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Guest abracadabra

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Guest maantecaaa!!!
Sweet, a little LA meet up that is totally heterosexual, sounds good. Cant sunday though, im looking at apts. Saturday isnt good either, thats the draft. But! Maybe the following weekend?




Eh, i'm not afraid of a little e-stalking. Before the internet, how could you check up on your exes? You do have to mentally move on or you'll get caught up wondering what she's doing.


Before the internet, you just didnt! Those are what the old timers call the good old days


I like going to weird scenes in L.A. This past weekend I discovered that the Santa Fe Springs(?)Swap Meet is having heavy metal tribute bands throughout the summer. We caught a Black Sabbath tribute band called Masters of Reality last sunday that was great. The band itself was pretty competent, but the FANS.... oh my the fans... It was dozens of white trash and ex cholos and cholas dancing in 90 degree weather (in the afternoon!) like they were actually at a sabbath concert. Such an amazing scene all for the low price of......$1.50. Seriously. And you can walk around the swap meet too. If you need any Raiders memorabilia, this is your place.


The next show i'm going to there is the Iron Maidens, an all-female tribute to Iron Maiden. You guys are welcome to go, I'm going to try and round up a bunch of people to go. IMO, it would be a wackier time than just meeting at a club.

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Guest Georges Bataille

my ex must totally feel like shit now. i dumped her last week after dinner at a restaurant. the gentleman that i am, i paid for our meals and then dropped the bomb on her. we'd been together for nine months and i guess she was pretty sure we'd have babies and grow old together.

anyway, i explained why i wanted to be out of the relationship. I realized that it might have been a little too overwhelming for her that evening so I offered to meet again the next week to talk about it more elaborately, after it had sunk in a bit. she seemed to appreciate that.


but now she's stalking me with e-mails, real nasty ones, in which she plays the victim card rather pathetically. she has obviously lost the plot completely. i haven't replied to any of her mails cause, you know, it's better to let them rant a little. i realize that break-ups are never smooth but i think i made an honest attempt to keep it clean. fuck it.


my advise: don't be a douche and take it like a man. accept your defeat, disappear for a while and come back stronger.

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Guest margaret thatcher

i am on talking terms with none of my ex-gfs.


my most recent one deleted me from facebook a few weeks ago. just as well really. we have about 100 mutual friends though, which is entertaining, because it's fun to see my long-term friends drift further awar from me, and appear in photos with her.


my second most recent one has just bought a house with her new boyfriend. that's why i hate facebook.


my third most recent, and longest term one, well she has her account so that i can't even add her. i don't think i'd want to find out what she's up to anyway. the past is in the past, and best kept there, even if she was out of my league and i'd love to see her decline into early pregnancy and a slow death.


god, i forgot how much fun it is reminiscing.

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Guest abracadabra
Eh, i'm not afraid of a little e-stalking. Before the internet, how could you check up on your exes? You do have to mentally move on or you'll get caught up wondering what she's doing.


Hey guys i'm in L.A. too! (no homo). I've been to the Smell a few times, what's this Grouper all about?


Totally then, a LA WATMM meet-up is in the works for in the next possible two weeks. There will soon be a thread regarding this matter. Mike Haggar is also in LA, was supposed to meet up with him at the arcade, but got caught busy, hope he doesn't hate me for that. Grouper is Liz Harris, check out her music, I rated her last album as one of the best for 2008.



i am on talking terms with none of my ex-gfs.


my most recent one deleted me from facebook a few weeks ago. just as well really. we have about 100 mutual friends though, which is entertaining, because it's fun to see my long-term friends drift further awar from me, and appear in photos with her.


my second most recent one has just bought a house with her new boyfriend. that's why i hate facebook.


my third most recent, and longest term one, well she has her account so that i can't even add her. i don't think i'd want to find out what she's up to anyway. the past is in the past, and best kept there, even if she was out of my league and i'd love to see her decline into early pregnancy and a slow death.


god, i forgot how much fun it is reminiscing.




btw, I "de-friended" my ex on Facebook already, and "de-tagged" myself from the photos of her and I. But her profile is still accessible through the networks. I, myself have made my profile private. I don't know if in doing so is better for me or her. Whatever, I kind of wish she gets an early pregnancy as well and ends up having to drop out of school. God, I can't believe I went out with such a narcissistic person (the kind to take pictures of herself posing in front of a mirror, trying on clothes)

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Guest Deep Fried Everything

totally depends on how you left the relationship. sucks when you're the dumped.


i left my last ex hanging on far too long for either my good or hers, unfortunately, and there was an extended period where we were broken up fully but still emailing and texting constantly, until i realized it was doing my fucking head in and i had put a stop to it. now the slow drift apart....


she doesn't have facebook.

