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google chrome

Chris Moss Acid

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so i was getting a bit bored with firefox so i though id download google crome and its pretty nice


anyone got any hits or tricks to enhance my internet surfing with google crome?


Nope - Chrome just works. That's what makes it so great. And it's blazingly fast.


is chrome mac ready yet?


then is does not work.


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Especially considering Macs are renown for 3rd party software support.


i guess i don't care about support, i just want to give chrome a spin on my mac. i've heard positive things about it.


the only times i've used tech support for any product (hp printer/copier/scanner, my wife's hp tower, my wife's hp photo printer, wait a sec - i detect a pattern here) i've hung up with the friendly indian fellow wishing i had the last 2-5 hours of my life back. i can't see google being much different. and software support for a browser? really? does such a thing exist?


i was surprised chrome was even released before a mac version was ready to roll. i guess i thought mac had begun to approach the PC in popularity.


my mistake.

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Guest fiznuthian

chrome will never be as good as firefox until it supports some kind of plugin system.


i love tweaking firefox all out to elimate bajillions of ads, knock some of the tougher popups out of the water, handle links in various ways, speed it up, make it look the way i want, etc.


kindof sad really because i like chrome and really want to use it, but at the end of the day i find myself unsatisfied because it's just not all there..

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Guest fiznuthian
Especially considering Macs are renown for 3rd party software support.


i guess i don't care about support, i just want to give chrome a spin on my mac. i've heard positive things about it.


the only times i've used tech support for any product (hp printer/copier/scanner, my wife's hp tower, my wife's hp photo printer, wait a sec - i detect a pattern here) i've hung up with the friendly indian fellow wishing i had the last 2-5 hours of my life back. i can't see google being much different. and software support for a browser? really? does such a thing exist?


i was surprised chrome was even released before a mac version was ready to roll. i guess i thought mac had begun to approach the PC in popularity.


my mistake.


google doesn't really have much of a relationship with apple

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any reason for one to switch from Opera to Chrome?


i was a happy opera man before i tried chrome. compared to chrome opera is pretty slow and that's saying a lot. before chrome i thought opera was the best browser out there. i want my browser to be fast and it should be able to show most pages without any problems...don't really care about all the extra bells and whistles. that's why FF never sat well with me, to get it to look like i wanted i had to download a million add-ons and further slow it down and bloat the shit out of it. crap, imo.


for the clean and fast internet experience, chrome is the way to go.

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...and now I'm done with it.


Some of the design choices are really ass backwards having been raised on IE & FF (like no mousewheel click & scroll, auto-opening mp3 files in Quicktime without a help option to set it to auto-download, etc etc). Plus, chrome doesn't look right maximised in Vista. It still has a border on the right and bottom sides for some reason.


I'll stick with FF3.

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I've been looking for a reason to ditch ff. I guess this is it, huh?


fuck, nevermind... not out for mac yet. bogus.


Should get a stable beta by this fall, if not sooner.


there was an article about google chrome on wired.com about how they bundle it with the google desktop updater. This program constantly chuggs away in the background, there is no way to disable it and instead of working like normal updaters and checking for updates once per day, it is ALWAYS running and if there was ever a virus released into the update system, every single user with that software on their computer would be infected whether they like it or not. It doesn't even give you the choice to download an update or not.


after about 10 minutes of heated battle with wired's search engine i dug the article up here



I find that hard to believe... and what's constantly running is the Google Desktop indexer, not the updater - why would an updater run continuously?


try going to ign.com it froze on me every time.


IGN works fine for me - make sure some third party software (like Ad Aware or something) isn't conflicting, and that you have Flash 9.0 or higher installed.



is chrome mac ready yet?


then is does not work.


This fall, although a very shaky alpha was compiled and released (not by Google) today. I wouldn't bother until Google officially unveils something.


any reason for one to switch from Opera to Chrome?


Faster than Opera, but other than that, nothing really. I like Opera too.


chrome will never be as good as firefox until it supports some kind of plugin system.


i love tweaking firefox all out to elimate bajillions of ads, knock some of the tougher popups out of the water, handle links in various ways, speed it up, make it look the way i want, etc.


kindof sad really because i like chrome and really want to use it, but at the end of the day i find myself unsatisfied because it's just not all there..


Once Chrome 2.0 (non beta) comes out, they will support user scripts (a la Greasemonkey) that will offer extendability - as a longtime Firefox user, I thought extensions were very handy, but after using Chrome for a period of time, I've seen that most of that is bloat and really not needed - think again about what the application is for - a web browser, for viewing web pages. All that extra fluff that extensions offer is nice, but really, other dedicated apps do a better job in most cases.



...and now I'm done with it.


Some of the design choices are really ass backwards having been raised on IE & FF (like no mousewheel click & scroll, auto-opening mp3 files in Quicktime without a help option to set it to auto-download, etc etc). Plus, chrome doesn't look right maximised in Vista. It still has a border on the right and bottom sides for some reason.


I'll stick with FF3.


Mousewheel click and scroll works for me, and setting the download option to always ask where to save files before downloading will prevent it auto-opening in Quicktime.


And this is just my opinion, but nothing looks right in Vista, including Vista itself. Worst OS since Windows ME MS has released.


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...and now I'm done with it.


Some of the design choices are really ass backwards having been raised on IE & FF (like no mousewheel click & scroll, auto-opening mp3 files in Quicktime without a help option to set it to auto-download, etc etc). Plus, chrome doesn't look right maximised in Vista. It still has a border on the right and bottom sides for some reason.


I'll stick with FF3.


give it a lil more time. after a while you'll be surprised you ever thought FF was good. also you can always right click -> save link as.


and btw click & scroll works fine for me, but maybe that's cus im using a developers beta. anyway what's the version number on yours?


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