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Ugh, when is this hipster/indy shit gonna die out?

I can't wait til we have 35 year old retro-emo adults walking around. Emo-comb-overs will be all the rage.

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i'm on the black train. i've got one grey shirt and a couple others that are off grey or green or something, including my sweaters. i've got a red plaid jacket that is almost too hipster for life but i like it cause it's comfy and shit. that's as close as i come to hipster/having a decent wardrobe. i look homeless.

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do hipsters where the same smelly clothing all the time?.. cause i just picked up a pair of black jeans and i love them so much i haven't washed them in a week, but that's just between me and wattem

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lol everyone in their teens, twenties and early thirties look like this around these parts.


i dunno, it's just so damn common. the word hipster doesn't exist, just indie. alot of my friends dress like that in extreme ways, i like to hipster it up abit every now and then, but i tend not to go too extreme.


do hipsters where the same smelly clothing all the time?.. cause i just picked up a pair of black jeans and i love them so much i haven't washed them in a week, but that's just between me and wattem


you're supposed to wear your jeans for 5 months before you wash them, then they'll fit ultra nice.

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Guest fiznuthian

i just don't fucking understand fashion.


i have 4-5 shirts which don't mean a thing because i wear pocketed shirts on top of them, 5 cargo pants (dark brown and dark blue), and a set of thin pocketed buttonups that are all earth tone themed too.. i typically wear all brown shit with loads of pockets and a pair of merrel's waterproof hiking shoes.


basically i dress completely utilitarian and love green, blue, and brown, the colours of chlorophyll, water, and dirt. gotta have my pockets and gotta keep warm always.


but then again i'm really not a chick magnet either

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Guest fiznuthian

fuck guys, is it weird that i feel very uncomfortable dressing in the latest fashion? :embrassed:


when i was somewhat of a chick magnet i still dressed as an asshole.


good to know! so it isn't about fashion then? i'm fuck all terrible with women and i've had a sneaking suspicion it's that i refuse to dress to impress. though some do find my earthy ways interesting.. i look the same almost always, got a Doug thing going on.

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i think dressing in a certain way may help you with women, but it also depends on the women you want help with. i'm not gonna dress like some trendy asshole, mostly cause that ain't me and i dig chicks who don't dress like trendy assholes. also for the longest time i was shit with women and couldn't do shit, but after a couple relationships i've come to find that you just need confidence and integrity. shit will happen if you're into yourself, in the right amount.

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Guest Helper ET

whats a hipster? seriously i have no idea who they are. they dress up fashionably to adhere to the code of whats "hip"?


and if you adhere to this fashion code then you probably listen to "indy", which is also supposed to be cool?


is this all right?

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Guest zaphod

i've only recently started dressing well but that's because i have to look professional at my job and then when i'm at school i don't really care but it's nice to at least look i'm trying. i'm not convinced that your fashion sense has much to do with getting girls...i've never had a problem and i used to just wear jeans and a plain colored tshirt...i looked like a homeless teenager most of the time.

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Guest Helper ET

oh, i just realized they're trying to define hipster in the "nerd vs hipster" thread. glad to see im not the only one who doesnt get it

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Guest zaphod

well the point of that thread was that i don't know how to define either of them and there's a lot of ambiguity now with those terms, if there wasn't before. and lol at me commenting on my thread in this thread.

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