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adam lambert fucking lost american idol

Fred McGriff

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People still watch American Idol. FML.


dont act like you dont know what's up "brain"tree


this season has been the most watched ever and rightfully so, and there's only been ONE reason, and that is adam lambert.

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Guest Kibreg

who gives a flying fuck about American Idol (aka Star Search) and who wins/loses. sorry, but people getting so wrapped up in a televised talent show is retarded. if your buddy or family member is up there, fine, I get it, but otherwise... jesus christ. go watch some basketball or something.

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who gives a flying fuck about American Idol (aka Star Search) and who wins/loses. sorry, but people getting so wrapped up in a televised talent show is retarded. if your buddy or family member is up there, fine, I get it, but otherwise... jesus christ. go watch some basketball or something.



you sound more concerned about people who care about american idol than people who watch it care about the show. shut the fuck up. it's entertainment. are you still in high school? fuck off.

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Guest countchocula
who gives a flying fuck about American Idol (aka Star Search) and who wins/loses. sorry, but people getting so wrapped up in a televised talent show is retarded. if your buddy or family member is up there, fine, I get it, but otherwise... jesus christ. go watch some basketball or something.


Fight the mainstream! Saving the music business one scoff at a time.

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seriously. fuck that shit. dont fucking sit there in your fucking 10 mile wide black jeans and tell me what i can and cannot get interested in. nice use of AKA by the way fuckhead, real fucking clever. where you at kilbreq i want you to come wash my balls and apologize

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Guest Hanratty

I was all into American Idol when Sanjaya was on and I was trying to get him to win after hearing Howard Stern try to rally the masses for an upset. I even watched the season after that even though it sucked. I skipped this year. Both guys look pretty awful.

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i am the ipitomy of electronic music... and i still watch AI... So Fuckin' What! although, last night i only watched the results portion at the end since i was watching a beautiful basket ball game that some of you may know about... cavs vs. magic! d. howard broke a game clock when he slammed dunked, some dude threw up a last second 3 pointer from beyond center court, l. james scored 49 points, orlando still managed to win the game... and kris won american idol... a great night all around!


i will look any muthafucka in the eye and tell them "i watch american idol"... and you won't say shit back to me... although since this is internets, yall can hide behind your internet connection!

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i like the auditions with the deluded wierdos. the americans seem to have a superior type of deluded wierdo.


i cann't watch it after they whittle down to 'people who can sing'.

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