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life is a dream...

Guest Helper ET

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Guest countchocula

So you are saying that life is one big dream and our bodies are sitting somewhere motionless.

You are also saying that there is a way to "wake up".



Edit: Seriously though WTF. Did you just watch the matrix?

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Guest Helper ET
Maybe you have two different minds. When you dream one of them comes into play and interacts in their own dimension (dreams), but once you wake up the other mind kind-of falls asleep and dreams what you're doing now.


i think there are different components to the mind, many of them, like vast structures made up of smaller minds. its all one though


we are separate from our minds. the division is disguised more and more as we get older, and people begin to realize that they are their mind, when in fact they are absolutely seperate from their minds. this is why children are so pure. once you realize all of this, and you can distinguish between the mind and "the real you". this will then lead you ona search to discover who this real you is. you will find that all it is is consciousness. it came into your body to take form, to be something


when life seems confusing or scary or fucked up, its because you havent realized and integrated these things into your life. any seemingly fucked up thing can happen, and you can be at toal peace and okayness with it, such a loss of a friend or family member, or yourself, or even something as small as stubbing your toe, or falling off a bike. the "oh my god im falling of my bike", or the "oh my god im going to die", is the mind trying to hold on to something that doesnt exist, hence the suffering


So you are saying that life is one big dream and our bodies are sitting somewhere motionless.

You are also saying that there is a way to "wake up".



Edit: Seriously though WTF. Did you just watch the matrix?


im saying that there our bodies are nothing more than vehicles of expression. consciousness entered this vehicle probably the second you are conceived, or maybe when the fetus begins to develop a brain. the purpose of all of our lives, is to realize this, correct the mistake we have been living our whole life, then begin to live real life


it is amazing! i have never been so connected, whole, sophisticated, and peaceful my whole life. and i used to eat lots of mushrooms, which i thought were the ultimate way to achieve a feeling of wholeness. i feel like im on mushrooms right now, and i am completely sober, its exactly the same, but without the emotional response to all realizations one has one mushrooms. this is the way of truth. no other way of living is correct.




its weird that the matrix was not only made, but that it was one of the most successful movies of all time. that is almost exactly what im talking about. we are all living in this matrix...this dream, this cage, the self created prison, this box. we are not the box, but the person inside of it




"Spiritual Awakening is the profound experiential realizing of one's true nature, from the illusory trance of apparent separation and egoic identification which most beings are involved. Enlightenment generally means the stabilized living from that state. Enlightenment is not some state that is achieved. It is simply the realization of one's natural state, one's very true nature, that has always been here - the ONENESS OF BEING (though that term hardly describes the actual thing). It is hard to describe as it is that which is PRIOR to BEING - the consciousness which always is and has always been the source of all being and manifestation."

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Guest Helper ET

"Existence or Consciousness is the only reality. Consciousness plus waking we call waking. Consciousness plus sleep we call sleep. Consciousness plus dream, we call dream. Consciousness is the screen on which all the pictures come and go. The screen is real, the pictures are mere shadows on it."

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Here's one thing I have learned from To Mega Therion:


Drink menstrual blood....


then meditate....


and become enlightened....


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i've had the strangest dreams about three days ago. i was driving on the country side in a madmax-style road vehicle and there was someone sitting next to me on the passenger sit. i have a thing with persons in my dreams. i always know who they are, and communicate with them as if they were the person i know from wake-llife, but i never see their faces. in this case she was my sister. i have really vague memory of the conversation but i remember saying "we come from the past, this thing has not yet happened." our goal was to arrive at some hidden villlage on top of a rocky-hill. at some point the road inclined and the late afternoon sun hid itself behind the rocky cliffs. the car had no roof, so i could feel the cold breeze. as we arrive at the foot of the cliffs i saw a person waving somekind of a stick that resembled a lightsaber, a glow-stick or something. that person was dressed up in a long tuareg-like flannel, clearly improvised from the lack of quality materials or fabric. as we arrived at the top we sat on a rock, where that person filled me up on everything that was going on there. the village was a system of underground tunnels, a cold and damp place. the urge of my arrival was soon revealed. i had to penetrate the oppressor's encampment twenty miles east from there. i don't recall what i had to do once i infiltrated the camp. i remember crawling and navigating the cold mojave desert-like environment, evading patrols.. i woke up before anything serious could have happened.


