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i'm about to take lsd


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Guest telikan
get off the internet you saddo


yeah, i prefer not to think too much about it and carry out most of the experience in bed with my eyes closed.

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Maybe go on a nice drive.


Driving on acid is like playing the best driving video game and acing it the first time without ever practicing.




Although one time I ate about 10 grams of shrooms and got lost in my my own neighborhood after I convinced myself I stole a car (despite my keys working in the locks & ignition + my cds and other possesions in the car)

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Guest Rambo

it's your lucky day chimera slot mom, i've got the ultimate high giving youtube vid selection for you. Me and the boys have hit this playlist more than once on many an evening.


1. Hendrix woodstock performance of Star Spangled Banner remix - you will notice some psychadelic touches here and there swirls of light, patterns etc It's not a complete reworking - but very conducive to visuals.


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Guest Rambo

The mighty shaman that is Terrence Mckenna speaks about the origin of modern human consciousness and culture. McKenna theorized that as the North African jungles receded, near the end of the most recent ice age, giving way to savannas and grasslands, a branch of our tree-dwelling primate ancestors left the forest canopy and began to live in the open areas outside of the forest. There they experimented with new varieties of foods as they adapted, physically and mentally, to their new environment.


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i dunno if im supposed to be in la la land by now or somthing. its like a nice high. alot of electricity. im listeing to ambient. i was kinda expecting like crazy hallucinations and little dwarves turning up everywhere. but im trying to relax. i feel cognitive.. observant. atuned. it feels like things make sense.


theres so any little details in everything. so i hope this is working. theres tiny details in points and stuff. theres like.. math behind it. mathematics.


i know it sounds stupid coming out but its difficult to describe. i also dont feel like i care.

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Guest Rambo

So much lol in one performance!


Here is Richard Pryor in his prime in this 1983 live performance shot at the Saenger Theater in New Orleans.


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i dunno if im supposed to be in la la land by now or somthing. its like a nice high. alot of electricity. im listeing to ambient. i was kinda expecting like crazy hallucinations and little dwarves turning up everywhere. but im trying to relax. i feel cognitive.. observant. atuned. it feels like things make sense.


theres so any little details in everything. so i hope this is working. theres tiny details in points and stuff. theres like.. math behind it. mathematics.


i know it sounds stupid coming out but its difficult to describe. i also dont feel like i care.


no that's about right... just roll with it. turn down the lights...


PS. Lots of people say "don't stare into a mirror on LSD", but my most intense LSD visuals were from staring in a mirror. Do that in an hour or so.

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i dunno if im supposed to be in la la land by now or somthing. its like a nice high. alot of electricity. im listeing to ambient. i was kinda expecting like crazy hallucinations and little dwarves turning up everywhere. but im trying to relax. i feel cognitive.. observant. atuned. it feels like things make sense.


theres so any little details in everything. so i hope this is working. theres tiny details in points and stuff. theres like.. math behind it. mathematics.


i know it sounds stupid coming out but its difficult to describe. i also dont feel like i care.


no that's about right... just roll with it. turn down the lights...


PS. Lots of people say "don't stare into a mirror on LSD", but my most intense LSD visuals were from staring in a mirror. Do that in an hour or so.



ok. thank you. my friend fell asleep but i really want to enjoy the experience myself. and see where it goes.


i like that i dont feel dependant on anything. i feel liberated in consciousness.. aware of my own process. and its like the patterns of everything are transparent and obvious.. but interesting nonetheless.

it feels rather natural now but will probably be more interesting in retrospect, as figuring myself out has been a difficult task for a lengthy amount of time.

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i dunno if im supposed to be in la la land by now or somthing. its like a nice high. alot of electricity. im listeing to ambient. i was kinda expecting like crazy hallucinations and little dwarves turning up everywhere. but im trying to relax. i feel cognitive.. observant. atuned. it feels like things make sense.


theres so any little details in everything. so i hope this is working. theres tiny details in points and stuff. theres like.. math behind it. mathematics.


i know it sounds stupid coming out but its difficult to describe. i also dont feel like i care.


no that's about right... just roll with it. turn down the lights...


PS. Lots of people say "don't stare into a mirror on LSD", but my most intense LSD visuals were from staring in a mirror. Do that in an hour or so.



ok. thank you. my friend fell asleep but i really want to enjoy the experience myself. and see where it goes.





fell asleep on acid?

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i dunno if im supposed to be in la la land by now or somthing. its like a nice high. alot of electricity. im listeing to ambient. i was kinda expecting like crazy hallucinations and little dwarves turning up everywhere. but im trying to relax. i feel cognitive.. observant. atuned. it feels like things make sense.


theres so any little details in everything. so i hope this is working. theres tiny details in points and stuff. theres like.. math behind it. mathematics.


i know it sounds stupid coming out but its difficult to describe. i also dont feel like i care.

you won't be trippin' balls for another hour yet, probably. and that's if it's good acid too.


yes, anything with lots of details is really great on acid. have a look at some trees or flowers if you can. mindblowing stuff!


How long does the experience last on average?


~12 hours, from first signs to comedown. at least from my experience anyway.

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yah i doubt he's asleep


although if you are tripping hard enough your mind comes in and out of consciousness i "passed out" for about 30 minutes once on a heavy dose, but i'm pretty sure i wasn't "asleep" and i remember exactly what was going on in my mind. Who knows tho. It affects people in strange ways sometimes.


i'll bet he fell asleep before the acid hit, they took it maybe an hour ago.


*shivers at falling asleep sober, waking up tripping*


whew...that'd be crazy

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i'll bet he fell asleep before the acid hit, they took it maybe an hour ago.


yep, precisely. "im not feeling anything yet, whens it gonna hit".. "ehh, i feel a little bit strange, probably just placebo", and he fell asleep.


i went out to listen to the birds and it was very invigorating... the arrangement of sounds, together with the refreshing air of the woods, made it feel like stepping out into a ceremonial garden, pre-arranged for the sake of it being there.


xtal was bubbly and warm..


but Drukqs is REALLY interesting.


this pretty fucked up.. im beginning to smell the sounds im hearing.. i didnt think i would do that. but that is pretty kicking!

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