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Guest AOOproductions
1. Social networking* is a time-suck and nothing but trouble. Lose it and live your life to the fullest.


2. I'm guessing you're under 30

*WATMM excluded, of course!

yea but because your over 30, and in a completely different part of your life... and didn't really have facebook/myspace as an important technological development of *your* adult/college/highschool life... you really can't relate to it. I am in no way for using the internet as a way to make real friends... but it's here and it's here to stay.

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1. Social networking* is a time-suck and nothing but trouble. Lose it and live your life to the fullest.


2. I'm guessing you're under 30

*WATMM excluded, of course!

yea but because your over 30, and in a completely different part of your life... and didn't really have facebook/myspace as an important technological development of *your* adult/college/highschool life... you really can't relate to it. I am in no way for using the internet as a way to make real friends... but it's here and it's here to stay.

I'm Joyrex's age and use Facebook. Probably not in the way some one in their early 20s does, but it's good to keep in touch with old friends.

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i cut off contact with my most recent ex and haven't talked to her in a few months. i would like to be friends with her someday and i know she's willing but i guess i still don't feel like my head's on straight. i had a cool dream the other night that we were hanging out and a ghost came along and started playing a balloon game with us. it was fun. i don't know.


yeah these threads don't always put one in the best mood but i guess they are cathartic

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Checking up on the person you still have feelings for is only asking for trouble. I was going through the same thing a couple years ago, and eventually just stopped checking facebook altogether. I felt a lot better after that.


This is massively true, I deleted my ex after a messy breakup and constant updates and photos of her with some new guy started to massively irritate me. She's just readded me though after 3/4 of a year to extend some sort of olive branch complete with apology, which is nice in a way. However it means that I can't happily float along in my little bubble of pretending she doesn't exist which I've found is the best way to retain sanity!

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Guest abracadabra

Text message by my ex-girlfriend received today at 1:03 am:


"i know that i shouldnt text you. but i just want you to know that ive been thinking about you alot. im sorry about everything. you were one of the best things to happen to me and i should have never treated you like that."


1:41 am : "why wont you even respond to me? i guess i can take a hint. i wont ever try to text you again"



I didn't respond yet, I don't think I will until I sober up at least. How the fuck is she going to think that she's almighty important, that she needs a response within those ~40 min.? Like I have nothing going on? (I was drinking with a few friends and didn't even notice the texts till around 2am)


Don't know if I should reply when i'm sober, or to not reply at all.



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Guest nene multiple assgasms
Text message by my ex-girlfriend received today at 1:03 am:


"i know that i shouldnt text you. but i just want you to know that ive been thinking about you alot. im sorry about everything. you were one of the best things to happen to me and i should have never treated you like that."


1:41 am : "why wont you even respond to me? i guess i can take a hint. i wont ever try to text you again"



I didn't respond yet, I don't think I will until I sober up at least. How the fuck is she going to think that she's almighty important, that she needs a response within those ~40 min.? Like I have nothing going on? (I was drinking with a few friends and didn't even notice the texts till around 2am)


Don't know if I should reply when i'm sober, or to not reply at all.


you should have instantly responded with "lol."

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man. girlfriends = too much confusion.


trust me, you should delete your facebook:

A because you're going to check her page too much

B because it's a huge invasion of privacy / is terrifying


totally depends on how you left the relationship. sucks when you're the dumped.


i left my last ex hanging on far too long for either my good or hers, unfortunately, and there was an extended period where we were broken up fully but still emailing and texting constantly, until i realized it was doing my fucking head in and i had put a stop to it. now the slow drift apart....


she doesn't have facebook.


This is where I'm at, except I'm the one without facebook. It's been several months of suspension.

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Guest Deep Fried Everything

mine tells me today "we need to chat" sometime. not like i could ever talk to her ...


lol internets drinking :beer:

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