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Couples that work together


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Man Im getting fucking tired of this.


I go into work, and one of my co-workers, who is married to another co-worker with whom I have been on a friendly basis with, asks me how my previous shift went.


"Great!", I said. "We made a good amount of money, all went well."


Well, she is Hungarian and is notorious for misunderstanding just about everything I say....so she makes a phone call to her husband (who was on his way in for another shift), saying I was "bragging about making money and rubbing it in her face".


Husband comes in, starts getting in my face, words are exchanged, we threaten each other, I am escorted out the back to cool off and I assume hes doing the same.


Now if this bitch could understand proper english we wouldn't be in this situation, but its the guy's wife, so hes gonna stand up for her regardless, right?


Husband and wife should never EVER work at the same place.

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man, im with you there.


you should see this woman. acts all nice and sweet until the SECOND she sees you stopping what you are doing to get a cup of coffee.


you then spend the next hour listening to her talk about how you aren't working like a professional, and THEN you spend another three hours explaining to her how coffee breaks are allowed during down time, but she looks at your mouth like you have fucking down's syndrome or something and then proceeds to report to her husband.


there was probably something else there like you were being a prick or something


dunno yeah



this coming from you.

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Sounds like you've got a bit of a temper



to be honest man, im really well tempered at work. this is the first time ive ever been heated like that.


i show up to work, go up to the man, say "hi hows it going", and he immediately gets in my face puttin his finger on my chest. i dunno how you would respond to that normally, but i dont really tolerate that kind of disrespect.

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Sounds like you've got a bit of a temper



to be honest man, im really well tempered at work. this is the first time ive ever been heated like that.


i show up to work, go up to the man, say "hi hows it going", and he immediately gets in my face puttin his finger on my chest. i dunno how you would respond to that normally, but i dont really tolerate that kind of disrespect.


I'd probably just turn around and leave. But of course that's just because I always avoid conflicts.

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That sucks dude. I wouldn't worry unless your boss is on your case. I hate petty tyrants in the work place, I deal with many, however.



its not a big deal anymore. im going to go in tomorrow and explain to both of them politely that we should not continue talking on a friend to friend basis, and keep it purely business, that way, no mixups and unfriendliness occur.


thats exactly how it happened right



oh yeah i left out that i threw her crazy ass through a few glass panes and then spit on her wounds.

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that's a jacked up situation... she keeps calling her hubby at the first sign of whatever it is that she's sensing and you get a finger to the chest... that's a bummer man... a bummer!


teabag both their coffee mugs!

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that's a jacked up situation... she keeps calling her hubby at the first sign of whatever it is that she's sensing and you get a finger to the chest... that's a bummer man... a bummer!


teabag both their coffee mugs!



nah, im not gonna teabag them....until the time is right.


we both avoided each other for the rest of the day, so there must have been a mutual understanding that we were not in a good mood.

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nicely done, be an adult. be above drama. and dont get dragged into silliness because people are silly.


ps. im well mature

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I worked with a girlfriend once. The accountant was really rude to her, after being a complete prick to many others on my staff quite often. We exchanged words, he poked my chest and grabbed him by the throat and threw him into the wall... We were separated, he later modified his behavior.

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i like the finger to the forehead approach... then you say "how do you like THAT!" and push their head back with your finger when you say "THAT!"

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the craziest part about this whole thing is that me and the husband used to get along really really well...and then when the wife showed up, everything gradually decayed into complete shit.


the worst part about this whole thing is that it really feels like I was stabbed in the back. The husband isn't the best worker, but hes got a good heart and is usually easy to get along with. I end up defending him a lot of times behind closed doors when others accuse him of slacking off.


so when his wife complains about me, he doesn't even bother asking my side of the story, he just flips out and gets overly aggressive at me.

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there was this one place i used to work at a few years ago in burbank... i made a comment about one of the customer service chick's ass and how nice and round it is and if given the opportunity, i'd like to hit it... then i noticed all the dudes in the office were silent and some dude was standing beside me and was like "really? that's my wife!" i was speechless and apologized to the dude. he then said "i'm flattered that someone else think's she's hot, but watch what you say next time!"


that lady is still in my spank bank to this day!

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It's hard to work with and live with someone, in general. I know this very well because I have done it for a number of years. Sometimes couples need distinct boundaries set in place to make things amicable. I have also been on the other side of the coin. I was in a band with a couple. They often would team up on decisions. Other times they brought tons of intimate baggage and bullshit into the work process that certainly didn't belong there. The whole thing can be pretty fucked up at times.

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