicians learn after 20 years in office. they learn about everything i mentioned, and how its been designed to get you to call me crazy


dude your a fucking psyciatrist/psychologist/dont care. youve been taught to label people like me as crazy. i bet youd call me a delusional paranoid schizophrenic, and prescribe some zyprexa to "keep me straight". wait! dont get distracted with that now, i know you want to, but lets stay on topic


what say you dude???? nothing i bet. because the truth will always drown out lies, and you sir, are repeating lies taught to you since childhood

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Guest Ivan Lennovitz

i can see that my cavalcade of truth has made you uncomfortable. on one level, it surprises me to see someone of your profession, deal with cognitive dissonance in such a childish way. i offered you a different, more realistic, and uncomfortable reality, and you know damn well that everything im saying is true, but the dissonance is too great, isnt it? instead of ignoring me, or even just saying you disagree, haha, you resort to calling me a retard. im such a loon! and in all actuality, youre the one drinking poisoned water that lowers your IQ and brain damages you, so technically, youre more of a retard than me. fucking lol dude


Dearest ET,

I wish I had the time and patience to properly deal with your "arguments(s)" Let's just talk about a few points though. Money runs the world. I agree with you. People with a great deal of money or power over money (political power) make decisions that control the money, such that they keep what they have and collect and create more for themselves. Just about everybody does this to some extent. This is obvious and few are going to disagree. I do not, however, agree that the "system" was set up on purpose for this end. I look at arguments of this kind as very similar to intelligent design arguments: the world being so complicated and ordered that it must have been created by something intelligent (god). Belief that there were or are a group of people ("globalists") that sat or sit down at a table discussing how they were or are going to enslave the world is very far-fetched. I can't say you're wrong, just like how I can't prove that god doesn't exist, but I can say that my explanation is far more simple and thus likely (Occam's razor): the various "systems" (monetary systems, political systems etc.) around the world developed over time and are now used by those in power to generate more money and power for themselves. There's no conspiracy, there's no closed-door discussions of how "they" have technology to "revolutionize the world" but that "they"'re not going to reveal it. Let's suppose that there is a "they"--let's be less insane though and just say that within each country or political party or military organization there is a "they." Why the fuck wouldn't they release the tech? They would find a way to make money out of it wouldn't they? Your argument that they are hording their "life extension technology" is unbelievably juvenile. As is your talk of "flying discs technology." What do you even mean by these things? How would you know of these things even if they existed? Perhaps god told you or maybe you're on street drugs.. or maybe the viagra and alprazolam in the water have some weird affect on your brain.

The rest of your arguments rely on the existence of the "they" or others belief in a "they" so are fallacious. I am not engaged in cognitive dissonance because I don't believe in the cracked out version of the world that you do.

I'm not even going to start on "what kind of a world we are supposed to be living in." You're bordering on serious weirdness here dude. Are you telling us you know the answer to why life exists and how it should be ordered? Is this a religious argument? Do you understand the definition of "supposed"? Do you understand the definition of "psychopath"?

The slant of my argument is ad hominem ET, except not against you in particular. My attack here is against these kinds of ideas coming from young, inexperienced, uneducated people. If you were a generally brilliant guy who studied economics or politics for a lifetime and came to some of these conclusions after dedicated research then maybe people would take some of it seriously. That's obviously not the case though so you just get the loony toons tinfoil hat response. sorry dude.


unless you're taking the piss and then fuck dude, you've been hitting it, and I just wasted some serious time I could've otherwise spent slaving away at my job helping people.


oh frankey, where to begin. your so far off man, so far. first off, everyone knows money is important to most people. we dont need to go over that part anymore. next, you talked about how you dont believe that powerful people sit around at discussion tables. holy cow dude, high level discussion tables are common practice, its incredibly naive to think otherwise. it happens on so many levels, cia, pentagon, bilderberg, etc. i dont go too deep into any of these groups because honestly, i, along with most other people, hardly know anything about them. you probably get all of your news from mainstream, media sources, which is why you know nothing about bilderburg meetings. thats ok dude, you dont need to know everything about the world, but when someone comes around and offers better explanation than yours, unless youve done a fair amount of research into it yourself, you oughta keep your mouth shut. no disrespect


