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Takeshi Miike

Guest Bad Influence

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Guest Glass Plate

Miike is like the venetian snares of japanese cinema. Just like Funk he makes tons of products some are horrible, some are great but none of it is really that innovative just a lot of fun. So calling him the creator of violent or experimental cinema in japan is like saying Venetian Snares invented IDM. Simply a stupid ass comment that has no grounds to even come close to being true. It's fine to like his films (they are pretty good), but just because he has gained more popularity over seas because of the internet and good distribution doesn't mean he's the only person to make good films out of cinema. I mean in the extreme three's for example he's the worst one of the 3, he's a very hit or miss guy, he just has so many hits because he's made like 100+ films.

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Only takeshi knows what's up in this thread.



No takeshi does too.


I pity the fool who calls Miike the the "Daddy of Japanese Cinema." wtf is wrong with you motherfuckers?!


i have to agree with you there, he certainly is not!


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Only takeshi knows what's up in this thread.


Why thank you, Yegg. I did lawl when I read Miike as the daddy of Japanese cinema. If people really want to find out who the daddy of Japanese cinema is you should start by checking out everything by Naruse, Ozu, Kurosawa, Imamura, Teshigahara, Fukasaku, Suzuki, and Oshima. That'd start you out. Youse guys should listen to Philia, too. He's knows his Asian cinema.


For Miike check out Visitor Q, watched this again a few weeks ago and had forgotten how disturbing it is, and Fudoh.

For Kitano check out Sonatine, Kids Return, Violent Cop, A Scene at the Sea and Boiling Point.

For good Korean cinema check out anything by Chan-wook Park, Je-gyu Kang, Ki-duk Kim and Joon-ho Bong.


Add "Hana-Bi" and "Kikujiro no natsu" to the Kitano recommendations.


I didn't add Hana-Bi (probably my fav Kitano film) cause someone else already mentioned it. Kikujiro, it has it's moments but isn't quite successful to me. And the score really bugs me. Hisaishi's music walks the line between awesome and maudlin sometimes and that score was definitely the latter.


For Miike check out Visitor Q, watched this again a few weeks ago and had forgotten how disturbing it is, and Fudoh.

For Kitano check out Sonatine, Kids Return, Violent Cop, A Scene at the Sea and Boiling Point.

For good Korean cinema check out anything by Chan-wook Park, Je-gyu Kang, Ki-duk Kim and Joon-ho Bong.


Add "Hana-Bi" and "Kikujiro no natsu" to the Kitano recommendations.


and Zatoichi plz


I actually think I own this, mostly because I'm a Kitano completist, but didn't really love it. The Shintaro Katsu ones are so much better. Maybe the dancing and musical numbers threw me off...


Je-gyu Kang, Ki-duk Kim and Joon-ho Bong.


I will have to check these guys out, what films do you recommend?


Tae Guk Gi


Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring



Bad Guy

Address Unknown

The Isle

Memories of Murder

The Host

...and another good one that I haven't heard a lot of people talk about is




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Guest analogue wings

and Zatoichi plz


I actually think I own this, mostly because I'm a Kitano completist, but didn't really love it. The Shintaro Katsu ones are so much better. Maybe the dancing and musical numbers threw me off...



that part made the film for me!


i love when that shit happens in movies. though i guess after slumdog every half arse hollywood feelgood movie will do it :/

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Naruse, Imamura, Teshigahara, Fukasaku, Suzuki, and Oshima. That'd start you out. Youse guys should listen to Philia, too. He's knows his Asian cinema.



Tae Guk Gi


Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring



Bad Guy

Address Unknown

The Isle

Memories of Murder

The Host

...and another good one that I haven't heard a lot of people talk about is



wow, thanks alot! :D


by any chance any films to recommend by the other guys you mentioned above?


thanks alot


great thread!

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Ah I love Kikujiro cause it's different from his other stuff in many ways, yet the same in a lot of its concepts...

The score yeah, but the main theme for that is pretty sweet.


I like Zatoichi, but for me also, it's not the best adaptation. I actually liked the CGI blood though...


Nice list of Korean flicks. I would add:

Attack on a Gas Station

Save the Green PLanet

and for over the top cartoon-style fighting, Volcano High (but please not the MTV version...)

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Ah I love Kikujiro cause it's different from his other stuff in many ways, yet the same in a lot of its concepts...

The score yeah, but the main theme for that is pretty sweet.


I like Zatoichi, but for me also, it's not the best adaptation. I actually liked the CGI blood though...


Have you seen Kids Return, chenGod? I think it has some of the same humor, with the same kind of feeling of the melancholy of childhood but does it better. The score is great too.


The cgi blood in Zatoichi was one of the things I hated about it initially. Especially since it was from Kitano because for me I grew to love the way he'd splatter blood in his other earlier films. It was the equivalent of Dylan going from acoustic to electric and I felt he'd lost too much in the conversion. I remember reading an interview about Zatoichi and Kitano said he started using cgi because doing the blood practically had become too time consuming. But that's what I loved about his splatter, there was a beauty to it (even though I'm sure it took splattering blood-colored paint several times) that a computer program probably couldn't approximate.

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Yeah Kids Return was I think the first Takeshi movie I saw. I know what you mean about the melancholy of childhood...that's what I meant when I said Kikujiro was the same in its themes but it tells its story so differently.


I know that a lot of people hated the CGI blood, I thought he used it really well, and the effect of it was great too.


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i watched sex and fury (directed by suzuki) last night.


there's good blood splattering in that. and lots of scenes, cinematography which tarantino has subsequently ripped straight off.


pretty bad film overall though, i thought. predictable, plodding plot and seriously bad acting by the token white folks especially.


worth a watch for the lineage if anything else... and the hot lesbo action.

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Nice list of Korean flicks. I would add:

Attack on a Gas Station

Save the Green PLanet


Great fucking choice.


What's Attack on a Gas Station about though? (I realise I could IMDB it, but I'd rather hear you say it)

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Attack on a Gas Station is about these guys that attack a gas station.

It starts out with 2 or 3 guys (can't remember exactly) trying to rob a gas station, and shit gets fucked up and it escalates until it finally culminates in a full on battle. It's funny as hell, with a lot of interesting situations that would bever happen in a Hollywood comedy (or for that matter in a Korean mainstream movie nowadays).

There's not really a lot of social/political commentary in it, what little there is is restricted to the time the movie was made.

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Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring is good.. I like that one and I really wanna see 3-iron, it sounds cool.


Save the Green Planet was odd... it is mostly just a guy being tortured... for what it was it was pretty good but I'm not too keen on seeing a guy tortured for 2 hours. The introduction was flippin sweet tho

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yeah but it's not like serious torture...

I think I'm the only person on the planet who thinks 3-iron is overrated...it's good, but not a patch on his earlier stuff...

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