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i'm about to take lsd


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Guest Iain C
as far as the drug, quality counts. the cleaner the more in your head it is, like 12 hours of surf washing over your brain (in a very good way), if it has some impurity you might feel like you have been sucking on poison pennies (insert you national coin) and hypertension. if you can't let go, because of feeling like shit or because you have fixed ideas, you may freak out.


this is complete bullshit. perhaps you're thinking of LSA vs LSD?


no. it is some inclination to abort, physical or otherwise that will prevent one to relax and allow obliteration. depends on the person, like opinions on the subject. maybe you're right. find the worst acid anywhere you can find it man! good luck!


And how exactly do you determine the purity of your acid? Dolt.


uh, source? i dig your cynicism though.


you're the one presenting urban myth as fact

the onus is on you to prove, not on anyone else to disprove


bad acid is an urban myth?


Pretty much. The differences in your subjective experiences (note that term) are down to set and setting, bro. But I'm sure a gnarled, wise old psychonaut like yourself doesn't need me telling you that.


*tugs your dreadlocks*


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so there is absolutely no possibility of some lsd being cleaner than others


none at all?


all LSD is of identical quality and purity and any difference experienced is purely subjective???




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Guest Iain C

Obviously I'm not a chemist but this has been debated for years and years, the idea of bad or impure acid often crops up but nothing's ever been proven or substantiated...


The physiological signs which people attribute to being due to "bad acid" or to stychinine, amphetamine and the like seem to show up in the literature for clinical experimentation with LSD. So, it is likely that to some extent these effects are potentially found in association with LSD itself. Although, based on field work and other experience i am inclined to think that factors such as dietary, endocrine rythems & diurnal cycles, as well as set & setting influence the extent to which undesirable effects may exhibit with various entheogens. The Yachajruna (Quijos, Ecuador) who was my informant was very particular about diet and lunar phase when using (enetama) Banisteriopsis sp. Many traditional users of entheogens (i.e., shaman's as categorized in anthropology) insist on "purification(s)" being performed before utilization of an entheogen.


Further, there are possibly effects which might be attributed to the agent (LSD) such as by-products of synthesis and degradation products. It seems reasonable that this would increase the likelyhood of undesirable effects... yet even this is not real clear as there is so much variation between individuals and individual trips. I have observed people who had signs of discomfort yet reported no subjective discomfort and vice-versa.



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so there is absolutely no possibility of some lsd being cleaner than others


none at all?


all LSD is of identical quality and purity and any difference experienced is purely subjective???



pretty much - beacuse the dosage is so small

it will either be LSD ('good' acid) or an analogue such as LSA (what people usually call 'bad' acid)

when you are dealing in dosages of micrograms, there really isn't enough room to realistically include any adulterant in a significant amount

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so there is absolutely no possibility of some lsd being cleaner than others


none at all?


all LSD is of identical quality and purity and any difference experienced is purely subjective???


well back when the term 'bad acid' was coined by idiots (excuse my wording) who would spread disinformation about acid that made them 'freak-out' containing arsenic or sometimes strychnine ( a poison that actually feels nothing like acid and has almost no psychoactive effect whatsoever further discrediting any validity to that myth)


now adays there are technically things that COULD be used to adulterate LSD, however the likelihood that a drug dealer would find those substances cheap enough to use to adulterate LSD would be very very unlikely it makes no logical sense for a drug dealer to do this since LSD in and of itself is very cheap.

1 of these drugs is 5-meo-dipt. I personally have never seen evidence of this myself but a board member here claims that he once got tabs that were 5-meo-dipt laced. I honestly don't believe this myself because the active sublingual or oral dose of 5-meo-dipt is over 3mg. you would be able to see with the naked eye 3 mg of powder if someone tried to coat it on a tab, i guess it's theoretically possible to get away with it in a sugar cube or something

the other drug which is definitely possible to adulterate LSD tabs with is called DOB or a newer analog DOI. it's threshold dose is much higher than acid (200mcg) but still low enough to put on a piece of paper or even mix with LSD unnoticed. Here is a picture of DOB tabs


problem with even this logic is that you would know for sure if you were on DOB/DOI because it lasts 30 HOURS not the 12-13 of LSD. not only that but it is an extremely rare drug that i have personally never come across and this is coming from someone who has bought DMT from 3 separate dealers.

Kaini it's also not really possible that LSD you would buy would be LSA either

here is a quote from albert hoffman on the matter

Hofmann later reports the active oral dose of LSA at "2 to 5 milligrams".

sorry to hammer everybody with a drug nerd tirade, but i felt it had to be done :embrassed:

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so there is absolutely no possibility of some lsd being cleaner than others


none at all?


all LSD is of identical quality and purity and any difference experienced is purely subjective???


well back when the term 'bad acid' was coined by idiots (excuse my wording) who would spread disinformation about acid that made them 'freak-out' containing arsenic ( a poison that actually feels nothing like acid and has almost no psychoactive effect whatsoever further discrediting any validity to that myth)


it's not just that - it is literally impossible to fit enough arsenic to have any noticable effect on a single tab. lsd dosage measured in micrograms, arsenic in milligrams

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And how exactly do you determine the purity of your acid? Dolt.


uh, source? i dig your cynicism though.


#1 one rule of buying drugs from drug dealers

never take the drug dealers word at face value...


i just thought of something kind of fucked up, that buying LSD illegally from a dealer is probably one of the safest illegal drugs you can get on the black market. I mean shit look what some people did with weed in the UK putting ground up glass on it to make it look like it had more THC?! they could never do anything like that with acid

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Guest all_purpose_sandpaper

i'll have look into this LSA phenomenon. otherwise, i have paid no mind to the moon's cycle. really didn't want to start a riot here.

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another thing to consider is that the contents of a tab have such a small amount of active ingredient on it that for it to affect you directly is practically impossible


what it does instead is set off a chemical cascade in your brain. the contents of the cascade will obviously be somewhat dependent on your mood, where you are, your diet, what time it is, where you are in your circadian cycle, and a million other factors

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Guest Glass Plate

so what about all the crazy shulgin stuff like 2c-p or what ever? Is it harder to fine? easier to make at home? Similar? completely different? I just feel like I haven't seen much about a lot of shulgin's creations.

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i am pretty sure that the phenetylamines and tryptamines that shulgin made can't be made with common household items like meth. you would need good knowledge in organic chemistry and a proper lab to do it. i guess the RC's are easy to find if you know the right people and some are probably more common than others. they are pretty varied in effects (LSD is a tryptamine), some are more speedy, some are more auditory and others have a more of a body buzz.

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you definately did not have 4 grams of lsd.


That is about 16,000 good sized hits. Even if you paid $2 per hit thats about $8000 worth of acid, and you would definately completely lose your mind if you took even a fraction of that in one sitting.

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so what about all the crazy shulgin stuff like 2c-p or what ever? Is it harder to fine? easier to make at home? Similar? completely different? I just feel like I haven't seen much about a lot of shulgin's creations.



grab his books Phikal and Thikal , both excellent reads


and yes 2c drugs were specifically made for hippies, they actually don't have any effect on non hippies. If you aren't a hippy and you ingest it you will feel nothing.

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