next, you say "theres no conspiracy". for fucks sake dude grow up. even people who arent even into this stuff beleive that there is some conspiracy going on at some levels. seriously dude! you just said theres no conspiracy...i dont beleive it. even if you dont beleive the food and water is poisoned, to admit that theres no conspiracy...my lord. as i said earlier, i dont even know where to begin with people like you. so many declassified documents released over the last few decades, reveal countless acts of conspiracy by the US and other governments. they dont even hide it, all you have to do is go looking for it, i can give you oodles and oodles of links to them, but if you didnt see it on CNN, it didnt happen. this isnt my opinion or perspective dude, this is just how it is. governments become corrupt, and they conspire against their own citizens and other nations in ways you dont seem ready to handle. next, you mention how there is no they. first of all, lets assume, because you probably are, using the word "they", as if it some super secret invincible unidentifiable force, that tinfoil hatters talk about. when i said they, i am talking usually about high level elite globalists. thats right, top bankers, royalists, politicians, social engineers, and government officials, all meet in secret (example: bilderburg), to discuss short and long term globalization related matters. discussing wars, elections, the economy, etc, and they all act in synchronicity with each other, around the planet. this isnt a theory dude, this is out in the fucking open and happening. you can chase them down once a year and find out where they are meeting and videotape some powerful people, get out of secret service protected limousines, and enter high security hotels that they rent out. fucking watch the videos dude. then go research all the people you see, and tell me theres no globalization. you think the media is just playing around when they announced, a "new world order" in literally, thousands and thousands of articles around the world. its not just a phrase found on conspiracy websites any more. theyre moving along with their plans, and have reached the point where it is nolonger need to hide the plan, and now theyre going to roll it out, and theyre letting us all know. yup, october 09 is when it began if im not mistaken...literally dude, all the major countries leaders came together at a meeting called G20 last year, and they announced "a new world order". this wasnt long after obama was announced all over the media as "president of the world". keep in mind these freaks arent politicians, they are bunch of fat, greedy sociopath killers hell bent on controlling every aspect of your life, down to the very food you eat. again dude, weve got all the proof, its not a god damned theory stop pretending like it doesnt exist, its out in the open and happening


then, you talked about how you dont think they are hiding any technology. omg this is painful for me. i have to do it though, just because its the right thing to do. what do you think is going on inside all the super high security military bases? picnics and hello kitty? im not pretending to know everything thats going on in those places...so let me tell you what i do know. countless thousands, perhaps millions of people over the last 50 years, have reported "saucer", or "disc" shaped craft, flying all around the world, seen by all types of people, regardless of nationality, religion, age, or any of that. in addition to this, we have countless video accounts of these ominous crafts. man... you need to see some damn ufo footage, and not a video of a little spec of light, im talking videos in broad daylight of craft hovering over major cities. or maybe you want to try to explain to me the multiple video captures and thousands of eye witness, seeing an entire fleet of ufos hovering over major cities in mexico and other locations. after all the available resources, if you still think ufology is a fringe topic and untruthful, you are so wrong, and actually living in the minority. most people believe that the government is hiding advanced technologies. you then went on to say that, if they had the technology, they would sell it to make money. they dont need money man! the US military has a sickening amount of money handed to them for all sorts of black budget operations. their funding is actually greater than the 50 states' funding combined. they own the federal reserve dude. they are beyond money. money is just something they use to empower themselves.

and these claims of how juvenile i am to think they are hording life extension technology. oh please. check out the methuselah foundation. now take that, add an endless black budget, and black science that modern day physicists are just beginning to figure out, youve got, voila, longer life. man they already stretched out life for us slaves with blood thinners, synthetic amino acids, receptors and shit. think of what they know, but you dont think theyre hiding anything, so i guess that doesnt matter to you


im not saying that i know everything about the world, or anything like that. all i know, is that there is some crazy shit out there that has been revealed to the public one way or another, and as unorthadox as it seems to do, you can go find this shit, and blow your own mind. you havent done it yet, obviously. and sadly, people who argue against this stuff as hard as you, usually never really do wake up. even sadder, if you just listened to me, and spent less than few thousand dollars, i could tell you how to be a lot healthier than any doctor will, and add longevity to your life, by at least a decade or two, but you too worried disagreeing with these ideas, so unfortunately, your gonna get killed, when i could have saved you. im like superman in a way