it was amazing due to the sensations i've had. not the actual "storyline", but the feeling when you "wake" in your dreams and everything around becomes a reality, something like i wasn't in any way surprised about where i am, what am i doing etc. everything seemed so natural as if i've been living this life. i knew stuff, i knew how to communicate with those strange people, my infiltration in that camp was not of a military nature (soldiers were there though) as i had no weapons. only my apparent "skills of sneaking around" and teh horrible feeling of stress and fear as i was crawling around.


there was a constant feed of certain kind of dreams in my life that continue to occur - like a parallel life. the feelings are so real and i grew to like it.

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Guest hahathhat
The fine line between dreams and reality


Filed under: Uncategorized, metaphysics, ramble -- DISCERNING INTERWEB CITIZEN @ 2:39 am


Over the past few weeks, I've had a song by the artist Clark keep popping into my head. I'll absentmindedly go to put it on... but then I can't find it. Maybe it's in the middle of a track and I missed it. Maybe it's from a Clark album I heard in passing, but don't own (I should get on that). Or, maybe it's my brain mashing together twelve Clark songs, then stretching the maesh over a Chemical Brothers beat -- "Hoops" off of Come With Us, approximately.


Anyways, I was having a chuckle over this a moment ago, not realizing that by doing so, I was parking my braincar across the tracks of an oncoming mindfuck train. The first whistle came when I remembered something I read on Philip K. Dick's Wikipedia entry yesterday:


In his boyhood, around the age of thirteen, Dick had a recurring dream for several weeks. He dreamed he was in a bookstore, trying to find an issue of Astounding Magazine. This issue of the magazine would contain the story titled "The Empire Never Ended", which would reveal the secrets of the universe to him. As the dream recurred, the pile of magazines he searched grew smaller and smaller, but he never reached the bottom. Eventually, he became anxious that discovering the magazine would drive him mad (as in H. P. Lovecraft's Necronomicon or Chambers' The King in Yellow, promising insanity to the reader). Shortly thereafter, the dreams ceased, but the phrase "The Empire Never Ended" would appear later in his work. Dick was a voracious reader of religion, philosophy, metaphysics and Gnosticism, ideas of which appear in many of his stories and visions.


The parallel of the two situations made me laugh even more, at first... but then... I'll switch to present tense, if you don't mind.


What if I were having a dream like Philip K. Dick's dream? Am I dreaming right now? How can I be sure I am not?


Then, I realized that I could not be sure. All my memories could be fabrications; part of the local landscape of the dream. My pulse shot up as the metaphysical clusterfuck took hold of my sympathetic nervous system. I've never had a panic attack before, but I bet that's what one feels like. So that's what happens when you finally find that issue of Astounding Magazine.


Thankfully, that was just an initial shock. Once I calmed down, I kept thinking about it. If I was dreaming, I could fly. I tried to fly. I felt lighter... kind of floaty... but then another wave of panic hit me. This was impossible!! I couldn't be dreaming. Why was I trying to fly? This was absurd!!


Perhaps those sort of panic reactions are natural responses to such sort of sanity-threatening trains of thoughts. When you feel your heart pumping and your blood flowing, you're very much reassured that you're awake and alive. You can feel your body. There's something metaphysically comforting in that. However, I still don't want to think about it too hard, yet. The feeling of being genuinely uncertain as to whether I was awake or dreaming was not exactly comfortable...


Perhaps I need to ask the Doc for some pills.


