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855ml of Red Bull, 20 mins untill the hour is up

Guest abusivegeorge

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Guest abusivegeorge

So, after last nights discussion of coffee, I mentioned I had 5 Red Bulls and I wondered what they would do and if they'd get me high, well I'm 3 and a half cans through after about 40 minutes and I can feel my heart beating, my co-ordination is slightly awry my eyesight slightly blurred and I feel very very tiny bit anxious, I think five is probably the bodies limit (This is not something I plan on doing to get high all the time, it was merely an experiment) I read an article yesterday, one claimed that a man had, had an heart attack after 8 red bulls in five hours, i suspect if his metabolism is not that great that this is very likely for anyone. I read another article that claimed a man drank 25 in 28 minutes and I think its pretty safe to say that he was talking absolute bollocks.


I think this stuff can actually be quite dangerous, especially if kids think they can drink it all day long.

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Guest abusivegeorge
are you tripping balls


I will be after the fifth a state heightened euphoria has reached me but I shant be doing it again.

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it'd take drinking about 150 cans of redbull to die from caffeine poisoning. but if your heart is weak, it might only take one ;p


a lot of people who die from drinking 8 cans of redbull have other undiagnosed heart/medical problems and are also dehydrated and didn't eat anything that day.


also if you REALLY wanted to get high, you should just take a shitload of epehdrine with redbull. i don't know about the US but in canada it's really cheap to buy and available at all health food stores

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Guest JohnTqs

red bull is pretty expensive, and you get less than the other energy drinks. but then again you don't look like white trash when you drink a red bull.

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So, after last nights discussion of coffee, I mentioned I had 5 Red Bulls and I wondered what they would do and if they'd get me high, well I'm 3 and a half cans through after about 40 minutes and I can feel my heart beating, my co-ordination is slightly awry my eyesight slightly blurred and I feel very very tiny bit anxious, I think five is probably the bodies limit (This is not something I plan on doing to get high all the time, it was merely an experiment) I read an article yesterday, one claimed that a man had, had an heart attack after 8 red bulls in five hours, i suspect if his metabolism is not that great that this is very likely for anyone. I read another article that claimed a man drank 25 in 28 minutes and I think its pretty safe to say that he was talking absolute bollocks.


I think this stuff can actually be quite dangerous, especially if kids think they can drink it all day long.


you're riddlin ?

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I drink 2 500mL cans by 2PM at work... I usually crash 2 or 4 of the small ones afterwards. It's all supplemented with a morning double espresso, and after work double espresso. Occasionally I get a 44 ounce super big gulp and fill it with iced coffee.



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Guest Panoptimist

What is this mamby pamby bullshit? Redbull? Pla fucking cebo.


I gotta get away from fucking dexamps. Talk about your heart beating fast and shit...

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Guest Panoptimist
I've never been into the "uppers" as they were called in the 60's. My affinity goes toward anything that slows me down; I'm amp'd enough. Notice that their aren't many "anti-energy" drinks marketed other than booze; those stimulants are too fucking cheap, easy, and effective to do otherwise.

*thinks up business plan*


I'm a naturally jacked up kid too, and for some reason I think that's why I like going up...it actually chills me out...and feels good and makes shit interesting. The only downer I like is weed. Going down for me is a big fucking hassle. One time my dumbass thought half of 8mg suboxone was was actually half of a 20mg adderall. In my defense it was disfigured from humidity, but blowing that 4mg of suboxone unknowingly shortly after taking 20mg addy was one of the worst experiences I've ever had. Fuck, I got through 3 pages in the text i was reading at the library before I was outside of it puking my nuts off. At least I was able to drive home okay before staying sick all night and the next day.


Even in moderation or at a proper recreational dose downers, except in rare cases, just seem to render me completely useless. Like I said, weed is my downerr. I smoke it all day anyway so, I dunno. I can't explain my affinity to uppers.

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I've never been into the "uppers" as they were called in the 60's. My affinity goes toward anything that slows me down; I'm amp'd enough. Notice that their aren't many "anti-energy" drinks marketed other than booze; those stimulants are too fucking cheap, easy, and effective to do otherwise.

*thinks up business plan*


thing about booze is it gives me energy in that i'll do anything when i'm drunk.

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Guest hahathhat
So, after last nights discussion of coffee, I mentioned I had 5 Red Bulls and I wondered what they would do and if they'd get me high, well I'm 3 and a half cans through after about 40 minutes and I can feel my heart beating, my co-ordination is slightly awry my eyesight slightly blurred and I feel very very tiny bit anxious, I think five is probably the bodies limit (This is not something I plan on doing to get high all the time, it was merely an experiment) I read an article yesterday, one claimed that a man had, had an heart attack after 8 red bulls in five hours, i suspect if his metabolism is not that great that this is very likely for anyone. I read another article that claimed a man drank 25 in 28 minutes and I think its pretty safe to say that he was talking absolute bollocks.


I think this stuff can actually be quite dangerous, especially if kids think they can drink it all day long.


drinking this much red bull will put you in a state of high vibration


p.s. red bull == overpriced


get cheapass budget nrg drnqz; just as good.

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why not just do a load of creatine, that shit fucks you up like ecstacy. a 'natural highs' place called happy herbs used to sell creatine capsules marketed as 'blue gliders', they work rather well actually. make you sweat like a motherfucker though.

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