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i'm about to take lsd


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First one was by some Polack whose name I can't spell


Second picture looks like it was by some cgtalk.com artist, whose name I forgot

thanks, i'll google 'unpronouncable polacks' and 'forgettable cgtalk.com art'.

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First one was by some Polack whose name I can't spell


Second picture looks like it was by some cgtalk.com artist, whose name I forgot

thanks, i'll google 'unpronouncable polacks' and 'forgettable cgtalk.com art'.

Zdzislaw Beksinski

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chimera should be in the awesome zone right about now, and for the next hour or two.


this is makign me miss acid. It's been 8 years since i took any, i've taken plently of mushrooms since then but they never get me where i want to be. *considering acid again*



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chimera should be in the awesome zone right about now, and for the next hour or two.


this is makign me miss acid. It's been 8 years since i took any, i've taken plently of mushrooms since then but they never get me where i want to be. *considering acid again*


i've always been kind of anti fan of mushrooms but yeah it's been almost 8 years since i took LSD as well and FUCK is it about time to do it again! Who here has a huge crystal of LSD sitting in their room for us to take a chip off of and send it in a postcard

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god what a great track



i wish My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult didn't sample that acid again sample first because it's EXTREMELY hard for me to take that MBM song on it's own merits. hat album is pretty good, i just recently got into it after kind of dropping off the MBM radar post Subliminal Sandwich

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chimera should be in the awesome zone right about now, and for the next hour or two.


this is makign me miss acid. It's been 8 years since i took any, i've taken plently of mushrooms since then but they never get me where i want to be. *considering acid again*


i've always been kind of anti fan of mushrooms but yeah it's been almost 8 years since i took LSD as well and FUCK is it about time to do it again! Who here has a huge crystal of LSD sitting in their room for us to take a chip off of and send it in a postcard


If they ever release ghostbusters III i'll take acid again. Srsly. I loved ghostbusters when i was younger.


But yeah mushrooms i like em, but they are a totally different game than acid. They never take me off of the planet. I'm always too aware that im tripping and whats going on around me. WHich i guess is why ive been able to tolerate them as ive had some pretty out of this universe experiences with acid which led to me not doing it anymore.

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chimera should be in the awesome zone right about now, and for the next hour or two.


this is makign me miss acid. It's been 8 years since i took any, i've taken plently of mushrooms since then but they never get me where i want to be. *considering acid again*


i've always been kind of anti fan of mushrooms but yeah it's been almost 8 years since i took LSD as well and FUCK is it about time to do it again! Who here has a huge crystal of LSD sitting in their room for us to take a chip off of and send it in a postcard

i have an 'unlimited supply', according to the guy who i get it from. but i'm not gonna go sending it overseas, fuck that!

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i dunno if its still around or not but shroomery.org has tons of people that live blog their drug experiences. Great way to trip vicariously.


you guys ever watch the sleepover club? best aussie show ever :)

oh dear. i couldn't even watch a minute of it on youtube! terrible!


u luv it!




no i understand. I think its great fun regressing to middle school on occasion.


edit: yeah shroomery is still there.

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