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your a fucking pussy


Comment by fuck u pussy -- January 11, 2009 @ 3:06 am



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Guest Funktion

i was reading phillip k dick's wiki yesterday aswell, i liked the part about him thinking that his house was robbed by himself but he had somehow forgotten

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Guest Helper ET

when you read this thread, and your mind wants to stop reading it, that is a mental pattern your mind has developed, and you have become accustomed to listening to, and believing that that is actually you. we are not our mental patterns, we are the little person inside that likes to follow these mental patterns around all day long, everyday. anyone who hasnt realized this will continue on a path of impossibility. they will try to find happiness in life, understanding, and peace. you will find little nuggets of all these things, and your mind will try to tell you that those are little nuggets of truth, but they are not. they are pieces of candy for the mind, candy that makes the mind go, "mmmm, this is flavorful". and you want to keep doing it over and over again. what is actually happening is that the mind becomes accustomed to getting what it wants, which is always more more more, for me me me, for ever ever ever. it simply cant be. its impossible, physically speaking. there simply isnt enough matter coming your way, to satisfy what the mind has become accustomed to wanting. that is why less is more. when you have less, and less, and less, your being gets bigger, and bigger, and that is good, and that feels amazing, and that is what you really are and what you really want. when that being gets bigger, it in itself will satisfy your mind, which used to need surface material objects to entertain it, because it was bored, but now your being alone is more than enough for your mind, as long as you arent living for your mental patterns

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Guest Helper ET

i love that film. i had an amazing experience after it was over. i was just sitting in my living room all alone in the middle of the night, and it just occurred to me, life in itself is an invitation to "wake". it made absolutely no sense in my mind, but in my heart, i knew that all i had to do was realize the truth which was standing right in front of me. my mind wouldnt allow me though, and in my untrained state of being, my mind quickly took over and categorized it as fantasia


whoever made that movie designed it for the intent of the veiwer to realize this truth


this is all very real

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Guest Helper ET
or maybe it's like Samsara and we're all fucked and destined to suffer for eternity.


the part of you that says, "well maybe everything is just a ...." is the allowance of your mind taking control of your heart. there is no "rebirth", in the sense that your mind is probably trying to understand. we are consciousness, after death, consciousness simply escapes our body and goes back into what it is, which is an all encompassing beingness. the part of you that fears death, is simply your mind trying to hold on to something which is against the aforementioned truth, which is why the feeling of mental conflict occurs when people think they are going to die. everything is going to be ok

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recently i had a dream


there was an 80's band performing songs


i look closer and i see that david lynch is singing in this band


he had very long brown John Frusciante-esque hair, and wore really flashy kitshy coloured 80's clothing, he was playing the electric guitar and singing songs with a smile

and then Michael Stipe comes up and sings along with him


then some guy says to me "Yeah, David Lynch used to be in REM, didn't you know that?"


fuck you david lynch, for weirding me out even in my dreams



all i'm saying is


life is not like a dream because unreal random shit like david lynch dressed all 80's like while being a bandmember of REM doesn't happen and never will and when you die you don't wake up, the chemical reactions in your brain that causes consciousness dies out and there is nothing after that so accept that truth and you have one less coffeetablephilosophy subject to ramble on about

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so I'm assuming you have started working against the current situation then, right? This is just a short internet break from your big schedule of uniting underground dis-establishment cults, right? I hope so, since with all this realization you've had, it would be quite a pity for this to simply not affect your life...

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Guest Helper ET
all i'm saying is


life is not like a dream because unreal random shit like david lynch dressed all 80's like while being a bandmember of REM doesn't happen and never will and when you die you don't wake up, the chemical reactions in your brain that causes consciousness dies out and there is nothing after that so accept that truth and you have one less coffeetablephilosophy subject to ramble on about


your fault lies in your peception of truth. you dont see it as anything beyond coffee table discussion, because it has no meaning to you. you will eventually log off watmm for the day, and get on with your life thinking your consciousness is just a by product of your experience as a human being. the truth is that, consciousness flows thought the whole universe, and you are just an instance of it. your making it too narrow to let it into your heart


this is all really mindblowingly interesting...


if you're 16.


if you really understood it, you would help others see it, rather than ridicule them for not

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Guest Helper ET
so I'm assuming you have started working against the current situation then, right? This is just a short internet break from your big schedule of uniting underground dis-establishment cults, right? I hope so, since with all this realization you've had, it would be quite a pity for this to simply not affect your life...


thats too convoluted. my presence here as of late is as a messenger of truth. when youre more honest within yourself, you begin to see through the haze of your mind

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thats too convoluted. my presence here as of late is as a messenger of truth. when your more honest within yourself, you begin to see through the haze of your mind


Is this the truth as you perceive it, or as it has been presented to you?

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