my final statement is in my defense. i guess im "young, inexperienced, and uneducated". young? maybe. inexperienced...somewhat perhaps, uneducated? get the fuck out. i assume, that you assume that anyone who talks like me is mentally ill, and hasnt done any real research. well i say fuck you, because ive spent a good part of the last 7 years learning about this shit, and now you, wanna come 'round and tell me to go read a book. this is exactly what im talking about here people! you can have an entire database of information proving these claims, and people like franklin, who has done probably zero research on the topic, comes along and tells me i dont know what im talking about. and that shit about if i had spent the last 20 years studying politics and economics, i might have an idea...what the fuck do you think politicians learn after 20 years in office. they learn about everything i mentioned, and how its been designed to get you to call me crazy


dude your a fucking psyciatrist/psychologist/dont care. youve been taught to label people like me as crazy. i bet youd call me a delusional paranoid schizophrenic, and prescribe some zyprexa to "keep me straight". wait! dont get distracted with that now, i know you want to, but lets stay on topic


what say you dude???? nothing i bet. because the truth will always drown out lies, and you sir, are repeating lies taught to you since childhood

*steps off virtual soapbox*

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Guest Helper ET

How's that Drunk driving charge working out for you ET?


well actually it was a refusal to blow charge. and fucking shitty. i had to go down to the station on thursday and get my face scanned and my fingerprints taken. not even fucking convicted yet! police state 2010. nwo database. fucker slopped toxic ink all over my hands. then i got in a fight with a room full of cops. first court date in 5 days. thanks for asking :sorcerer:

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all the jobs are still there they are just worthless. Its like stock.


The bubble economy placed an inflated artificial value on businesses that are no longer needed.

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The time machine (the new one) was on before.. I watched it. Apparently his fiance's death is what prompted him to build the time machine, so he could not go back to stop her from dying because it would cause a paradox.. yet he was able to go into the future, use that knowledge to go back in time and alter things (prevent the new woman in his life from dying) without creating a paradox... Also, you don;t need a job in the future - you're either hunter or prey... wait...

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Guest Franklin

oh frankey, where to begin. your so far off man, so far. first off, everyone knows money is important to most people. we dont need to go over that part anymore. next, you talked about how you dont believe that powerful people sit around at discussion tables. holy cow dude, high level discussion tables are common practice, its incredibly naive to think otherwise. it happens on so many levels, cia, pentagon, bilderberg, etc. i dont go too deep into any of these groups because honestly, i, along with most other people, hardly know anything about them. you probably get all of your news from mainstream, media sources, which is why you know nothing about bilderburg meetings. thats ok dude, you dont need to know everything about the world, but when someone comes around and offers better explanation than yours, unless youve done a fair amount of research into it yourself, you oughta keep your mouth shut. no disrespect


next, you say "theres no conspiracy". for fucks sake dude grow up. even people who arent even into this stuff beleive that there is some conspiracy going on at some levels. seriously dude! you just said theres no conspiracy...i dont beleive it. even if you dont beleive the food and water is poisoned, to admit that theres no conspiracy...my lord. as i said earlier, i dont even know where to begin with people like you. so many declassified documents released over the last few decades, reveal countless acts of conspiracy by the US and other governments. they dont even hide it, all you have to do is go looking for it, i can give you oodles and oodles of links to them, but if you didnt see it on CNN, it didnt happen. this isnt my opinion or perspective dude, this is just how it is. governments become corrupt, and they conspire against their own citizens and other nations in ways you dont seem ready to handle. next, you mention how there is no they. first of all, lets assume, because you probably are, using the word "they", as if it some super secret invincible unidentifiable force, that tinfoil hatters talk about. when i said they, i am talking usually about high level elite globalists. thats right, top bankers, royalists, politicians, social engineers, and government officials, all meet in secret (example: bilderburg), to discuss short and long term globalization related matters. discussing wars, elections, the economy, etc, and they all act in synchronicity with each other, around the planet. this isnt a theory dude, this is out in the fucking open and happening. you can chase them down once a year and find out where they are meeting and videotape some powerful people, get out of secret service protected limousines, and enter high security hotels that they rent out. fucking watch the videos dude. then go research all the people you see, and tell me theres no globalization. you think the media is just playing around when they announced, a "new world order" in literally, thousands and thousands of articles around the world. its not just a phrase found on conspiracy websites any more. theyre moving along with their plans, and have reached the point where it is nolonger need to hide the plan, and now theyre going to roll it out, and theyre letting us all know. yup, october 09 is when it began if im not mistaken...literally dude, all the major countries leaders came together at a meeting called G20 last year, and they announced "a new world order". this wasnt long after obama was announced all over the media as "president of the world". keep in mind these freaks arent politicians, they are bunch of fat, greedy sociopath killers hell bent on controlling every aspect of your life, down to the very food you eat. again dude, weve got all the proof, its not a god damned theory stop pretending like it doesnt exist, its out in the open and happening


then, you talked about how you dont think they are hiding any technology. omg this is painful for me. i have to do it though, just because its the right thing to do. what do you think is going on inside all the super high security military bases? picnics and hello kitty? im not pretending to know everything thats going on in those places...so let me tell you what i do know. countless thousands, perhaps millions of people over the last 50 years, have reported "saucer", or "disc" shaped craft, flying all around the world, seen by all types of people, regardless of nationality, religion, age, or any of that. in addition to this, we have countless video accounts of these ominous crafts. man... you need to see some damn ufo footage, and not a video of a little spec of light, im talking videos in broad daylight of craft hovering over major cities. or maybe you want to try to explain to me the multiple video captures and thousands of eye witness, seeing an entire fleet of ufos hovering over major cities in mexico and other locations. after all the available resources, if you still think ufology is a fringe topic and untruthful, you are so wrong, and actually living in the minority. most people believe that the government is hiding advanced technologies. you then went on to say that, if they had the technology, they would sell it to make money. they dont need money man! the US military has a sickening amount of money handed to them for all sorts of black budget operations. their funding is actually greater than the 50 states' funding combined. they own the federal reserve dude. they are beyond money. money is just something they use to empower themselves.

and these claims of how juvenile i am to think they are hording life extension technology. oh please. check out the methuselah foundation. now take that, add an endless black budget, and black science that modern day physicists are just beginning to figure out, youve got, voila, longer life. man they already stretched out life for us slaves with blood thinners, synthetic amino acids, receptors and shit. think of what they know, but you dont think theyre hiding anything, so i guess that doesnt matter to you


im not saying that i know everything about the world, or anything like that. all i know, is that there is some crazy shit out there that has been revealed to the public one way or another, and as unorthadox as it seems to do, you can go find this shit, and blow your own mind. you havent done it yet, obviously. and sadly, people who argue against this stuff as hard as you, usually never really do wake up. even sadder, if you just listened to me, and spent less than few thousand dollars, i could tell you how to be a lot healthier than any doctor will, and add longevity to your life, by at least a decade or two, but you too worried disagreeing with these ideas, so unfortunately, your gonna get killed, when i could have saved you. im like superman in a way


my final statement is in my defense. i guess im "young, inexperienced, and uneducated". young? maybe. inexperienced...somewhat perhaps, uneducated? get the fuck out. i assume, that you assume that anyone who talks like me is mentally ill, and hasnt done any real research. well i say fuck you, because ive spent a good part of the last 7 years learning about this shit, and now you, wanna come 'round and tell me to go read a book. this is exactly what im talking about here people! you can have an entire database of information proving these claims, and people like franklin, who has done probably zero research on the topic, comes along and tells me i dont know what im talking about. and that shit about if i had spent the last 20 years studying politics and economics, i might have an idea...what the fuck do you think politicians learn after 20 years in office. they learn about everything i mentioned, and how its been designed to get you to call me crazy


dude your a fucking psyciatrist/psychologist/dont care. youve been taught to label people like me as crazy. i bet youd call me a delusional paranoid schizophrenic, and prescribe some zyprexa to "keep me straight". wait! dont get distracted with that now, i know you want to, but lets stay on topic


what say you dude???? nothing i bet. because the truth will always drown out lies, and you sir, are repeating lies taught to you since childhood


Dearest ET,

I'm not sure where to start. I have the sneaking suspicion that we're not going to see eye to eye on this one regardless.


First, statements like "what the fuck do you think politicians learn after 20 years in office. they learn about everything i mentioned, and how its been designed to get you to call me crazy" make you sound very uneducated. Your argument is circular; you are supposing the very argument you are trying to make. When people make arguments like this they are generally ignored because they don't understand logic. And I'm not even going to touch this statement: "if you just listened to me, and spent less than few thousand dollars, i could tell you how to be a lot healthier than any doctor will, and add longevity to your life, by at least a decade or two, but you too worried disagreeing with these ideas, so unfortunately, your gonna get killed, when i could have saved you. im like superman in a way." Tell me you're not paying money for this "knowledge" you have, please.


Second, reading blogs, "documents" posted on the net, and watching documentaries posted in google vids does not an educated person make.


Third, I'm not labeling you crazy, superman. I'm just saying you're giving (regurgitating/synthesizing) a very complicated answer when simpler ones are available. I'm not saying that organizations like the CIA, DARPA, G20, various political parties in all countries around the world, bilderburg group, al-qaida, the Elders etc don't have goals and motives and PLANS. Of course they all do. Take the G20: we know they all met. we know they don't release very many specifics. do they talk about trying to control the price of commodities, control countries that don't play the game, control the spread of anti-democratic ideals? of course. BUT, who is the G20 made of? various governments around the world that all have independent agendas. everybody wants their country, their party, their organization etc. (really probably them) to gain access to money and power and security to enjoy it. so it makes more sense that they're all grabbing for as much as they can, and they can't all have everything. Dude, why the fuck would the world be in the state it is right now if the US, arguably the king of the "they" you keep talking about, had control of the monetary system. Why would they intentionally lose trillions of dollars and international power to foreign countries that are not exactly friendly or pursuing similar ideals (CHINA)? Why would that happen? Because there's no hand behind the stage controlling everything. People try to control it but when there are multiple groups all fighting for the same stuff it's hard to organize the play.


I'm not saying that there can't be organizations covering things up. I wouldn't be surprised if there were UFOs and they've been covered up. I've seen the videos. I know that governments have been lobbied successfully to recently open up their archives. I've even gone through our government's evidence. I understand that corporations like Monsanto are evil conniving fucks that intentionally force-feed us shit foods. They're not doing this to control us though, they're doing it to make money.


Doesn't it make sense though that if there was some sort of medical or technological discovery by a group or country or organization that would blow us all away that they would reveal it and then find a way to profit from it? Why wouldn't they want us to live longer or be healthier? we could then save money in healthcare and put it into military tech to blow the shit out of the North Korean or Iranian leadership right?


Finally, ET, the major force of my counter-arguments comes from living life, working for companies, sitting on board-of-directors, running a company, dealing with lobbyists. Everybody is out for themselves and the best part of that is that nobody gets along for long periods of time. previous funded Bin Laden's soon become enemies of the state, churches face schism when beliefs clash, parties, countries and empires rise and fall all in the name of money and power (which comes from somewhere and goes somewhere else).


It's always amusing to hear the hard-core enthusiasts like you ET because you are enslaving yourself. You're presupposing a prison around you that is inescapable on purpose because maybe the fact that you've done it gives you some feeling of control over things that are beyond you... beyond everybody, including the small global "they"s.

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I think it's ok, the world would be better off without money.


Hopefully someday we'll be without it, I just feel comfortable in the thought that so many rich and successful people have had their luxury taken away from them.


I got used to not having luxurious possesions long ago, becuase I have never had a particularly well paid job, neither have I had the contraints of having the same job over a period of time. People and jobs quickly bore me. I have the freedom and luxury of stopping and starting new jobs when I like. I have the freedom to take 3 months abroad if i like. No strings attached.


All these bank type assholes who are like parasites of some huge whale made out of cash are finally getting whipped, and I can't get enough of it.

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linking what ET has said with One Dimensional Man is basically a slap in the face to intelligent critical discussions of topics everywhere.



The part I highlighted that ET wrote is pretty much the thesis of that book....so I don't see how this is irrelevant....obviously the guy is on the right track.

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